View Full Version : America's First Transgender Mayor!

November 9th, 2008, 15:26
Stu Rasmussen was elected mayor the first time in Silverton, Oregon dressed as a man.....but then reelected as a "women".....That makes this one really unique.....
A little side note: I was a bank manager once, long ago in this sleepy little town, hahaha....and it is a fairly conservative place! I couldn't wait to get out.

Lunchtime O'Booze
November 9th, 2008, 21:07
Stu Rasmussen was elected mayor the first time in Silverton, Oregon dressed as a man.....but then reelected as a "women".....That makes this one really unique.....
A little side note: I was a bank manager once, long ago in this sleepy little town, hahaha....and it is a fairly conservative place! I couldn't wait to get out.

very brave of you..admitting to being an American bank manager at the present time !

November 9th, 2008, 22:06
Stu Rasmussen was elected mayor the first time in Silverton, Oregon dressed as a man.....but then reelected as a "women".....That makes this one really unique.....
A little side note: I was a bank manager once, long ago in this sleepy little town, hahaha....and it is a fairly conservative place! I couldn't wait to get out.

very brave of you..admitting to being an American bank manager at the present time !

Actually, that was an old gig of mine many years ago......branch manager anyway, lol....and I do not want to do that again unless I'm starving!
Years ago I went into other things at the bank. But as of September, I left the banking biz altogether when the bank ceased doing what I do, lol.....
So, at this point I'm taking a year off and thinking what I want to do when I grow up. Sounded like the perfect time, while unemployed to go on a 6 week vacation too! This change has been the best thing that ever happened to me. Now, I'm going to do something either interesting, fun or both.....no more boring jobs! I do not care if I make half what I was making before.....don't need that much money for the daily grind that it was....

November 9th, 2008, 22:17
While I have great respect for the view of the electorate ("They judge people on talent and ability rather than their shape."), I must confess to actually being more interested in the accompanying story on the transgender "father" (and husband!) who is pregnant: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=5028746&page=1