View Full Version : The Sarah Palin Show: rethinking 'Good Judgement'

November 22nd, 2008, 09:53
Sarah being interviewed on TV ... while a guy executes turkey after turkey in the background.
Yep, that red smudge is a catch sink of warm turkey blood.


Cheers ...

November 22nd, 2008, 16:06
Sarah being interviewed on TV ... while a guy executes turkey after turkey in the background.
Yep, that red smudge is a catch sink of warm turkey blood.

Cheers ...

I think it shows the humanity of the fowl preparation industry that they gave her a coffee before preparing her for Christmas. The other turkeys only got the usual pellet feed.

It's heart-warming that she feels that killing things is fun, too. I wonder if she'll feel the same if her brat comes back from Eye Rack in a box.

November 24th, 2008, 20:00
Sarah being interviewed on TV ... while a guy executes turkey after turkey in the background.
Yep, that red smudge is a catch sink of warm turkey blood.

Cheers ...

I think it shows the humanity of the fowl preparation industry that they gave her a coffee before preparing her for Christmas. The other turkeys only got the usual pellet feed.

It's heart-warming that she feels that killing things is fun, too. I wonder if she'll feel the same if her brat comes back from Eye Rack in a box.

That statement was as cold blooded as anythign I have heard of late, whether her son is guilty of anythign more than serving his country is yet to be seen. To mention him coming home in in a coffin in the same sentence as killing a Thanksgiving a turkey is heartless.


November 24th, 2008, 20:30
Ditto, Wes, no place for that. Her positions and lack of experience and judgment are fair game and her family is not. Her son is doing his duty and, regardless of my staunch opposition to the Iraq war, I thank him for his service and wish him godspeed.

November 24th, 2008, 22:01
Ditto, Wes, no place for that. ... Her son is doing his duty and, regardless of my staunch opposition to the Iraq war, I thank him for his service and wish him godspeed.

Bob, Wes,

I agree the comment is unpleasantly put, but nevertheless it is a valid one as it could make her feel very different. Bob, I can understand that her son may be doing his duty, as he sees it, and how you can respect him for that, but I cannot understand how you can oppose the Iraq war yet at the same time thank him for actively supporting it - the two sentiments would seem to be in direct opposition.

November 24th, 2008, 23:01
She put him and his voluntary activity in the political arena, not I.

November 25th, 2008, 05:01
There is no inconsistency in opposing the war and supporting the troops. The damn Republicans tried to paint the Democrats with that type of logic over the last many years and Obama was smart enough to generally avoid it. And you're not going to get me to accept that type of Republican right-wing claptrap either.

The kid is 19 years old and he joined the armed forces last year (when he was 18) as I assume that he felt that was the right and patriotic thing for him to to do. He's now being deployed to Iraq by the army (lowly privates don't get to pick their assignments).

The fact that he voluntarily joined the army and is obeying an order deploying him to Iraq is not a basis to say he's supporting this war. He'd just doing his duty. Whether he has an opinion as to whether the US armed forces ought to be in Iraq is unknown to me (and, I might add, to you).

P.S. The kid is no public figure and he's not injected himself into any public discourse. Whether or not his mother mentioned his service is no reason in my view to slam him or to play political games with his personal life.

November 25th, 2008, 12:26
Bob, I can understand that her son may be doing his duty, as he sees it, and how you can respect him for that, but I cannot understand how you can oppose the Iraq war yet at the same time thank him for actively supporting it - the two sentiments would seem to be in direct opposition.

Bob is merely, I assume, following the old adage my country, right or wrong. Bob feels his country is wrong - but, because it nevertheless is his country he will support it and its troops.

November 25th, 2008, 13:28
I realize that the war is unpopular, Also that the republican party is unpopular, I think the American people spoke with clarity about how they feel about the war, to continue on blasting the war until Obama has an opportunity to do something about is stiu[id and a waste of time continuing bashing Paulin and Bush in the interim is just as stupid. The people spoke and they agree. Bush, Paulin and McCain are now just a page in history.

I personally see no correlation between his motherтАЩs views and her attempt to help her party win and her sonтАЩs personal service to the country as being one in the same. It would be like saying someone should shoot her son to show her how it feels to loose someone. In my opinion itтАЩs not only heartless but uncaring and making suppositions about the boys own political agenda which may be none at all like his moms'

Should a man pay for the sins of the mother, if so then go back and take up all the old testament law and become a fundamentalist right wing idiot like his mom. If you want to blast her then you have every right to speak how you feel. However, to wish harm on him just to make her see how it feels to loose a son in battle is ludicrous and at the least inhuman for you to feel that itтАЩs okay for anyone to suffer death to prove your point and as well makes you no better than her.

All the best!


November 25th, 2008, 15:48
Several posters here are suffering from the delusion that I have made a comment about Palin's son. My original comment was about her, not him. It is my view that it behoves us all to knock Palin solidly whilst some still see her as a credible candidate for the most powerful post on the planet.

I'm embarrassing you Gra45, am I? There's always an upside.

Wesley, your horror is simply wet.

November 25th, 2008, 16:51
But not nearly as stupid as you think, if you think I believe for one moment your statement was not just as I read it. I don't see, baring some true srew up by the democrates and congress as well as Obama, that you will see any time soon any repuclican in control of either the congress or the executive branch. If you just want to make fun of her I think its fair game. However, her famlily and especially radical remarks like that one are uncalled for in any situation. If your hatred goes so deep for all this mess then you are no better than she is and need to just find another topic to discuss if you can't do so with clarity and decorum.


November 25th, 2008, 22:45
Bob is merely, I assume, following the old adage my country, right or wrong. Bob feels his country is wrong - but, because it nevertheless is his country he will support it and its troops.

Huh? Your logic even escapes me. Let me try to simplify this for you - it that can possibly help. The soldiers of any country (at least here in the US) follow the orders of the commander in chief. I don't blame the troops for the Iraq war as they didn't decide to do that, Bushie and his cronies did. The soldiers don't have the right to disobey lawful orders even if those lawful orders are stupid in the first place. I certainly don't blame them for what Bush and cronies decided to order them to do. Get it?

November 25th, 2008, 22:55
Several posters here are suffering from the delusion that I have made a comment about Palin's son.

Double huh? "I wonder if she'll feel the same if her brat comes back from Eye Rack in a box."

You did write that, didn't you?

Again, I'm fully in agreement with you regarding the qualities (lack thereof) and idiotic positiions of Sarah Palin. But please leave her kids out of it. We can agree to disagree as adults on this forum without any of that. Think about it. Presuming I had a disagreement with a given politician or even another poster on this board, I would hope that would give me no license to say that the person's kid was a brat or to speculate how that person would feel if his/her kid died.

November 25th, 2008, 23:04
The poor woman must be so busy organizing her daughter's big wedding to Levi.

November 25th, 2008, 23:46

Are you seriously saying that even though he "voluntarily joined the army" he may not be supporting the war? I am afraid that "Your logic even escapes me.

How can you oppose the war but see it as "his duty" to go to Iraq? This is the inconsistency which also escapes me.

"Let me try to simplify this for you - if that can possibly help" by quoting no less than his mother, speaking at her son's deployment ceremony: "Each one of these soldiers is here by choice".

November 26th, 2008, 01:57
My main point, Gone Mad, is that there's no place for using the 19-year-old as a pawn or foil in the legitmate game of attacking the political positions of his mother.

And, I might add, I have two long-time friends who are both career servicemen with one of them having been deployed to Iraq for two tours. Both oppose the Iraq war and have no hesitation in saying so over the last few years (although my guess is they don't throw that in the face of their commanding officers). I suppose you could say in a generalized sense that both are supporting the war effort in the same sense that I do by paying taxes to our government. Come to think of it, if you're paying taxes to the US, the UK, or a few other countries, I suppose you support the war too.....

November 26th, 2008, 02:40
What's the relevance?

Not gay.
Not the president.
Not even the vice president.

Just a boring FWC. Even if I was straight, this bird would not appeal.


November 26th, 2008, 14:21
My main point, Gone Mad, is that there's no place for using the 19-year-old as a pawn or foil in the legitmate game of attacking the political positions of his mother.

Why not, Bub? His mother has no hesitation in using him for such purposes.

I have two long-time friends who are both career servicemen ...

Assuming that they had enlisted before the invasion of Iraq theirs is a totally different case - they did not enlist knowing they would part of an occupying army in a country which had posed no threat to them. Your supposition that any taxpayer in the US, UK, etc, supports the war puts your post on this subject into perspective, making it impossible to "agree to disagree as adults".

(and Z909, I believe that this comes under the heading of "Serious, in-the-news, funny, politics, religion, outrageous, whatEVER??" - which does not exclude subjects that are "Not gay.Not the president.Not even the vice president.")

November 26th, 2008, 17:05
My main point, Gone Mad, is that there's no place for using the 19-year-old as a pawn or foil in the legitmate game of attacking the political positions of his mother.

Why not, Bub? His mother has no hesitation in using him for such purposes.

I have two long-time friends who are both career servicemen ...

Assuming that they had enlisted before the invasion of Iraq theirs is a totally different case - they did not enlist knowing they would part of an occupying army in a country which had posed no threat to them. Your supposition that any taxpayer in the US, UK, etc, supports the war puts your post on this subject into perspective, making it impossible to "agree to disagree as adults"


I just happen to think the statement was out of line, bum fuck his mother if you like, he is in service to his country and anyone with a heart would never wish him to die for such a thing as making her feels sorry she was selected as VP running mate to McCain. I think its enough said in repect to this and is way off topic of turkyey's unless you happen to be one.


(and Z909, I believe that this comes under the heading of "Serious, in-the-news, funny, politics, religion, outrageous, whatEVER??" - which does not exclude subjects that are "Not gay.Not the president.Not even the vice president.")

November 27th, 2008, 00:16
... anyone with a heart would never wish him to die for such a thing as making her feels sorry she was selected as VP running mate to McCain.

I never did, Wes!

November 27th, 2008, 02:51
GF is quite correct, Wes, neither he nor anyone else made any statement that they wished the kid would die. One might correctly or incorrectly read that into 555's statements but he didn't say it directly.

I won't repeat my issue with 555's comments as it's been covered above. I still disagree with GF's comments although I do acknowledge that using the phrase "supporting the war" is a rather generic statement that could mean anything to anybody. I just felt the kid should be left out of the attack and comments against the idiot (my view) mother. And I see no inconsistency in wishing the best for the troops (including that they have the best possible equipment, best post-service GI benefits, and especially the best medical/psychological treatment if needed) and being totally against the war.
I don't blame the troops (generally anyway - and, yes, there's always a few bad apples out there) in any manner for the war, I blame Bushie and his cronies, those who voted to support it, and, perhaps, some people in the industrial-military area who encouraged the war simply to make money off of it.

November 27th, 2008, 05:28
... anyone with a heart would never wish him to die for such a thing as making her feels sorry she was selected as VP running mate to McCain.

I never did, Wes!

Neither did I. Your imputation of motives into a hypothetical question is misguided.

November 27th, 2008, 09:20
On the campaign trail Governor Palin went to a college campus and sat in the front row of a medical lecture about muscle activity. The professor turned to her and said "Governor, do you know what your ass hole is doing while you're having an orgasm?". The Governor replied "I think he's out huntin' moose with his buddies."

November 27th, 2008, 10:08
... anyone with a heart would never wish him to die for such a thing as making her feels sorry she was selected as VP running mate to McCain.

I never did, Wes!

Neither did I. Your imputation of motives into a hypothetical question is misguided.

If not said it was certainly implied, although I give you the benifit of the doubt since obiously I cannot read your mind or directly understand your motioves for such a statement, I feel that as Bob feels her kid should be left out of it. I can not see how a satement sayign that she would feel differently if her son were to die could be interpreted in any other way and to try to ditch that stement now is less than honest.


November 27th, 2008, 14:41
I cannot read your mind

You can't read English, never mind anything else. Shakespeare might possibly fall out if you keep pounding the keyboards, but I'm betting on the monkeys. They are not on my ignore list.

November 27th, 2008, 16:26

I think that at least as far as the troops are concerned we are both singing off the same hymn sheet, even if we are not in sync. What we are disagreeing on is mainly semantics, namely the difference between respecting the troops, which includes giving them the support they both require and deserve, and thanking them for what they are doing. To me they are essentially different concepts, but maybe it boils down to two countries divided by a common language.

I believe in the strongest possible way that the troops deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan, or anywhere else, deserve our respect and our support in every way, just as you described. To do any less is unforgivable, but regrettably that is exactly what has happened in both the US and the UK. A number of very senior British retired officers, including many ex-Chiefs of the Defence Staff, signed an open letter to the British government condemning the lack of resources, equipment and technical support given to British troops on active deployment - so much so that they considered that the unwritten "bond of trust" that existed between the military and the country had been broken.

To have deployed troops, for example, on patrol in urban areas in soft-skinned vehicles such as LandRovers and Humvees which the troops had to "armour" themselves with scrap metal was inexcusable and indefensible, yet this went on for years, not months; similarly, some troops were less well equipped than their accompanying news crews. Unpardonable.

On the other hand I think that "thanking" the troops for doing their job is mis-placed, at best, and this is where I see the inconsistency. While Afghanistan was both justifiable and "winnable" (had the overwhelming majority of the resources not been diverted to Iraq), Iraq clearly cannot be won by the military and to thank them for "keeping our country safe", as many do, is nothing more than delusional when their deployment and presence has undeniably made it less safe. Theirs is a thankless job, no more and no less.

And, Wes,

I hope your most recent remarks were not directed at me (although you did quote me). I never remotely implied that I felt " she would feel differently if her son were to die ". Nothing could be further from the truth and I would never consider saying that, if only because from my own albeit limited experience losing a son/husband/father/brother in battle can often lead the bereaved to supporting the war they were fighting in to ensure that they did not "die in vain" - often the opposite result to the family of someone who is permanently mentally or physically incapacitated. No-one I know who has ever taken part in any such conflict and seen the human suffering that results on all sides for themselves would ever wish such a fate on others. The implication that I have done so, deliberate or not, is one of the few times when I have felt genuinely offended by something posted about me here.

Dulce bellum inexpertis

November 27th, 2008, 17:06
GF I am not in the least upset with you. I feel you have a right to your opinion, as do I. I personally felt one person was out of line, I think however, you take the anti -war jargon way too far. As I stated before the American people have spoken and now it is up to Obama to live up to his word to pull out of Iraq. Why continue to belabor the point now that it has been settled. If, in some way, Obama breaks his word to pull out, then I think people like you and other anti-war activist need to stick to their guns and call for an end to an unpopular war of economics and I said in the beginning when still in Kyrgyzstan, it was a war of money not of honor. I feel that it was meant to make the economy grow; more guns more bullets more money spent more people living off the death of others behind them. I do not say it was right, I simply say it was wrong to wish for anyone to die for any cause and especially to make any mom greave for her lost son was in my opinion heartless and he can try to get out of the implied statement all he wishes it was talken as intended I am sure.

Therefore, now I wish you all the best and the freedom that you have a right to belabor the point if you wish. However, I really feel that you have belabored the point to the place that it no longer makes any sense to defend your point. I did not notice you were copied when I hit quote. However, I do disagree with you in that I feel like the people have spoken and its time to let go. Not only spoken but also given a mandate to change the course of American history. I think words need to be held until we see if he can safely end the war and do as the people have ask. He has an enormous task asked of him. I think he needs whatever time he needs to do the best thing for the country. I am sure he has a much better idea now than he did when he was campaigning on the issue. So, lets us give it time to unravel and give him time to work then get back to the original topic Turkeys of which I surly wish I had one now.

November 27th, 2008, 20:58
GF, yep, we're pretty much saying the same thing although we have a difference about the "thanking" part. I didn't say anything about thanking the troops for "making our country safe" as I don't believe that (if anything, the war itself has made our countries more unsafe). I thank them for doing their duty and in many cases risking their lives to do it. Big difference to me.

November 28th, 2008, 21:45
If you look in the past leaders dont kill other leaders just there people....Saddam was caught and treated well ...

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(words fail me!)

November 28th, 2008, 21:57
(words fail me!)

Words failed you figuratively, GF, while words seem to always fail Gra literally..... (and, no, he won't get that comment)

With Gra's insertion into the thread of undeniable clarity and logic, this thread is officially deceased. :cheers:

November 28th, 2008, 22:46
If you look in the past leaders dont kill other leaders just there people....Saddam was caught and treated well ...

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(words fail me!)

There are many significant events that have been deemed worthy of mention during the annals of history, so that dates, times and years are recorded so as never to be forgotten. As I feel the above is worthy of not only being considered as an historical event here at SGT, but also one that is unprecedented, I would like to propose that the following be recorded by the moderators/admins of this forum:

On Friday the 28th November 2008, at 10-30 pm Thai time, without any force being used whatsoever, gra45 succeeded in becoming the first member ever, to render Gone Fishing speechless to the point where words failed him. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/86440033_TGc2pXyB_jawdropping.gif

Not only have we have seen history created tonight on this forum, I believe it to be something we will never ever see occur again. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/happy011.gif

Cheers GF, http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/nyahnyahnyah.gif I hope to be receiving a pm from you sometime soon, informing me that I can look forward to the pleasure of your company on the 13th next month.


November 29th, 2008, 04:58
this thread is officially deceased. :cheers:

No it's not, it's just resting. Whilst gra may have temporarily stunned the thread, I am sure it is only resting. Now whilst you may think that this thread is demised Bob, passed on, is no more, is bereft of life and is a thread that no longer ceases to be, I believe it must stay alive only if it is until gra45's question to you above, one which I may add I believe to be a very genuine one, deservedly receives an answer from you.

I may add that if you fail to give him that answer, it will be the sort of pig ignorance I have come to expect from the likes of you, who sits there behind your keyboard on your spotty behind, with your latest state of the art plasma LCD screen, as well as your Tiger Woods golf clubs, with an attitude whereby you don't give a tinkers cuss for the likes of members such as Gra, you black balling bastard.

I hope Khun Bob that I have made myself perfectly clear and that this post of mine, has not been a wasted effort on my part. Cow Jai? http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/wink_smile.gif



November 29th, 2008, 07:27
Well, if you insist, George, the answer is 7.

I must confess that I am saddened not to be in Pattaya (or Hua Hin) sharing enough alcohol with
you to more perfectly understand your post. :drunken:

November 29th, 2008, 08:12
Well, if you insist, George, the answer is 7.

I must confess that I am saddened not to be in Pattaya (or Hua Hin) sharing enough alcohol with
you to more perfectly understand your post. :drunken:

Nothing to do with alcohol Bob, unfortunately. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/sifone.gif

These two clips below should help you to understand what my ramblings above were all about. Look forward to sharing some alcohol with you at some time in the future Bob, either in Hua Hin or Pattaya.

Cheers mate,




November 29th, 2008, 14:28
I guess ocassionally we just have to leave it to George to put everything into preospective. I guess on my part that is enough said.

All the best to all of you guys


December 8th, 2008, 18:06
Some Americans have a sense of humour. (http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=6381815)

December 8th, 2008, 18:17
HEHEHE, what can I say, it was a good one. LOL
