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November 17th, 2008, 20:23
Let us all make Kevin's life a little brighter. Send him a Christmas card.

Kevin Quill
Medical Corrections Hospital
5th Floor
33/2 Ngamwongwan Road
Jatuchak, Lad Yao
Bangkok 10900


November 17th, 2008, 23:26
Thanks jinks, mail is delivered in quite a timely manner considering, but as jinks says, be sure to put your name and address on the back of the envelope to to comply with Thai prison regulations.

November 18th, 2008, 14:04
Thank you jinks. What an excellent idea.

Cheers ...

November 19th, 2008, 01:02
Kevin will enjoy receiving some cards. Reading and sending mail is Kevin's way of dealing with the crushing boredom and isolation in Klong Prem, especially the night time.
I will see him the Wednesday morning before Christmas Day and will report on his mood after receiving lots of Christmas greetings from you all.

I know there are many with conflicting views about this situation but that aside ... can you imagine how much joy a small thing like sending a card will bring?

Thanks for mentioning this jinks. It will be a real lift. It can be quite a place of depression if you have little contact with outside.


November 19th, 2008, 03:29
Let us all make Kevin's life a little brighter. Send him a Christmas card.

Kevin Quill
Medical Corrections Hospital
5th Floor
33/2 Ngamwongwan Road
Jatuchak, Lad Yao
Bangkok 10900


ok i give in who is he

why dont you try the search function and find out for yourself it is at the top of the page

November 19th, 2008, 04:18
gra45 and any other members who haven't a clue just Google 'Kevin Quill' and you can read all or most of the revelent news reports.

November 19th, 2008, 05:14
Can you send a letter also?

What about sending reading material?

November 19th, 2008, 09:24
Can you send a letter also?

What about sending reading material?

You can certainly send a letter. Just make sure your return address is on the back or no get through.

Reading material? They are a bit hit and miss with this. The last time I went out to the jail they said no more books for Kevin. I had taken one the week before but he gets through about 3 a week.

Anyhow ... I have heard from a guy who tried to post a book that it was returned, bu give it a shot. Kevin said second hand books are fine and not to go to any great expense. He said he would read product labels if they were in English.

So I will go again in December, just before Christmas and yet again take a book. One never knows.


November 19th, 2008, 15:20
Kevin has told me that he would rather you didn't send books (reading material, or packages) as they are normally refused by the authorities and either binned or returned to sender. A letter and perhaps a crossword cut from a newspaper would be nice as like krobbie says "it's killing the boredom that helps Kevin"
Thank you to those of you that care, Kevin will most certainly appreciate it.

November 19th, 2008, 16:38
jinks you dear Old Girl ... I notice that the name 'Klong Prem Prison' is not in the address you've provided in the opening post. Is that an oversight, or is it not necessary?

Cheers ...

November 19th, 2008, 16:45
This is Kevins correct address etc.

Mr. Kevin Quill.
Medical Corrections Hospital
5th Floor
33/2 Ngamwongwan Road
Jatuchak, Lad Yao
Bangkok 10900

You must also write your name and address on the back of the envelope (legibly) or else the mail, most certainly, WILL NOT get through.

November 19th, 2008, 16:51
This is Kevins correct address etc.

Mr. Kevin Quill.
Medical Corrections Hospital
5th Floor
33/2 Ngamwongwan Road
Jatuchak, Lad Yao
Bangkok 10900

You must also write your name and address on the back of the envelope (legibly) or else the mail, most certainly, WILL NOT get through.

jinks you dear Old Girl ... I notice that the name 'Klong Prem Prison' is not in the address you've provided in the opening post. Is that an oversight, or is it not necessary?

Cheers ...

We all know smiles likes to be pedantic . Why question his very relevant [in his mind only] post

After all this is his board

November 19th, 2008, 16:51
This is Kevins correct address etc.

Mr. Kevin Quill.
Medical Corrections Hospital
5th Floor
33/2 Ngamwongwan Road
Jatuchak, Lad Yao
Bangkok 10900

You must also write your name and address on the back of the envelope (legibly) or else the mail, most certainly, WILL NOT get through.

We all know smiles likes to be pedantic . Why question his very relevant [in his mind only] post

After all this is his board

November 20th, 2008, 00:39
It was I who mentioned Klong Prem, as the Hospital wing is in the Klong Prem compound. The address given is the mailing address.
When I get in the taxi at Mo Chit I just ask the driver to take me to Klong Prem and when we get inside the main gate I give him the directions (right to the hospital not left to the monkey house).


November 23rd, 2008, 16:25
I have changed this post to a poll.

December 3rd, 2008, 00:03
Bumped lest we forget.

December 3rd, 2008, 08:23
It just pisses me off to no end, I refuse to put another dime into anythng connected to that particular bar, although I realize they have new owners, It deserves to close forever. I have been told both sides by reputable people. I will forver spend my money and put any humanitarian support into Sunnee Plaza.


December 3rd, 2008, 09:57
sent today.

December 3rd, 2008, 19:28

I agree that it is often better to be pissed off than on, but what in the world are you on about........what bar has your undies in a twist?

December 3rd, 2008, 20:28
No - it has to be a BIG BIG BIG bar.

December 3rd, 2008, 23:12
I think I could deal with it bettet, But Hey its about Christmas, I'll keep my mouth shut, yes big big big boy bar, I guess nuff said.


December 3rd, 2008, 23:59
Took me a little while to get what you were saying Wesley, well said my friend it's a pity they have or did last as long as they did in that particular business, but hopefully their evil deeds will eventually catch up on them and justice will be seen to be done......

December 4th, 2008, 08:27
Sent my card today and, given it takes about 11 days to get from here to Bangkok, Kevin ought to receive it about the 15th or so. Hope it (and the other cards) give him a brief lift from the what has to be a rather difficult environment. And hope his health issues are improving.

[On a somewhat side note, this thread (I stupidly thought) was about sending a little cheer to a guy stuck in a tough situation - and this thread (I stupidly thought) was not the place for snide little comments from people who have absolute no personal knowledge about what did or didn't happen. I'm not sure what's worse: (a) opining outloud that somebody isn't guilty of something when you don't know squat about it or (b) opining outloud in a cutsie manner suggesting "you know who" is guilty of framing somebody else when, again, you don't know squat about it. Please go back to reading the National Enquirer and then stiffling yourself....]

December 4th, 2008, 14:01
...this thread (I stupidly thought) was not the place for snide little comments from people who have absolute no personal knowledge about what did or didn't happen

Nobody made any "snide" comments that I can see. Wesley factually told us that, having heard both sides of the case, he had reached a measured decision to have nothing more to do with that place. And, by the way, isn't hearing both sides and then reaching a decision as to who is telling the truth exactly how our western judicial systems run? [Before anyone counters with "Oh no, there has to be concrete evidence, too: it can't all be circumstantial!", let me point out that, in the UK at least, circumstantial evidence now seems to be enough - e.g. you don't have to have any evidence that a person is actually even dead (i.e. a body) in order for for another person to be charged with and possibly convicted of their murder].

Once Wesley had made his observation, bigben merely asked what bar he was referring to. gra45, Wesley and I simply did our best to answer factually the perfectly reasonable question as to what bar was being discussed - though, in accordance with convention here, we did not give its actual name. We passed no perjorative ("snide") comments on the place - merely answered bigben's question as best we could.

In any case, I imagine that, given what Kevin himself thinks has happened to him in the past few years, Wesley's original decision might indeed offer him "a little cheer" in his "tough situation".

PS I too have sent a card.

December 4th, 2008, 18:47
I am not going to try and defend Kevin, the bar, or the ones that got away. I am simply saying my bill fold will speak for how I feel. To hell with a good looking guy from any bar or people that would allow this to happen to a Guy like Kevin and not at least try to stop it. Absolutly no heart; No heart at all. I have one good friend that is likely hating to hear this from me. He has explained the other side of the story to no end. Persoanlly, I think the facts simply speak for themselves and not to say I don't know Bob, You don't have to live there and hide in closets to know what happend everyone knows, no one has enough balls to talk about it. Its all supposed to be some grand secret. I would say more but I promised what I was told would never see the light of day or be told here or anywhere.

All the "B"est "B"ig "B"ob


December 4th, 2008, 20:46
Hear, hear Wesley, you are a man of great integrity. Take care of yourself, I will pass on in my next communication with Kevin what a fine man you are.

December 4th, 2008, 23:06
or the ones that got away........ I think the facts simply speak for themselves and not to say I don't know Bob, You don't have to live there and hide in closets to know what happend everyone knows, no one has enough balls to talk about it. Its all supposed to be some grand secret. I would say more but I promised what I was told would never see the light of day or be told here or anywhere.

As stated, I admire everyone's good wishes for Kevin who's in a tough situation (which is what the thread was all about). And I obviously have nothing against Kevin at all (although he doesn't know me, I've met him a few times over the years and enjoyed his hospitality at Throb/Splash and he sure seemed like a decent fellow to me) and, as noted, I've sent him a card too.

Adding the rest of this stuff is beyond me. I, for one, have heard stories from many people but I also learned that those spreading the stories have no personal knowledge about what did or didn't happen. I have enough "balls" to talk about anything but I also have enough good sense to not regurgitate hearsay in this thread or any other thread as if it was fact. If you feel you absolutely know the facts, then please post it elsewhere (although I would suggest you keep in mind the libel laws of Thailand which have already been applied to others who suggested they too knew the "facts"in this very case). Up to you.

December 5th, 2008, 11:55
I am not posting anything that I cannot prove, I simply say I have looked at the facts, talked to people who should know; read what is already in print and have come to my own personal conclusion about the situatioin.Simply that personally, I will not support that section of town. I have named no names nor do I intend to. The new owners knew they were going to inherit this junk when they bought it out. I am sure they are more aware of what is going on than me. I am sure it was a business decision and likely a good one. However, personally I have the prerogative to spend my time and money where I like. I am sure they could care less, but it sure makes me feel better. As to how you feel ,I can agree, I think!
However, anyone can come to their own conclusions about it based on nothing more than the historical threads here and in the links to the news stories. If they really want to know, I personally think the story is already there without my stating it again. Alternatively, as one said, just Google his name. It seems obvious to me. However, I may be overstating my case. Nevertheless, I can personally come to conclusions and state how I feel without indicting anyone.

All the best Bob

December 6th, 2008, 08:47
.... just Google his name. ...

If you Google deeply enough you might find some very interesting things about this "martyr".
And if you read the story closely enough you might see that it's a bit more murkey than one might think.

But then.... "Judge not, lest ye be judged.." Right?

December 6th, 2008, 17:09
I do agree Kence, It is a murkey mess, it seems to be more you know the less you are sure of, in-fact. However, I think for me at least it is not just a matter of who is right and who is wrong. It was the failure of others to forgive and move on with thier lives. If you really want to get theological about it and quote scripture. There is much more lessons to be learned about mercy than judgement, either from God or man. If there truly is a God, I tend more to be agnostic at this particular point in life. I do think that there are central truths fround in the scriptures and easy to see that there are some things that a benevolent God would likely not hate. Certainly one of them is not to be judges ... God knows I have been and often for all the wrong reasons. I have done enough wrong in my life, that with out some mercy some where, I am certainly doomed. But its not about precepts or rules and regualations , its a matter of the heart. I guess that is why I care so much about kevin. he is a man of heart. How I feel about the others you already know. So I guess again , on my part at least, nuff said in a thread about Christmas Cheer and warm thoughts for others.

All the best!


December 6th, 2008, 17:31
Again Wesley, well said.

Also at this time of year let us not forget the mother of the young man who lost his life all those years ago, who has never been able to come to terms with her tragic loss because of the many unanswered questions surrounding her sons mutilation, death and loss of his wealth.

Rest in Peace Iain MacDonald you will never be forgotten by those of us who knew you.

December 7th, 2008, 08:48
Again Wesley, well said.

Also at this time of year let us not forget the mother of the young man who lost his life all those years ago, who has never been able to come to terms with her tragic loss because of the many unanswered questions surrounding her sons mutilation, death and loss of his wealth.

Rest in Peace Iain MacDonald you will never be forgotten by those of us who knew you.
... nicely stated Sanook.

Hope you are well and your not freezing your "bits" off in the UK.


December 13th, 2008, 01:26
Dear All,

I would like to thank you all for doing what you can to cheer up my Dad with your letters, books, etc. I cannot put into words how grateful I am to those of you that have taken the time to write Xmas cards to him, as I am sure these will lift his spirits, with him being unable to see his family at this time of year, with his only crime being to go into business, with the wrong people.