View Full Version : Warning - Anal Warts

December 16th, 2008, 05:14
Had to come to Bangkok for some business and last night thought I would try my luck with a boy I saw at the Malaysia Hotel. A tallish (I guess 5' 10") , very nice looking boy with nut brown skin from Surin with a beautiful smile. So of course I took him up to the room.
In the shower I helped wash him and to my horror found that his anus was covered in warts.
So, we did not have sex and I gave him some money to go away and see a doctor. I hope he does.
I tell this story as a warning to others who might be taken in by the smile and who may not be the type who likes to shower together and only finds out about the warts when it's too late.
Take care out there.

December 16th, 2008, 06:06
from ' http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen ... i/215.html (http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/common/sexinfections/sti/215.html) '

How do you get HPV?
HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The most common way to get HPV is by having oral, vaginal or anal sex with someone who has HPV. The only sure way to prevent genital warts is to not have sex. If you are sexually active, having sex only with a partner who doesn't have HPV and only has sex with you will lower your risk of getting genital warts.

Just because you can't see warts on your partner doesn't mean he or she doesn't have HPV. The infection can have a long incubation period. This means that months can pass between the time a person is infected with the virus and the time a person notices genital warts. Sometimes, the warts can take years to develop. In women, the warts may be where you can't see them--inside the body, on the surface of the cervix.

Using condoms may prevent you from catching HPV from someone who has it. However, condoms can't always cover all of the affected skin.

December 16th, 2008, 13:29
J M M,

They may have been syphilis warts, as opposed to HPV warts (thanks for the link, soi_toi), which are highly contagious. So, depending on the extent and nature of your contact with them - and your educated ability to differentiate between the two types of warts - you may want to consider getting a syphillis test yourself.

The removal options for HPV warts outlined in soi_toi's link sound painful and unpleasant (freezing, laser burn-off, acid, etc.), and I can only imagine how painful it would be to remove a whole cabbage-patch of warts. Surely a long process, multiple visits, requiring a great commitment on the part of the young man, and certain to cause a significant "down time" for his "business". The young man's general hygiene "back there" must be less than optimal, considering how difficult it must be to effectively clean the area after...well, you get the idea.

A textbook example of why it's always a good idea to perform a digital probe before a lingual or penile probe! Thanks for the 'heads up"!

And it was very admirable of you to give him money to see a doctor.

December 16th, 2008, 13:42
All Gay men should ask their doctor about Gardsil.
www.gardasil.com/ (http://www.gardasil.com/)

And if you don't have enough smarts to 'get it', then give yourself an upper cut! And if your doctor doesn't get it, then give him one too.

Khor tose
December 16th, 2008, 19:27
All Gay men should ask their doctor about Gardsil.
www.gardasil.com/ (http://www.gardasil.com/)

And if you don't have enough smarts to 'get it', then give yourself an upper cut! And if your doctor doesn't get it, then give him one too.

Thanks Aunty, great advice. I just checked with my doctor and he says that men are getting the shots now and it is a very good idea, especially for gay men.

December 16th, 2008, 19:38
The gardisal shot is only of use if you have NOT already been exposed to the HPV virus. Most adult gay men would have already been exposed so a total waste to get the shot. That is why they have YOUNG girls getting the shot, hopefully pre-sexual.

Brad the Impala
December 16th, 2008, 19:59
It looks like Merck is trying to increase it's market for a product that appears to have not yet been licensed, in it's primary market in the US, for use by elder women or males. The reason is that there has not yet been sufficient research into the risk/benefit balance for these people, as opposed to the apparent considerable benefit for young girls who are assumed to have not already been exposed to these viruses.

There have also not yet been been studies on the long term benefits/risks of this vaccine.

As I am as unlikely to be peddling my arse in Sunnee as I am to be contracting cervical cancer, I think that I will pass, but thanks for the information.

December 16th, 2008, 21:40
In the shower I helped wash him and to my horror found that his anus was covered in warts. .... Take care out there.

You think that's bad - several years ago I discovered that my company for the night had a large (actually, massive) problem with hemorroids. I made the mistake of paying for his hospital treatment only to be subjected to continual phone calls asking if he could come to see me or for a handout for several months afterwards.

A real pain in the arse!!

December 17th, 2008, 02:23
As I am as unlikely to be peddling my arse in Sunnee as I am to be contracting cervical cancer, I think that I will pass, but thanks for the information.

FYI: The virus can infect the penis as well and warts can grow down the urethra. So you may be smoking a guy who's infected and you're none the wiser. You/he would never know or vise versa.

This STD is an almost impossible one to avoid and like the summary I posted reads, "The only sure way to prevent genital warts is to not have sex."

Now how realistic is that?

P.S. Maybe this could also be posted in GRA45's "Best or Worst Fuck" as well. :idea:

December 17th, 2008, 05:30
... there is another "thing" you can get on your penis (well anywhere on your body in fact), which is molluscum. Can be caused sexually and are viral. Infact, very difficult in some cases to differentiate between warts and molluscum, the reason being, molluscum look similar to warts and can only be treated by being burnt/froze off. Whereas, warts can be treated with a cream initially, if they (warts) do not disappear then other treatments as outlined in some of these threads.

Apparently molluscum is "probably" caused by close contact with towels from saunas, hot close contact with people, i.e. sweaty people with bare skin that sort of thing. The "towel" scenario is quite interesting in that even though the towels have been washed and are supposedly clean, molluscum germs thrive on hot towels, hence a sauna and the towels have probably in some cases been in the dryer.

December 17th, 2008, 07:24
Find a young doctor !

Doctor must also look inside ! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

December 17th, 2008, 15:31
.... a bottom(the reciever) is more likley to catch it ....

Catch it from who? The Top? Where did the Top get it from? Isn't this a little like which came first, the Chicken or the egg?
Or are you one of those people who believe in immaculate infection?

December 18th, 2008, 02:14
.... a bottom(the reciever) is more likley to catch it ....

Catch it from who? The Top? Where did the Top get it from? Isn't this a little like which came first, the Chicken or the egg?
Or are you one of those people who believe in immaculate infection?

im saying the bottom more likely to catch it ..not saying it impossible a top catch it just the one to spread it

....then it's the Tops that pass it along, like a bee pollinating. So they, the Tops, are infected as well.

Regardless of whether someone is a Top or a Bottom, it's a risk for both.

December 18th, 2008, 02:23
Those things are wicked, I had only one on my penis Head, it was as painful to get rid of as anythign I have ever had done with the exception of a circumcison at 30.

I still have scares from the removal.


December 18th, 2008, 07:41
Probably the majority here have or had the hpv virus. The bad news,it will cause penile ,anal,or throat cancer. the good news,your body can clear the virus,and the fact that so many have it means that the odds of being one of the statistics is rather low. And if you do get throat cancer,it is easier to treat than cancer from cigerets. Also,it doesnt affect men as much as women.Women need pap smears as hpv causes cervical cancer more frequently than cancers in men.

December 18th, 2008, 08:50
Bi annual anal pap smears are recommended for all Gay men, and annual pap smears are recommended for all HIV+ Gay men, due to the high incidence of HPV infections in both HIV+ and HIV- gay men.

www.gayhealth.com/templates/?explicit=off&record=249 (http://www.gayhealth.com/templates/?explicit=off&record=249)