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View Full Version : The British Embassy has revoked entry visas of Thaksin

November 7th, 2008, 23:49
Read it at:

http://nationmultimedia.com/2008/11/08/ ... 087916.php (http://nationmultimedia.com/2008/11/08/politics/politics_30087916.php)

I wonder where he will go to next :8(

November 8th, 2008, 00:51
... ridding of him and his wife. I'm sure though there will be other places where he can live.

November 8th, 2008, 04:52
Yes very discreet indeed, in fact hats off to the Foreign Office, revoking their visas when they were out of the UK saved them the trouble of trying to deport Toxin as he would have fought it tooth and nail in the British courts dragging it out for months if not years. Toxin is not quite as clever as he likes everyone to believe :D

November 8th, 2008, 05:48
This is such a big story in the UK it hasn't yet been reported here AFAI can verify.

I'm pleasantly surprised though fear that if he did seek asylum some convention or treaty would force his acceptance.

November 8th, 2008, 06:33
... what the British Embassy has to do with it

November 8th, 2008, 09:07
... what the British Embassy has to do with it

This sort of thing will be dealt with by the UK Borders and Immigration Agency i.e. the Home Office, with input from the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith.

November 8th, 2008, 09:16
... what the British Embassy has to do with itThis sort of thing will be dealt with by the UK Borders and Immigration Agency i.e. the Home Office, with input from the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith.Precisely my point

Lunchtime O'Booze
November 8th, 2008, 12:05
this is a most unusual action so someone very powerful has ordered this after extraordinary pressure..I mean they wouldn't even throw out Pinochet !.

still..there's always the South of France or Rio..they'll take anyone in.

November 8th, 2008, 12:28
this is a most unusual action so someone very powerful has ordered this after extraordinary pressure..I mean they wouldn't even throw out Pinochet !. still..there's always the South of France or Rio..they'll take anyone in.But wasn't Pinochet merely there for medical treatment - and didn't someone try to get him charged with human rights abuses. Not quite the same parallels. Pinochet was also Head of State; Thaksin merely Head of Government

November 8th, 2008, 12:44
And Pinochet had influential supporters arguing that he be let go - notably Mrs Thatcher.

Not even Manchester City fans would now stand up for Thaksin's readmission.

November 8th, 2008, 13:00
Well given that the story has not been widely reported, yet the BBC already has a report on the general election in New Zealand today post-poll closure (and the polls have only closed within the hour), I'd say the story about Toxin is bullshit.

November 8th, 2008, 13:33
I'd say the story about Toxin is bullshit.

I'd say Aunty, that there is more than a good chance that you will be proved to be right.



November 8th, 2008, 13:35
I'd say the story about Toxin is bullshit.

I'd say Aunty, that there is more than a good chance that you will be proved to be right.


November 8th, 2008, 13:36
I'd say the story about Toxin is bullshit.I'd say Aunty, that there is more than a good chance that you will be proved to be right.I hope you two have let the Bangkok Post know your views - http://www.bangkokpost.net/topstories/t ... ?id=131892 (http://www.bangkokpost.net/topstories/topstories.php?id=131892)

November 8th, 2008, 13:40

November 8th, 2008, 14:18
... what the British Embassy has to do with it

The British Embassy issued the visas so they have to revoke them. Visas are only revoked from the point of issue although they can be told to from a higher authority.

Toxin and family would be holding 5 year gratis diplomatic multiple entry visas issued in Thailand by the British Embassy in Bangkok

November 8th, 2008, 14:20
Hong kong maybe? Singapore?

November 8th, 2008, 15:25
All in all a very, very clever move by the Brithish Government, which in this day and age makes a change. It's just a pity that he was permitted to purchase Man City in the first place, and then sell it on making around ┬г80 million profit.

November 8th, 2008, 16:48
He won't be making quick profits if he's selling some of his UK properties right now though. I expect he'll hold, like everyone else, till the market comes back.

Anyway, I'm sure cousins, nephews and neices will have little difficulty getting student visas.

November 8th, 2008, 17:09
The visa's revoked were only of the man and his wife, the children etc have not been convicted of any crimes so will be able to stay in the U.K. I think two of his children are studying here plus he has two or three very large properties. Money of course means nothing to Toxin but a loss of face does, more so as he is Thai Chinese. Whatever, I am just pleased that the U.K. actually did something, one never knows the next bit of good news might be that Kevin Quill has been pardoned or returned to the U.K. as a kind of thank you.....one never knows, anything is possible.

November 8th, 2008, 20:14
... on the BBC as a header on their site - be interesting to if it makes the headlines on the TV, i.e. BBC 24.

November 8th, 2008, 21:02
... on the BBC as a header on their site - be interesting to if it makes the headlines on the TV, i.e. BBC 24.

The news is on BBC World News 24 now. I am surprised, but at least I believe it now.



Brad the Impala
November 9th, 2008, 02:49
I'd say the story about Toxin is bullshit.

I'd say Aunty, that there is more than a good chance that you will be proved to be right.


What was that about fools rushing in................

November 9th, 2008, 04:21
I'd say the story about Toxin is bullshit.

I'd say Aunty, that there is more than a good chance that you will be proved to be right.



Well, George, that looks like one we got wrong! But somehow, I bet like me, you won't be loosing much sleep over it! :cheers:

November 9th, 2008, 04:23
What was that about fools rushing in................And both fools have now responded

November 9th, 2008, 04:25
I'd say the story about Toxin is bullshit.

I'd say Aunty, that there is more than a good chance that you will be proved to be right.



Well, George, that looks like one we got wrong! But somehow, I bet like me, you won't be loosing much sleep over it! :cheers:

November 9th, 2008, 17:55
I'd say the story about Toxin is bullshit.

I'd say Aunty, that there is more than a good chance that you will be proved to be right.



Well, George, that looks like one we got wrong! But somehow, I bet like me, you won't be loosing much sleep over it! :cheers:

http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/EmoticonBed.gif I think that should answer your question Auntie. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/Wink.gif

