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March 25th, 2006, 04:56
It's nice that who ever took those pics.. was able to keep the Oxygen Tanks and Defibrillators out of the pictures.. LOL

March 25th, 2006, 09:24
I have to admit that everyone in the photos seem to wish they were someplace else. I would rather sit at home and watch a re-run of Saturday morning cartoons then suffer through such an event.

I hope it was more fun then it looked.

March 25th, 2006, 15:52

March 25th, 2006, 18:03
Can somebody explain to me what "well heeled" means???

If the poster of this thread used this term to convey the meaning that those attending the VIP dinner were all wealthy people...then I'm even more confused. There wasn't a single picture that showed any food on the plates...let alone any bottles of Don Perignon floating around. And those designer Don Ho shirts have to go.

I'm with you Bucknaway...scoot over on the sofa...those Saturday morning cartoons are sounding pretty good.

March 25th, 2006, 19:38
[quote="bucknaway"]I have to admit that everyone in the photos seem to wish they were someplace else. I would rather sit at home and watch a re-run of Saturday morning cartoons then suffer through such an event. quote]

Perhaps they should rename Pattaya 'God's Waiting Room'

How sad to see so many desperate looking elderly men gathered together and looking so miserable into the bargain.

The look of abject boredom of the faces of some of the Thai boys speaks volumes.

March 26th, 2006, 00:37
"God's waiting Room" I like that! or as a friend of mine said to me on his first trip to Pattaya: "The Land of The Living Dead!" LOL

March 26th, 2006, 01:05
"God's waiting Room" I like that! or as a friend of mine said to me on his first trip to Pattaya: "The Land of The Living Dead!" LOL

By the look of some of the partygoers decomposition is in an advanced stage.

It baffles me how some of the people in those pictures can possibly imagine that without their wallets they are somehow attractive to the youth of the Kingdom.

March 26th, 2006, 02:57
... so spank me

March 26th, 2006, 03:14
Well, well, Mr Botting. Such a fascinating collection of gentlemen to choose from... which is John and which is LMTU. I'm surprised that there is no mention yet of the couple in fancy dress. Is that John & LMTU? but which is John? I did think that it might be American Teacher and Niddy in fancy dress.
It's kind of reassuring to know that there's a place for gay men to retire to, where it doesn't matter if you've 'let yourself go'. Seems like a far better option than an OAP residential house here in the UK.
BTW Smiles, if only you were able to enjoy British TV. Your humour (above) fits in perfectly with 'Harry Hill's TV Burp". Thanks Smiles!

March 26th, 2006, 03:35
Good observation Smiles. Evidently the longer one resides in Pattaya the less one feels concerned with convention. But if I'm honest, I concur with that illustrious Gentleman's thought Process. When "dining" mid air I always tuck the (paper) napkin into the front of my shirt. I've had too many mishaps when an otherwise stodgy piece of food has failed to adhere to the (plastic) fork on its way to my mouth from the tray in front of me... especially when accompanied by unexpected turbulence. I'd rather throw convention to the wind and keep my clean shirt in tact, than suffer the embarrassment of declaring to all en route from baggage hall to hotel reception, that I'm a messy eater.

It's OK for the slim guys who are able to get their slight frame close up to the edge of the table, but for those of stouter build, our food has further to travel from plate to mouth.

Have you ever wondered why Thai people use a spoon rather than the fork to feed their mouth? It's to help ensure the food reaches the mouth without accident ~ no need for napkins!

March 26th, 2006, 07:34
... spank me

March 26th, 2006, 07:49
Were there any port wine stains evident at the event, I wonder? Other than the ones spilled down the Colonel's dress whites, I mean.

Mi Cow Chai-old
March 27th, 2006, 00:35
How interesting that ageism should show up on this board. With any luck you too will survive long enough to show up at such an event.

March 27th, 2006, 09:10
Are you *really* surprised to find ageism on a gay forum? Even from those who are themselves....how to put this gently...so far past their expiration date that a new refrigerator might be in order?

I have always known old queens who will disparage others for being old and Queenie - I think it goes to a type of self-loathing. Plus there is also a great deal of hypocrisy - and I include myself in this. It makes me furious to see some other middle-aged troll slavering attentions on younger guys. "Obvious and pathetic" thinks I, smug in my knowledge that *I* would never be so obvious if the other bastard hadn't gotten there first! Pathetic, yes - but obvious? NEVER!

For the younger set who take these pot shots, it is a reaction to looking through the glass darkly - their greatest fear is the day the turn the corner from the hunted to the hunter, and they will be the ones budgeting their pension cheques for the occasional bout of rented love.

And then there is always the old favorite, jealousy. I am jealous as hell that I have to work and save my pennies for a week or two a year of what these guys get to enjoy every day.

And, lets face it - some of those pics were pretty comical - especially after LMTU's posts describing the star-studded evening like he was Joan Rivers on crack.

March 27th, 2006, 11:59
" ... And, lets face it - some of those pics were pretty comical - especially after LMTU's posts describing the star-studded evening like he was Joan Rivers on crack ... "
Look . . . this is a kind of a case of "... there but for the grace of god go I ... ".

It's neither 'ageism' (whatever PCism that is) nor is it 'self-loathing' ~ both concepts being too too serious (and way over done ... New Ageism-wise). No matter how well-heeled, no matter the age, I would think even a smidgen of decent taste might enter the picture and say to one (be they gay or straight), " ... don't wear this (or that) dear, you look like a 2-bit old whore who hasn't left the Ritchie Cunningham era ... ".

Young, lithe, exquisitely toned Thai Guys (as can the young & lithe & exquisitely toned all over the world) are able to wear the crazy coloured prints, tight chemo fabrics, collars-which-should-be-banned. Out of shape, whatever-age, pasty white guys should never think of going outdoors in such get ups.
Want to make a bloody fool of yourself on the dance floor ... no problem. But at least dress as it is you, not John Travolta.

In one (or two) of the photos from Boxer's collection at Bruno's there were a couple of older dudes (who looked like they were actually enjoying themselves), but who were wearing a simple, single-colour shirt which made them appear to stand out from the rest mainly in the sense of knowing who they were. I don't mean "knowing their place" as older men, but knowing ~ and feeling comfortable with ~ their persona . . . their sense of comfort with themselves & their surroundings.
For myself, I make no apologies whatsoever for commenting on the quite obvious tackiness of the clothing (and accompanying weldtenschuang) displayed at the event. The well-heeled of Pattaya need to invest in a sense of reasonably restrained taste (IMPO), if they are going to insist upon being thought of as "well-heeled" rather than habitues of some second-rate, off-the-strip Vegas gambling joint.

Commenting on this is not an "ism" ... it's an outpouring of personal prayer to never let oneself (no matter what age) give way to "tack", or some exaggerated concept or stereotype of what "gay guys" should look like in public (or anywhere).

Have at 'er boys ...

Cheers ...

March 28th, 2006, 02:05
Smiles is quite right. Just because you are 50+ is no excuse to let your body to go to pot... wear clothes (or hair pieces) meant for someone half your age. To suggest we are jealous of some old gent slobbering all over some young thai guy that wants to be ANYWHERE but with the old farang (and wouldn't be the minute money is not involved) is laughable...

March 28th, 2006, 03:40
I can remember being young (12ish) when I first started to realize that I was gay. At first my emotions were consumed with FEAR...I'm different from all the other boys...what if I'm discovered...what will become of my life, until the thought entered my mind,..."well, I'll never have to worry about being out of fashion".