View Full Version : Topman/CockTails finished?

December 17th, 2008, 18:34
Saw the old Topman, now called Cocktails, all shut and boarded up last night.
Has it gone tits up?

December 17th, 2008, 18:55
I went there once and was impressed by the decor, the boys and the low price of drinks (B100.)
BUT the music - no surprise if that ear-splitting vile noise has driven all the punters away.

December 17th, 2008, 20:13
it was raided and shut last fri night...

Pity as it was one of the best run bars with def the best looking boys in SP in my opinion...

December 17th, 2008, 20:20
I'm sure Cocktails will re-open. Probably some minor thing with license and the raids usually just happen when the BIB need a few extra baht.

December 17th, 2008, 21:51
Hi all just back from 5 weeks in Pattaya mainly sunee plaze :cyclopsani: Cocktail gogo is only closed for 2 weeks the boss Michael from Euroboys had problems with his mamasan and some of the new boys went workin in other gogo bars so he is off to Issan for a fresh supply.
For me Euroboys is deff the best gogo around good music , sweet boys and dancing right in front of you not like cocktail where you need binoculars.

December 18th, 2008, 00:27
Oh dear!. Trouble with mamasan (?)...boys gone (?)...boss in Isaan recruiting (?)...raided and shut down...Sounds like the end of it then.
Sorry to be so pessimistic, but havent we heard of all these types of excuses before....

December 18th, 2008, 23:57
yeah but I think cocktail will be open soon the Boss seems to know what he wants and he closed it down for two weeks so that he can get it right- he wasnt closed by police as someone else commented on
Anyway Im all booked for my return in April-cant wait.

December 19th, 2008, 00:00
A little Wager Dani...?!
I'd love to be wrong....

December 19th, 2008, 13:21
There are two sides to every story.
One side is that Cocktail Boys didn't have enough boys and they are recruiting and
will reopen when they have enough.
The other side is that several of the boys tested positive for yaabaa and the bar
was closed for thirty days by the police.
Some will believe one story and some the other. The truth probably lies in between
and encompasses both sides.

I agree the music was much too loud and also the lighting sucked..
Too many bars use
the red lighting and it makes it very difficult to see the boys.
It does make them look
better and somehow obliterates bad facial skin unless one is very close.
I agree Euro Boys has a hot selection in a nice atmosphere but it is too small and the space
too tight.. Fortunately, they seem to have stopped tobacco smoking inside but I have
skipped Euro Boys several times in the past months due to tobacco smoking. If it bothers you
ask for an ashtray and if they give you one, walk on by ...

I better be careful here as I might rouse the pro smoking madmen and the screaming assholes
who ... well, enough said on that subject for the moment.. :cat:

December 19th, 2008, 16:15
Sorry but i aint a betting man but oh well if it doesn┬┤t reopen - don┬┤t really mind , dont like the place anyways lol.
Nice place for a quiet drink is The New Queens , decent prices, non pushy boys, and Theo and his BF are very nice.
If you go to Euroboys ask for a ticket for buy one get one free at New Queens.

December 19th, 2008, 20:15
I agree Euro Boys has a hot selection in a nice atmosphere but it is too small and the space
too tight.. Fortunately, they seem to have stopped tobacco smoking inside but I have
skipped Euro Boys several times in the past months due to tobacco smoking. If it bothers you
ask for an ashtray and if they give you one, walk on by ...
I better be careful here as I might rouse the pro smoking madmen and the screaming assholes
who ... well, enough said on that subject for the moment.. :cat:

Euro Boys is one of the better bars, so I would rather they enforced the smoking ban.
All those cute young lads don't deserve to die young from cancer.

December 19th, 2008, 20:46
I got to say I was in Euroboys nearly every night over 5 weeks and I never saw anyone smoking inside, sure sum of the boys were smoking outside but you would expect that.
Only back 5 days and I miss the place already, you lucky guys that live there.

December 19th, 2008, 23:37
They do seem to be obeying the 'no smoking' law inside Euro Boys but there have
been lapses, unlike go go bars like Jimmi, James, Jim aka JJJ, which has been perfect
100% in obeyance of the no tobacco smoking law from day one. JJJ is also a voyeur's delight and one can see an eyeful for the price of a drink.. Music at a reasonable sound level, great a/c and comfortable seating. I like my boys a little larger but enjoy the view and ambience at JJJ.

I haven't been back to Sundance Boys in Sunee PLaza, since 4 men lit up their cigarettes
and the staff brought them ashtrays.. I have been told many times that there is no longerany tobacco smoking but since I had words with the owner over the 'smoking', I will
not take the chance that some big spender wants to smoke and out come the ashtrays. up 2 u..

I think you will be safe at Euro Boys but if you want to make sure, ask for an ashtray when you enter and if they get you one, move on to JJJ or the other guaranteed 'no smoking tobacco'
go go boy bar in SUnee Plaza, Krazy DRagon.

It also looks like Happy Boys, near Sunee Plaza has stopped allowed cigarette smoking and
this is also a don't miss boy go go bar but once again if the tobacco issue is important to you, just ask for an ashtray and take it from there.. :cat:

December 20th, 2008, 00:03
Nah I dont smoke so it dont really matter to be honest.
But a bans a ban so they should stick to it.
Awwwwwwww i miss Sunnee P sigh
Still back April 23 for a month whooop whooop