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View Full Version : Visitors complaining about lack of visitors...

November 27th, 2008, 23:55
Why is Thailand the magical land where visitors are pained when other visitors do not come to Thailand? I have been to many places and at no time has anyone on vacation wished there were more vacationers to crowd the streets, bars and hotels...

I know that many claim that they are concerned about the bars and those employed by them. Nothing selfish about that! I everywhere I go I always am worried for bars, touts, cheats, scammers, sneak-theifs, and highway-robbers. Yeah, I know that every vacation spot has them but in Thailand they come at you one after the other as if lined-up in wait and don't expect the Government to help. Ever try to get into a park or zoo without getting ripped off? If your lucky you only pay double in price! Don't expect yourself to be that lucky.....

Many are worried that the entertainment workers will not have money to send back home to their needy families. I wonder how the family was able to survive before the "Entertainment" worker sent money home? I find that Thai people are ingenious when it comes to living a life with minimal needs and minimal money.

We visitors force our money on the Thai with outrageous tips in every aspect of Thai/Farang interaction... We visitors teach the Thai that they do not have to work... Just be attractive and "faithful" to our four week love affair and you can live will with free money! Now if you were 19yo and living in a gay mecca, how faithful are you going to be? And lets not forget that your lover only visits for 4 weeks a year????? Oh yeah! I am going to be faithful! LOLOLOLOL Hell! I hope I remember what you look like!

Anyway you have to love the Visitors to Thailand.
.... Holiday? Are bars open? If closed, bad for tourism
.... Earthquake? Are the bars open? If closed, bad for tourism
.... Coup? Are the bars open? If closed, bad for tourism
.... Coup? This is has gotta be bad for tourism
.... Airport closed due to uprising? Don't they know this is bad for tourism?
.... Higher beer prices? Don't they know this is bad for tourism?
.... Farang pricing? No problem for tourism
.... Killings of tourist? No problem for tourism
.... A country, a land, a people about to be pushed into a long brewing civil war? How is that going to effect tourism?

Are the tourist more concerned about tourism in Thailand than the Thai People? BUT maybe I am looking at things differently. Many seem to think these people know not what they do. I on the other hand think that they are well aware of what they are doing and how it will "effect tourist/tourism."

All that being said..... I can't wait to return to Thailand!

November 28th, 2008, 00:13
Buck ... when are you going back to Thailand?

Seems to me like you grew up a lot during your last vacation.

I am sure all the usual culprits will be lined up at the airport to greet you, that is unless we have to crawl across the border due to airport being closed.
It better be open by December 22 or my guy will have his own revolution.

Cheers and good to see you are alive and well,

November 28th, 2008, 00:35
Your right... My last visit was unlike any-other I had in Thailand. I learned a lot from many Thai who were not shy to talk politics and they were not shy when it came to talk about the Crown either. Thailand is on a slow simmer..... Things that are happening now have everything to do with a certain "Tragic" event that we all know is coming.

I also learned that in Thailand your safety is YOUR responsibility alone! And in times like this, you can only hope to stay away from danger and dangerous people.... And if you have been to Thailand often enough you will know that smiling faces tell lies. Thailand is the only place I have visited where my guard is up almost 100%!

One thing I find frustrating is that if you catch a westerner in a bald face lie, they are devastated. If you catch a Thai in a bald face lie there is no devastation, only a smile.

As far as when I will come back.... Maybe in 09, but after reviewing other vacation spots, I may skip over Thailand and visit other spots in the world. Hell..... I have only visited a handful of states here in the USA!

November 28th, 2008, 17:07
No rose colored glasses on this poster (Buck) he sees Thailand for what it really is. Besides, rose colored glasses would make him look to prissy.

November 28th, 2008, 17:48
The only complaining I have been doing about the lack of visitors visiting, is in the case of a certain Khun Bucknaway, as it has been far too long since I was able to enjoy the pleasure of his company. Great to see you back posting Bucko Boy, something I wasn't too sure we were ever going to see here again. A Big Big Welcome Back.

By the way, you are the first spirit I have ever known that gets in touch with the living by means of a board, as opposed to the other way around. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/wink_smile.gif

Check your email box my friend,
