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View Full Version : Chiang Mai district declared cold-spell disaster zone

December 6th, 2008, 12:43
24 Chiang Mai district declared cold-spell disaster zone

Chiang Mai - The Chiang Mai provincial administration has declared its 24 district cold-spell disaster zone, a senior government official said.

Prajon Pratsakul, chief of Chiang Mai Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Office, said the disaster zone was declared on Dec 1 after the districts were under 15 Celsius degree for three consecutive days.

http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakin ... d=30090333 (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/read.php?newsid=30090333)

December 6th, 2008, 16:55
i just thought some of our friends in the cooler climates would be able to relate to having to cope with 15C for 3 days in a row, and whether they would consider it so much of a disaster?

December 6th, 2008, 18:06

December 6th, 2008, 19:57
If your housing and clothing is designed to dissipate heat you are going to feel a lot colder, even in temperatures as warm as 15c. Further, you may not have put on as much fat as those with ancestors from colder countries and are going to feel a cold snap pretty quick.

December 6th, 2008, 20:21
True, it is not the temperature but rather the living accomodation and clothing that is not suited for temperatures of that degree. Like most Northern/Western countries during the winter months it is the old, very young and the poor who suffer the most.

Brad the Impala
December 6th, 2008, 20:46
They are forcasting -5C in London tomorrow! Cold? The Thais no nothing haha

And it appears that the English Education system leaves something to be desired, or is it a problem with the abilities of the students?

December 7th, 2008, 08:44
Thai feel the cool rather more than us porkier types. I am a whopping 58kg's from NZ.

Even though I am considered skinny my blood is that of a cooler climate type and therefore any time of year in mid to south Thailand is HOT for me.

My guy who lives in BKK says the old have their winter clothes out (jumpers, jackets and woolly hats) as it has been cool some nights. This is 22┬║C but to Thai this is very cool indeed but same same every year.

I will still be packing all my lightest clothing at the end of the month for the "Winter" in central/southern Thailand :-)
