View Full Version : guys4men

November 13th, 2008, 23:59
if you want to join guys for men this is my persoanl url to the site, I get points if you sign up, that will move me up in the spotlight, if you want to help an old man get noticed by some young hunk join the site and I get the points to move up.


all the best

Lunchtime O'Booze
November 14th, 2008, 08:11
if you want to join guys for men this is my persoanl url to the site, I get points if you sign up, that will move me up in the spotlight, if you want to help an old man get noticed by some young hunk join the site and I get the points to move up.


all the best

but what can you use the points for my dear ?.does it mean the more you have the younger the blokes are who get to see your profile ?

November 14th, 2008, 10:27
No ,I have┬а met┬а 10 or┬а 15 guys and so far,┬а no┬а charge, they do not have my address or┬а real name, how can they charge me. There is no credit┬а charge involved, only if┬а you wish to enjoy all the site┬а features do you have┬а to pay anything, the site features are like endless messaging, and others.┬а I am limited to 50 in my "in box" at any given time and and┬а if I check it daily I tend to delete┬а 10┬а off the back end┬а to my┬а box open. I travel to Palawan next week and listed with them I would be there,┬а so there are┬а 3 waiting for me when I arrive in which I have seen picturs of and┬а most┬а share┬а the┬а X-rated type with thier password to their┬а pics, most of them in one stage of undress or another, some more graphic than others. I have┬а 4 guys I┬а will meet tonight and the┬а 19 year old I┬а met on there is living with me now. So, I have been using the service for a while, and┬а honestly had not┬а read that I could gain what they call site points if┬а I get others to sign up. If enough sign up then I get the same options a member who has paid for it may get. Believe┬а me, I am not sure how they exist. Most┬а Filippino's have no money and no card, and┬а 25,000 are on the service for┬а free. I would say one out of┬а 100 may pay. But, here if they make a few bucks they have actually made enough to live off of for a month. So, its a free service at least for me, since I don't really need more than I alredy have. however, sharing it with┬а you may be some gain for me, although I have already shared the┬а free service with the forum before I read┬аthe whole deal, that if you use my URL I get the beifits of a paying customer if I earn what they call enough sitepoints. For me It┬а really dosen't matter only that there are some names and numbers I wish I did not have to delete. But if I really wanted them I would assume I could write them down. So, no its totally┬а free. or has been for me. If┬а you want┬а more than the basic you can pay for it, however, as I said unless you relly need full message service there is no need to┬а pay, so I don't. If┬а you have any other questions, I will be happy to anwer as much as I have┬а taken time to read. All I can say is that for me it has been the best┬а free personals site I have ever┬а used and I think Topjohn would agree. He┬а uses it┬а as much as I and I would assume his trip here is because of the site. If you genuinly┬а like pinoy men. Then this is the site for you, although it is open to all, I would say┬а 90% are Pinoy and 10 farang looking for them. I asume the┬а farang are the ones paying for the service in full. Being here, I don't need to save the name and numbers since I can meet them daily or when I go out with friends with a set up a meeting. I tend to meet in puclic and with┬а friends just for safety sake and usually at Malate not at my home. So, I┬а don't┬а really need to keep up with all my contacts and most of them will leave┬а you their cell number to text them since no one here calls any one, they wear a text messaage service┬а out though. I have never done so much┬а texting in my life as I do here. Even If I pay my emplyee's cell phone bill they still text me so I had to get use to it.So, make use of the URL, it may help me and it will still be free to you.


November 14th, 2008, 10:38
if you want to join guys for men this is my persoanl url to the site, I get points if you sign up, that will move me up in the spotlight, if you want to help an old man get noticed by some young hunk join the site and I get the points to move up.


all the best

but what can you use the points for my dear ?.does it mean the more you have the younger the blokes are who get to see your profile ?

Acually anyone can see my profile, it may only move me higher up on the list but dosen't do anything at all for the quality of men only more exposure for me. Like I needed any more , I get 10 hits or more a day and usually 3 are my type of guy. 2 of the ten may be just trying to get to me for money and the rest are just horny guys looking for free sex.


Lunchtime O'Booze
November 14th, 2008, 13:05
3 waiting for you ?? how do you do it man..you cut a swathe through Pattaya and left a reputation like a regular Don Juan..now you have them waiting all over the world for you. I hope you are putting your real pic on there..not using mine are you ?

November 14th, 2008, 13:21
but what can you use the points for my dear ?Is this some sort of Frequent Fucker programme?

November 14th, 2008, 13:45
The points get me a free pass dear, if you are going to join any way then give me a boost if not then continue on, and yes, it is the frequent fuckers club, I have 3 lined up for tonight all freebies, with my present bf in attendance who I met also on G4M.

So still having fun am I , why of course you old coot, I know your freeking jealous.


November 14th, 2008, 13:48
3 waiting for you ?? how do you do it man..you cut a swathe through Pattaya and left a reputation like a regular Don Juan..now you have them waiting all over the world for you. I hope you are putting your real pic on there..not using mine are you ?

Actually I am using your avatar pic my love, any one as sweet as you would do well here.

All the best!
