View Full Version : Avatars. What does it say of there identity!

November 15th, 2008, 03:05
I thought it amusing to look at the Avatars on a number of numerous threads and wonder about what does it say about that contributor!!

Any theories??

For example if you take,
White Desire he has a pic of I assume himself in underpants
Aunty...Lucille Ball
Monkey See...A monkey with glasses.
Gone Fishing...A beautiful male Thai body
Fattman...the eyes have it.
Bing..A Disney character.
Mark.. The Serpent or Dragon!!
Bao Bao...A beautiful sunset scene amongst trees

Then we come to LunchtimeOBooze...some undescribable male in drag.
Dave_Syd....Undescribable male in drag.
Homintern...Undescribable something in a beret
Bung Kum...The back of a male body which says on it"I suck"
Catawampus...Not really sure, but tranquility is seen in it!

What does these say of the characters?

Cmon lets hear from you.

All characters mentioned above have no right of reply!! :bounce: :bounce: ( Lets wait and see)

November 15th, 2008, 12:03
Then we come to LunchtimeOBooze...some undescribable male in drag.
That is actually him you know but after the surgery,,,

November 15th, 2008, 14:53
Lucille Ball indeed!

I can confirm the post by Thanpuying Sanitree. That is indeed a real photo of Lunchtime "Doris" O'Booze, taken after an exhausting days spa treatments' at the Glamarama of Rama Road, Bangkok.

In fact I'm surprised Doris hasn't opened her own salon, "Slappers", afterall she's well qualified!

Lunchtime O'Booze
November 15th, 2008, 16:25
I thought it amusing to look at the Avatars on a number of numerous threads and wonder about what does it say about that contributor!!

Any theories??

For example if you take,
White Desire he has a pic of I assume himself in underpants
Aunty...Lucille Ball
Monkey See...A monkey with glasses.
Gone Fishing...A beautiful male Thai body
Fattman...the eyes have it.
Bing..A Disney character.
Mark.. The Serpent or Dragon!!
Bao Bao...A beautiful sunset scene amongst trees

Then we come to LunchtimeOBooze...some undescribable male in drag.
Dave_Syd....Undescribable male in drag.
Homintern...Undescribable something in a beret
Bung Kum...The back of a male body which says on it"I suck"
Catawampus...Not really sure, but tranquility is seen in it!

What does these say of the characters?

Cmon lets hear from you.

All characters mentioned above have no right of reply!! :bounce: :bounce: ( Lets wait and see)

honestly..some people can be so rude !. "...some undescribable male in drag." ! whoever said I was a man ?

speaking of undescribable males in drag..I think Aunty & Thumping Sanity are English..which says it all really !

ps: are you perchance related to a very dear friend of mine Hime Ripps of New York. He was in the ( Jewish) Mafia and drove a huge Cadillac and used to take me to the most wonderful bars in Yonkers where Puerto Ricans hung out..is that you Hime ?

November 15th, 2008, 19:25
The avatar says less than the spelling error in the subject.

November 15th, 2008, 23:11
I believe the avatar of Gone Fishing is his "alter ego" or his boyfriend? It diverts my attention from his posts.

My avatar speaks for itself.

November 16th, 2008, 10:22
I chose the dragon logo becouse it reminds me of my mother :blackeye: also Peter after a bad day at the bar.
As for my self this would be more becoming.

And as for spellings and errors I think thay say more about a persons education, than identity.
should it realy be such a big thing when post have spelling errors?.

Personality wins for me every time not looks or education who you are not what you have been.

November 16th, 2008, 11:51
[quote="Hime"]I thought it amusing to look at the Avatars on a number of numerous threads and wonder about what does it say about that contributor!!

And you, Hime? What is your avatar? Amuse us.

Lunchtime O'Booze
November 16th, 2008, 13:58
I chose the dragon logo becouse it reminds me of my mother :blackeye: also Peter after a bad day at the bar.
As for my self this would be more becoming.

And as for spellings and errors I think thay say more about a persons education, than identity.
should it realy be such a big thing when post have spelling errors?.

Personality wins for me every time not looks or education who you are not what you have been.

is your mother green ?

November 16th, 2008, 14:47
Spelling┬а errors and poor┬а typing are┬а two different things, It┬а depends on whether┬а you┬а re-read┬а you post┬а or preview it . If I preview I will catch most of the typo's if I read it in the blue┬а text since I am┬а mostly color┬а blind in blue┬а green I will miss a word or┬а skip it┬а since it is a word I may use often and assume I have it┬а right and may not have┬а caught the typo. Spelling says nothing about your education. I, like Mark, tend to look at the person not the spelling. I have┬а seen the best of posters┬а make a typo and just look at it as┬а such. However if they are copying and pasting┬а from the internet and┬а if it is too perfect, I realize it was not off the top of thier┬а head or heart but,┬а a simple copy and paste which anyone can┬а do. Smiles types spells and writes well and I wish he would write more often of his time with his man.Wes

Lunchtime O'Booze
November 16th, 2008, 18:41
Spelling┬а errors and poor┬а typing are┬а two different things, It┬а depends on whether┬а you┬а re-read┬а you post┬а or preview it . If I preview I will catch most of the typo's if I read it in the blue┬а text since I am┬а mostly color┬а blind in blue┬а green I will miss a word or┬а skip it┬а since it is a word I may use often and assume I have it┬а right and may not have┬а caught the typo. Spelling says nothing about your education. I, like Mark, tend to look at the person not the spelling. I have┬а seen the best of posters┬а make a typo and just look at it as┬а such. However if they are copying and pasting┬а from the internet and┬а if it is too perfect, I realize it was not off the top of thier┬а head or heart but,┬а a simple copy and paste which anyone can┬а do. Smiles types spells and writes well and I wish he would write more often of his time with his man.Wes

ahh..now here is man who talks sense and is not intimidated by the grammar and spelling police..most who were trained by Hedda to seek out any offending poster who dared to fail to use spell check.

Such was the rampaging of the poor dear who, my spy disguised as a black cat informs me, was in a previous life an hysterical teenage female witness at the Salem Witch Hunts and having not yet learnt the lessons of re-birth, has been on a similar rampage through each incarnation.

This peaked during the "great LMTU plaigarism scandal of '06" when all and sundry including many at Faht Stop and Gay Thailand ( about 4 people)fumed for weeks upon end as they lay prostrate at the feet of the Great Hedda, dripping off very word of wisdom and proclaimed her the all knowing Goddess of the Written Word Who Shall Not Be Questioned.

Sadly, as is usual when devotees are in the midst of religious frenzy they failed to notice the Goddess herself regualrly raided a thousand news websites and posted "comment" as original and unique insights. This delicious scandal kept her subjects spellbound for weeks, apart from the famous Uncle Sam who, had always posted the exact same reply in any and every thread with the superb wisdom that one day he would be spot on and provide the all knowing and correct answer that summed everything about this earth shattering event and put it into proper perspective: : he he he.

All this was brought back to me a blinding flash as I listened only this week to a recorded version, on my ipod, of On The Road by Jack Kerouac, claimed to be one of the best 100 books of the 20th Century by Time, read by the highly pleasing Matt Dillon.

It's unique and rambling style ( and once having had the privilege to see with my very own eyes the extraordiary original manuscript for this book which was written on one long taped together piece of endless paper-replete with numerous spelling mistakes and shocking examples of grammar) that "correctness " is not always completely necessary and that those who had worshipped at Hedda's toes-just like I once sat in the Maharishi's luxurious hotel room when 17 and was given the magic word "ommm" to mediate upon as he massaged my knee-that some Gods and Godesses are not what they seem.

This has brought me to the conclusion that the correct answer to a person when they kindly point out a grammitcal error is "fuck orf"

November 16th, 2008, 22:29
I believe the avatar of Gone Fishing is his "alter ego" or his boyfriend? It diverts my attention from his posts.

Probably the best part of my posts, Fran├зois! Most of the time you are missing very little. It was actually a "pre-partner" pic; the partner is better looking, but I would never post his pic here!

Personality wins for me every time not looks or education who you are not what you have been.

Agreed, Mark, but maybe for this forum you should have written ... not what you claim to have been?!

Brad the Impala
November 17th, 2008, 01:12
Or perhaps not who you claim to have been?

November 17th, 2008, 08:31
Pattaya Passion is chock a block full of cutesy pie topics like this one. Why don't you try there ... if it isn't already there: http://pattayapassion.19.forumer.com/

Cheers ...

November 17th, 2008, 12:49
Voted in the polls but was not enticed to post


Lunchtime O'Booze
November 17th, 2008, 20:16
Pattaya Passion is chock a block full of cutesy pie topics like this one. Why don't you try there ... if it isn't already there: http://pattayapassion.19.forumer.com/

Cheers ...

Passion Statistics
We have 166 registered users
The newest registered user is Wesley !!!!!


November 17th, 2008, 21:41
Double post sorry

November 17th, 2008, 21:49
Yes, I had to find out why Smiles would say it was so dull over there. SO, I thought I would look in for myself and read the topics,However, I saw no topics matching my style of writing or, matching my wit.Unlike Homiturd, who can brng multiple faces to several names, I have only one.... Wes.

All the best!!!!


Brad the Impala
November 19th, 2008, 23:16
All the avatars seem to have turned into little red x signs lately, a blessing in the case of Brown Desire. Is it just me that this has happened to?

November 20th, 2008, 08:15
Lucille Ball indeed!

I can confirm the post by Thanpuying Sanitree. That is indeed a real photo of Lunchtime "Doris" O'Booze, taken after an exhausting days spa treatments' at the Glamarama of Rama Road, Bangkok.

In fact I'm surprised Doris hasn't opened her own salon, "Slappers", afterall she's well qualified!

but who is the old bag in the pink dress holding her?

Lunchtime O'Booze
November 20th, 2008, 17:57
Yes, I had to find out why Smiles would say it was so dull over there. SO, I thought I would look in for myself and read the topics,However, I saw no topics matching my style of writing or, matching my wit.Unlike Homiturd, who can brng multiple faces to several names, I have only one.... Wes.

All the best!!!!


are they several ?..oh God..the one I know is ugly enough.

"but who is the old bag in the pink dress holding her?"...that is the dear lady who saved her from the pound and obviously has no fear of rabies.

November 20th, 2008, 19:36
although he claims it on quoted posts I think the old fart clicks the ignore off long enough to find out what Im up to. LOL only homi would do that and not tell.


December 14th, 2008, 15:13
[google]"Such was the rampaging of the poor dear who, my spy disguised as a black cat informs me, was in a previous life an hysterical teenage female witness at the Salem Witch Hunts and having not yet learnt the lessons of re-birth, has been on a similar rampage through each incarnation."

I certainly hope you aren't refering to me dear, O.T. Lunch. I was probably the happiest one there! Since I was the only one who remembered to bring marshmallows! Admittedly, however, the popcorn was a bust! But the grog went over well ... while it lasted. Which wasn't long.

"he he he".

That reminds me of another avitar: the one depicting an Asian whose alter ego stomped off, in high snit, a long time ago. Oh, dear, what was `er name?! Something about, desire?

"This has brought me to the conclusion that the correct answer to a person when they kindly point out a grammitcal error is, `fuck orf!'"

Now you've made me all misty!... Made me miss dear old Maggie Rose and her quaint, "Feck orf!"
Breeding will out! As will breading and bedding...as in, '1,000-Count sheets.' I've been trying to achieve that: 1,000 Counts in my sheets--But I do not believe there are that many Counts alive today!
But ever so very many queens!

A friendly reminder: Only ten more drinking-days till Christmas! What ... Give or take a day or two--Not that it matters terribly much: we just start all over again--so throw another bitch on the fire and roast `er wienie.

December 27th, 2008, 16:39
Yes, I had to find out why Smiles would say it was so dull over there. SO, I thought I would look in for myself and read the topics,However, I saw no topics matching my style of writing or, matching my wit.Unlike Homiturd, who can brng multiple faces to several names, I have only one.... Wes.

All the best!!!!


correct me if i get it wrong but dont you post over on http://pattayapassion.19.forumer.com pretty regular? also users should know that the whole site and message board are being redesigned and should open with new fetures in february. there is more information on the board about the specifics.

December 27th, 2008, 18:33
...sorry to be so harsh, in the name of "wit".

December 28th, 2008, 18:55
tihs is an old thread, after I looked, yes I began posting regularly not as regular as here but, ususually three or 4 times a week. its not nearly as dull as Smiles implied... !


December 29th, 2008, 13:47
although he claims it on quoted posts I think the old fart clicks the ignore off long enough to find out what Im up to. LOL only homi would do that and not tell.

WesHave you considered that you just might be 100% predictable so he doesn't need to read anything?

December 30th, 2008, 12:47
although he claims it on quoted posts I think the old fart clicks the ignore off long enough to find out what Im up to. LOL only homi would do that and not tell.

WesHave you considered that you just might be 100% predictable so he doesn't need to read anything?

I am only as predictable as you, following my every post, Gosh if I did that I would be posting all day, my, my, where do you get the time to both follow me and make such wonderful observations about Homiturd.