View Full Version : Risk from parasites

December 18th, 2008, 08:25
There was a story in the news of a lady who aquired a tape worm in her brain from eating food handled by someone who didnt wash their hands after using the rest room.They thought she had brain cancer but found the worm during surgery. This occured in the U.S. Ok,not washing hands is common in Thailand,but what does this say about rimming a guy. Maybe with one in a relationship might not be so risky but to butterfly sounds like your asking for it. Also,when swallowing a guys jism,besides the regular stds,are there any parasites that can be aquired(like a tape worm) or some such thing? Ive just learned of a parasite called tric for short which is rather common. Im not into rimming,but have been guilty of ingesting the honey of a hott boy or two,well,maybe three or four..........or twenty :cheers: . Ok lets hear it,dont be shy,you can admit its a"friend" if you must.Id like some feed back on this subject: rimming,swallowing,any problems that arose from any of it.

December 18th, 2008, 10:00
You can get the Hep A and Hep B virus and should be vaccinated. I understand a Hep C
virus vaccine is in the works.
You do have to watch out for herpes and steer clear of anyone or anything that looks
dodgy. Herpes can be internal as well.
I haven't heard of anyone who got a tape worm, so the risk is not high for that.

What is most common are the common colds, the bronchial infections and other easily passed viruses. If you new friend is coughing don't investigate his throat with your tongue. If boy looks sick, move on to someone else and wait for him to recover not matter how sexy he is.

Common sense is the best preventative and with a little luck, you will be ok most of the time.
Immune system surpressed men have different issues and need to be the most careful. :cat:

December 18th, 2008, 12:06
.....Ive just learned of a parasite called tric for short which is rather common. ...

Tric probably refers to trichinosis, which is a parasitic disease that involves the intestines and usually comes from eating raw or undercooked pork. I'm not sure that you can catch it from another human.

December 18th, 2008, 16:35
This links to a brain tapeworm resource. (http://www.scienceinafrica.co.za/2002/june/worm.htm). It seems to be mostly found in pig farmers in Souther Africa, currently. The more common tape worm is ingested through eating poorly cooked beef, I gather.