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View Full Version : Visa to the UK Help & Advice

December 14th, 2008, 19:25
My first post, although I have been reading the forum for some time... There really are some great posts here, thanks..;

Anyway I'm looking for any helps tip or advice about obtaining a tourist visa for the Thai BF so he can come here and visit and more importantly stay with me so we can develop our relationship. It doesnтАЩt need much developing but we both think it would be good to spend some time here in the real world. (ie away from the macial land and Pattaya) even he sees it as a holiday)

ItтАЩs my first attempt at a visa, his too, and we're looking for all the help we can get, I read as much as I can and from what I understand there are three parts the embassy will look at. Proof of relationship, being able to support himself whilst in the UK and a reason to return to Thailand. From other forums I've read this means a good job, kids and or land none of which he has. The first two points are ok. Although our plan on his return to Thailand is to open a small business, laundry etc.

IтАЩm also looking for any "templates" of sponsorship / invitation letters as IтАЩve never put anything like this together before, and how to document all the supporting evidence.

If anyone can help please let me know. Has anyone had any experience with tourist visa to the UK for BF's many other forums share their stories about their GF's, is it dealt with in the same way. Also has anyone had any dealings with visa agencies and could recommend one?
I am hoping to put the first application in with the BF on my next visit in Mid Jan, I notice that on the application form it asks for dates of visits, ideally I and he would like him to stay here for the whole 6 months, is this a possibility.

IтАЩm sure I have another 100 questions just haven't come across them yet
Thanks in advance for any help

December 14th, 2008, 23:04
Robah, your post actually needs many more answers from you before anyone here can give you any advice (apart from go to a Visa agent whom you only pay once you get the visa, as from what little you have said this appears far from certain).

1. Do a search of this site - you will find a considerable amount of advice which it would be pointless to repeat.

2. What do you mean by "The first two points are ok" when referring to "Proof of relationship, being able to support himself whilst in the UK and a reason to return to Thailand. From other forums I've read this means a good job, kids and or land none of which he has"? Unless I am reading this wrongly you are saying that he has no decent job, no kids and no land, which I would take as a pretty clear indication that he has no means of being able to support himself independently in the UK and no reason to return to Thailand!

3. If he is going on a tourist visa there is no requirement for a proof of relationship, nor, technically, do you have one unless you have been living here, together, for a considerable amount of time (at least 6 months, preferably 1 or 2 years). Your personal guarantee/sponsorship/invitation is largely valueless for a tourist visa application unless you can show this.

4. 6 months is a possibility, as long as he can show that he can support himself, independently, without your help, for that time - a few hundred thousand baht deposited in an otherwise empty bank account the day before the application is hardly likely to be convincing!

Visas are possible, but it is simply not possible to give any more advice without knowing more details - you must have made several visits to Pattaya, his family, etc, to have a strong relationship, so you should also have some idea already of what is feasible or not.

December 15th, 2008, 02:45
The minimum proof that he can support himself acceptable at the British Embassy.

A statement from savings account (not a new one) with a good amount of money or a working current account for which you will have to supply statements dating back 6 months or even longer if they smell a rat. As GF said its no good depositing some money in his account just before the application.

He needs to have a job and they might ask for a letter from his employer. At the end of the day then need to be convinced that he will leave the UK after his vacation.

If if he can't meet the above the only sure way to get a visit visa is to live with him in Thailand for a goodly period in what the Foreign office call a relationship a kin to marrage with proof including joint bank accounts etc.

December 15th, 2008, 08:11
Thaivisa website has considerable info on UK and other visas

December 15th, 2008, 22:44
I disagree with GoneFishing about your relationship not meaning anything.

You would - he is applying for a totally different visa, about which as far as I know you have no knowledge.

You had a verifiable long-term relationship and were living here, together - a totally different situation of a type I have mentioned.

What part of "If he is going on a tourist visa there is no requirement for a proof of relationship, nor, technically, do you have one unless you have been living here, together, for a considerable amount of time (at least 6 months, preferably 1 or 2 years). Your personal guarantee/sponsorship/invitation is largely valueless for a tourist visa application unless you can show this" do you disagree with?

Some agents "you pay the agent whether he gets the visa or not", some you pay only if he gets a visa.

If you think your agent charged 28,000 baht just to make sure your paper work was "packaged up correctly" you are even more naive than I thought.

If you want to avoid any response from me in the future, then I suggest you avoid stating that you disagree with me unless you have firm grounds for doing so - here, you do not.

December 16th, 2008, 18:55

December 16th, 2008, 20:56
As per normal, the c*nt GF has come out for under his stinking rock to poor scorn on whatever I say.

My post was to help robah in some way if I could.

As was mine, Mind the Gap. Had you read what I said instead of rushing to disagree with me at any cost you would have seen that everything I posted was 100% correct and relevant to Robah (yours appears to refer to a totally different situation to his).

You would, for example, have seen that I did not say that his relationship was "not meaning anything" - what I said was "there is no requirement for a proof of relationship, nor, technically, do you have one unless you have been living here, together, for a considerable amount of time (at least 6 months, preferably 1 or 2 years). Your personal guarantee/sponsorship/invitation is largely valueless for a tourist visa application unless you can show this".

Attempting to score points by disagreeing with and belittling advice which is both relevant and correct, for no justifiable reason, and posting your own experience which is totally irrelevant to the poster, is pathetic; just what I have come to expect of you.

I posted my reasons for my personal dislike of you both as a person when we met and as a poster here before, and I can see no point in doing so again. As far as I am concerned our mutual dislike has little place here, so I suggest we simply refrain from casting disparaging remarks on or disagreeing with each others' posts now or in the future, as I have previously done.

(Last successful visa? Last year)

Brad the Impala
December 17th, 2008, 00:46
I posted my reasons for my personal dislike of you both as a person when we met and as a poster here before, and I can see no point in doing so again. )

Was this what happened when you first met the man that later became known to you as John Botting?

Some two years ago I was out in La Cage for a Quiz Night - highly unusual for me, but there I was. My then boyfriend of three years, now my partner, had gone to see a friend and was to collect me later (no drinking and driving for me). After the quiz I went to a neighbouring bar for a quiet drink where I made the mistake of sitting near an expat who proceeded to give me the benefit of his vast experience here (although I had lived here for four times as long as him). As I was getting up to go the toilet and get some peace my boyfriend, fortunately, appeared in the doorway; my new self-appointed mentor turned to me with a grin and said "Oh, God, another one out of the rice fields come to sell his arse - I hope he has washed his feet". I explained in simple terms that I was not going to cause a scene in the bar, but that he would regret what he had said. I then went to the toilet and by the time I came back (under a minute) he had made his escape. I asked a waiter and a doorman where he had gone and they said he had paid his bill and left quickly without finishing his drink or waiting for his change - apparently a first!

Brad the Impala
December 17th, 2008, 01:42

I think that you need to do a little reading of your own to understand the process. The advice that you will be given here or elsewhere will be more helpful set against the background of some knowledge. For example it is just as well that Botting used a lawyer, as he doesn't seem aware of the differences between the visas, which are basically separated into Visit and Settlement visas, with a number of sub divisions in each category.

Including in those sub divisions are Tourist, usually granted for six months, OR Proposed Civil Partnership Visas, also usually granted for six months. However if you register your Civil Partnership while in the UK on a Tourist Visa, without applying for a Certificate of Approval, you are likely to have problems when you come to subsequently extend or renew that visa.

Try these two sources for further information.

www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/howtoapply/infs/inf1generalinfo (http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/howtoapply/infs/inf1generalinfo)

www.uklgig.org.uk/index.htm (http://www.uklgig.org.uk/index.htm)

December 17th, 2008, 18:41

December 17th, 2008, 18:45

December 17th, 2008, 21:01
I love it, everyone else seems to know what John did or didn't do.

It's a good job you didn't go to some of the posters in here for help John or you and your partner would still be sitting in Pattaya!

Take care :)

December 18th, 2008, 16:14
OK, enough of the pleasantries, let's get the visa issue resolved once and for all.

It is quite possible for virtually any Thai to get a UK Tourist visa as long as they either (a) have the correct verifiable documentation required or (b) are willing to pay a visa agent and (c) they do not have a warrant issued for their arrest..

Some visa agencies will charge "up front", with no guarantee of a visa and others will charge a slightly higher fee, payable only when a visa is approved. The amount varies from around 7,500 baht up to 50,000 baht plus, depending on the amount of documentation the applicant is able to provide. Someone with all the right paperwork but either wanting the visa quickly or too lazy/busy to apply in person would pay the minimum amount, while someone who has had an applicaton rejected / no job / no land / no money in the bank / no ties would pay considerably more.

Three examples:

(a) My own. My Thai partner is registered as my Civil Partner, has lived with me for nearly 6 years, owns land near Pattaya in his own name as well as land in his home village, is the joint director of my company which owns additional property and has joint accounts with me in Thailand and the UK. He had previously made 5 visits overseas with me (to 3 Asean countries). I am retired, but held a reasonable, recognised position. His applications for a multiple entry tourist visa were approved, with no additional payment, within 2 days.

(b) A friend's. His Thai partner had lived with him for two years before his first visa application, with their property in his name and additional property in his home town. He had previously lived in Denmark, married to and divorced from a Dane; subsequently he had been blacklisted for working illegally in Germany. My friend had "ample" funds both in Thailand, the UK and the US. The first visa application took two weeks (from the Embassy) and was granted with no additional payment; subsequent visa applications were approved within two to three days, with multiple entry visas valid for two years.

(c) Mind the Gap's. He had lived with his Lao partner, who had no job / land / money, in Pattaya for over a year before applying for a visa in order to register a Civil Partnership. At the time JB had no property or residence in the UK and the application, including place of residence, financial support, etc, was sponsored not by JB but by his parents, which had less meaning as they had never met his b/f. The visa application, through an agent, cost an additional 28,000 baht.


you are quite correct on all counts - the details Mind the Gap is giving here on the type of visa he applied for, who sponsored the application, etc, are totally different from those he posted in May.

You are also correct in your recollection of the incident I referred to, details of which I posted here (now removed) which Mind the Gap claims to have missed (despite, at one time, his posting on the preceding and the following topics). I know exactly who I met, I have not been "pissed" for nearly 30 years, and there was no mistake; all those who PM'd me on reading this said that it was typical of a certain type of expat living here, while a number said that it was typical of the individual concerned and that they had either heard him make similar unpleasant comments themselves or he had made similar comments to them directly.

Regrettably Botting is an consummate liar who is as unable to tell the truth as he is to avoid contradicting himself (which anyone who has the time to waste can check, on this board), whether it is about something minor, from posting that the Rotary Club he was a member of was bilingual or not, to the "one farang owner" cars he had for sale, to his time as a "central London policeman", and now his visa application, who sponsored it, and his meeting with me. In the latter case I will give him some leeway, as judging by the number of those he similarly offended it would be difficult to isolate the particular incident.

I love it, everyone else seems to know what John did or didn't do.

No, Sanook, nobody knows what "John did or didn't do" - only what he did or didn't post previously!

I can only repeat the comment I made above ("I posted my reasons for my personal dislike of you both as a person when we met and as a poster here before, and I can see no point in doing so again. As far as I am concerned our mutual dislike has little place here, so I suggest we simply refrain from casting disparaging remarks on or disagreeing with each others' posts now or in the future, as I have previously done") and suggest that it is in the best interests of the board for this topic to be closed.

December 18th, 2008, 16:57
" and suggest that it is in the best interests of the board for this topic to be closed."

Is that because as usual you are right and love to have the last say!..........................

December 27th, 2008, 19:36

I started this thread off a while ago, and since then I have been away and in hospital for an operation and haven't had the time to reply. Thanks for all your help, suggestions and views, Im sorry if it caused any bad feelings. There was a poster "John" i think who said I could contact him for information, It looks like he has deleted his account and his posts are missing, does anyone know how Ican get hold of him, email?


December 28th, 2008, 02:21
Robah, your post actually needs many more answers from you before anyone here can give you any advice

December 28th, 2008, 03:56
Yes, thanks for the reminder ... however rather than pour it all out in a public forum, I'd rather communicate with someone who has gone through the procedure, and as i remember John has his bf in the UK now until the 7th so he has successfully negotiated the system, and it would be good to talk to or email him direct. It doesn't matter, I assume you do not have his contact details?

December 28th, 2008, 15:17

On second thoughts, you could try a PM to On The Way Up, who has just joined and may be John Botting's replacement now that he has deleted all his posts!

December 28th, 2008, 20:38
Thanks , nice try. But the way up is not john. Anyone have his contact details

March 13th, 2009, 07:15
Hi, just thought I'd update this thread.

Firstly thanks to everyone who helped for their help, greatly appreciated!

The BF was granted a 6 month UK tourist visa and will be arriving next month. Apart from gathering all the supporting documentation my end, the whole process was straight forward and in my opinion relatively easy.

Now how to entertain him in the UK is my next problem, not as easy as entertaining me in LOS!!

On another note, I now need to purchase return tickets from BKK to UK, IтАЩve looked at the airlines and the best I can get is about 50,000Bt anyone have any contact details for travel agents in Thailand they would recommend. Might be able to get it a bit cheaper!! (Looking for direct flights)


March 13th, 2009, 07:34
Try booking direct on the Eva Air website


You can get an open return, valid for 6 months, for 41,500 baht.

I'm pleased it all worked out for you. I hope BS, and you, will have a great time.

March 15th, 2009, 16:03
In the event that you manage to get your boyfriend his Visa and he does stay with you in the UK. Take my advice keep him away from the Casino's. There are many Thai's living in the UK and each major city and even the smaller towns have a huge Thai community. It will not take him long to integrate, and before you know it he will be a roulette champion.
A cynical comment I know but believe me , both myself and many many of my friends both straight and gay have been here worn the T shirt and got the Video. We are all a lot more depleted in the wallet department as a result.

March 22nd, 2009, 19:35
ceejay, yep you're right, 6 month open return 41000 + tax's, brilliant!!

Nope ... life isn't that easy is it .. oh no

I am in the UK and can not book using my credit card as the name on it is different from the passengers. Also he will need to show the credit card on check in, so booking online direct with eva is now not an option.

Trying to book with an agency in Thailand as per eva air's recommendation, easier said than done.

Tired to get hold of All Seasons Travel in Pattaya as they were recommended to me, but can't get through on the phones and three others I have emailed and they have not replied yet.

Anyone have any dealings and would like to suggest a couple of agencies out there in the LOS.



March 22nd, 2009, 19:49
Hi Rob
I've never had to buy an air ticket in Thailand, but I have used these people to buy rail tickets in advance of my holiday, and they were reliable for that:


March 23rd, 2009, 01:01
Try DJ Travel in Bangkok ( www.dj-travel.com/ (http://www.dj-travel.com/) ). They prefer payment by bank/ATM transfer and can be contacted by e-mail or telephone. I have found them very good (infinitely better than any agent in Pattaya), but EVA seems to have different deals with different agents.