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November 6th, 2008, 23:23
I would like to respond to some of the Farang bloggers about their attitude towards life in Thailand and Thai boys.

I was really intrigued with the unprecedented discussion by foreigners who identify themselves as 'Farangs' in relation to their new found city of angels or perhaps middle age gay mans heavy idealized utopia. As I read more in their experiences, adventures and boyfriends in their continuum blogs, its seems apparent many are disappointed.

Perhaps what disturbs me the most, as I am Asian man, I feel I have to respond to Farang's description about Thai life, in particular Thai boys who are considered as 'passive-obsessive' unethical and misery. I can't help but this a bad reflection on Farangs themselves and their own society, and who are embed in a cultural cross fire. Neither do Thai boys appreciate being described in this manner.

I think there is also a misconception about Thai boys attitudes in relationship with Farangs, especially when attempting to imposing western values on them can be a very peril mistake, in trying redeem a situation, where the boy cannot express himself adequately where language barrier is an issue, neither do they think their Farang father figures make the effort to understand the nature of their objective, which is not about monetary gains but a form of collective appreciation towards his family that is first on his priority list to the dismay of Farangs and Farangs miss this opportunity.

Thai boys do not make the attempt to in explaining it either, because Farangs don't understand nor do they make the attempt to.

Its conceived that Farang who had expired his stay in Thai-land becomes bitter queens and leaves country with disappoint and regret and on their next adventure to other prospective Asian country on their list that might serve up to their expectation with western values so its close to home for them.

I do not understand why Farang come to Thailand to expect that boys will comply to their social norms and why should they be feel alienated in their home country and bribe them. It seems as though relationships develop on this concept (moneyboys/allowances) - it only backfires on the Farang after a few years because love has not been acquired thoughtfully. It seems as though its some informal psychological control over these boys to stay with them, however Thai boys do play their part in this self-destructive relationship.

But he cannot leave because his been made dependent on the Farang who has exploited him of his independence. Perhaps its not love but a form of contract until he does not want to fulfill those requirements anymore or the Farang has decided dispose this contract in favour of a new contractual love that is less inhibited by culture and family. One that is Asian with western values.

It seems as though the longer they stay in Thai-land the less they become integrated in a culture mentality and search for tangible objects that reflect their western values and perhaps indicate that their stay is completed when they have exploited the boys and resources of Thailand.

This response is not complete. I will continue to respond and give rise to voices that cannot speak for themselves or understand this disturbing almost to the point of a form of prejudice attitudes.

Unreachable Obsession.

November 7th, 2008, 00:51
If I am to understand what you are saying the Thai guys who work the streets, the bars and the clubs are doing this to help their families?

Would they not be better off working at some other profession? Is employment in Thailand really so bad that tens of thousands money boys must ply their trade in order to make enough to send to the family. I think this is quite idealised and most of these boys cannot wait to get to the city and do the least possible hard work they can find and in so doing bedeck themselves with jewelry, clothes, cell-phones, cameras and any number of western trappings they can lay there hands on or inveigle the farang men they meet, to buy for them.

Whilst I have eyes and can see for myself the poverty and tough times a country that relies on tourism experiences. I also can see that there a few places that treat their tourists quite as badly as the Thai. Admittedly there are many who come to Thailand with ill-intent but most are simply tourists. From double pricing (gouging) to the oppotunism in the hotels rates which fluctuate so wildly throughout the year, I don't wonder that it is only the strong minded who can stomach such.

I don't think you can lay the blame squarely at the feet of farang in this instance. These are sweeping statements you make. I agree that there are farang who come to LOS only as sex tourists ... but not all.

Also there are the money boys who have a black heart and set out from the start to lie and cheat the farang of as much of their cash as is possible even after the farang has left Thailand. Some have honed their trade very well and I am sure many a mama's and papa's house has been built on those lies and deceit and the broken dreams of many good hearted farang.

There must be herds of buffalo throughout Thailand purchased on the pleas of these money boys. Or are there just the same amount and the money sent just went into the pockets of some of these guys? I don't read in the papers about the epidemic of dead buffalo at the end of each high season but it seems to happen with regularity.

I will await your reply with interest. Be aware, there are just as many true hearts come to Thailand as butterflies.


November 7th, 2008, 00:59
You're only seeing what you want to see.

What you describe happens in a lot of other places and not just with Thai boys. People are marginalized, stereotyped, discriminated against, used and abused all over the world. Does that make it right? No. Are your comments going to stop it? I doubt it. Will your post here have any effect on the behavior of this boards readers? Who knows!

I believe that the vast majority of people who read this board are having a different experience than the one you describe. I think you should also 'understand' that they're there because of a choice they've made. In other words, they're there because they want to be there, both Farang and Thai Boy. If you're going to be critical about the Farang, you should also be of the boys. As far as I'm aware, they have brains as well. They seem to be aware of what they're doing.

What interests me is why you're so passionate about this. You say you're Asian, are you Thai? How do you 'know' what's going on in the head of Thai boys? (Is that all Thai boys?) How do you know what the Farang are thinking? Bottom line is you don't and you're assuming and you're stereotyping and you're generalizing and you're spreading your ignorance and intolerance. You're free to do whatever you want from behind your monitor and keyboard but I'd invite you to get out a bit, get to know some Farang (me?), get to know some Thai Boys. I'm certain you'll find a few like you describe, but you'll also meet a many more who are good people who aren't out there to hurt, use or abuse anyone. I'm sure many are looking for companions, not just sex, and hearts will be broken on both sides, but this happens all over the world. Money/status is an issue in a lot of relationships in the West, perhaps this is part of my attraction to Asian guys, who don't seem so dependent on body/status then again, I could be wrong about this. The only way I'll ever know for sure is if I get out there and try first hand and meet them.

Just my response.

November 7th, 2008, 01:08
Being the king of the benefit of the doubt, I'm going to go with this actually being your first post and say welcome :cheers:

Over my relatively short time here on the board there have been few Asians participating, and since you seem to be both sensible and able to write a readable post (unlike some of the more - ahem - liberally liquored up posters here) it was an interesting first thread.

I'm sure you're going to be taken to task by some, but put on your thick skin and don't let it get to you. My unsolicited advice would be: "If you allow them to rile you, they win".

I agree with krobbie to a certain extent when he says тАЬI don't think you can lay the blame squarely at the feet of farang in this instance. These are sweeping statements you make. I agree that there are many farang who come to LOS only as sex tourists ... but not all.тАЭ

Also when he says тАЬthere are just as many true hearts come to Thailand as butterflies,тАЭ although sadly IтАЩm more of the belief that there are far more butterflies than true hearts if youтАЩre only looking at the gay male visiting population.

HOWEVERтАж I have known тАЬusersтАЭ of many nationalities, and I donтАЩt approve of it from any quarter.

There is emotional and relationship-based abuse on both sides of the street in the land of smiles, and the best we who attempt to be of good heart can do is keep our own side of the street clean.

BTW - Just because someone is a fanatical poster here doesnтАЩt mean they represent the ones who recoil at many of their posts but simply donтАЩt want to subject themselves to the onslaught of e-abuse often visited on a reply, even one done in the name of presenting a point of view as balance.

That said тАУ please continue to post, be ready for an unfair debate on occasion and thanks for the viewpoint. IтАЩll look forward to more of them.

November 7th, 2008, 02:57
Being the king of the benefit of the doubt, I'm going to go with this actually being your first post and say welcome. .

Very brave on your part bao-bao, but knowing you to be the type of guy that you are, your statement above does not surprise me in the slightest.

Unfortunately I have to be honest and admit, that whilst I am hoping that the authenticity of this posters origins turns out to be true, whether they are or not as well as whether this is also his first post, is something that unlike yours bao-bao, my jury are still out deliberating on. However, to continue.

You're only seeing what you want to see.

If that statement of yours above is true in the case of unreachable_obsession, would you say that he would be likely to fall into the majority or minority, of all of the people you know and have known in your time.

How do you know what the Farang are thinking?

I would say that reading this forum along with some of the other ones would be a reasonable conclusion to the above question, wouldn't you? I know this wont prove to be the most popular of theories to you soi_toi, but I don't expect for one minute that you will be the only one here that this applies to.

You're assuming and you're stereotyping and you're generalizing and you're spreading your ignorance and intolerance.
Just my response.

I agree with you on this point soi_toi. How very dare he? I wouldn't mind, but it's not as if he would have ever seen a post on this forum, where any of the members here have done as he has and spread their ignorance and intolerance, by generalising and sterotyping every Thai boy that they have come into contact with, is it? As if anyone here would be guilty of such a thing! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/whistling-1.gif

I am well aware that there are many good farangs here, some who are and others who have been in long term relationships with their Thai b/f's. On the other hand, I also believe that where some others are concerned, there is also a lot of truth in what unreachable_obsession has said in his post above. However, before commenting on this subject any further, I will be wait to see what unreachable_obsession has to say in his next post. I will also be waiting in the hope, that he may decide to enlighten us as to what this unreachable obsession that he so obviously has, actually is.



November 7th, 2008, 03:34
I am one who visits at least once a year for the past 15 years or so, I have friends both Thai and farang that I look forward to seeing. I do spread some baht around when I'm in the territory. I would not be so bold as to say I know the mind of all Thai young men. The ones I meet are clean, honest and not bothered by my gray hair. I hope I treat them with respect and am constantly amazed at their care for me. An observation I made sometime ago was about the young Thai man ( 30 is young to me) who was on an elephant trek with me in the sun filled field. My friend reached under the seat grabbed the umbrella and popped it open and said something like, 'you will burn up in the sun if you don't have the umbrella over you.' A few minutes in the direct sun would not have melted me, but the tenderness of the statement resonated with me. I could go to Mexico or Brazil and spend even more on a two week vacation, and not have such a good time. I just happen to like Thailand and the guys I meet. Natually, if there is no chemistry or good vibes, I do move on and not feel bad about not choosing a guy that seems to be foisted on me without my approval. To show how hard it is to find sympatico types. On my first day in Pattaya, I had not yet hooked up with my Thai friend for the past 8 years, and was having a quite meal at one of the Sunee eating establishments, the waiter was more than effecient. I chatted for a while and before leaving the restaurant had set up a meeting for later in the evening. Guys there is not place like Pattaya in all the world. This says nothing about the German boys and the Estonia guys and even Russians I have met in the past year. He he, they are all tall and blond, and it seems I do have a bias for Thai guys. Guess What, I don't think I'm the only one. Perhaps that is the bottom line, many of us like Thia guys. Oh well, good karma to all.

November 7th, 2008, 03:39
I will also be waiting in the hope, that he may decide to enlighten us as to what this unreachable obsession ... actually is.Surely it's obvious - the post is riven with racial stereotypes, of Westerners, Thais and "Asians". You could summarise it in three words "White man bad".

November 7th, 2008, 05:41
It seems as though the longer they stay in Thai-land the less they become integrated in a culture mentality and search for tangible objects that reflect their western values and perhaps indicate that their stay is completed when they have exploited the boys and resources of Thailand.

Unreachable Obsession.

Interesting insight! If you are who I think you are...welcome to the site...if not welcome anyhow!

November 7th, 2008, 08:47
" ... It seems as though relationships develop on this concept (moneyboys/allowances) - it only backfires on the Farang after a few years because love has not been acquired thoughtfully. It seems as though its some informal psychological control over these boys to stay with them ... "
Unreachable Obsession? ... perhaps should better styled Unreachable Generalization, and a pack of 'em to boot. (The quote above is only one example, there being so many)

I think that if you are reaching for comment on things which have yet to see the light of day on this Forum, then you are seriously over-reaching. There is no single generalization in your original message which I've not encountered a hundred or so times on this Board in the past. Some may have more weight or truth than others, but they all generalizations, and should be treated as such. (Noted that the Bald Old Cunt above uses the word 'stereotyping', but I'm a lot gentler guy than he).

Cheers ...

November 7th, 2008, 09:22
(Noted that the Bald Old Cunt above uses the word 'stereotyping', but I'm a lot gentler guy than he).Bald Fat Old Cunt, please

November 7th, 2008, 11:52
I would like to respond to some of the Farang bloggers about their attitude towards life in Thailand and Thai boys.

I was really intrigued with the unprecedented discussion by foreigners who identify themselves as 'Farangs' in relation to their new found city of angels or perhaps middle age gay mans heavy idealized utopia. As I read more in their experiences, adventures and boyfriends in their continuum blogs, its seems apparent many are disappointed.

Perhaps what disturbs me the most, as I am Asian man, I feel I have to respond to Farang's description about Thai life, in particular Thai boys who are considered as 'passive-obsessive' unethical and misery. I can't help but this a bad reflection on Farangs themselves and their own society, and who are embed in a cultural cross fire. Neither do Thai boys appreciate being described in this manner.

I think there is also a misconception about Thai boys attitudes in relationship with Farangs, especially when attempting to imposing western values on them can be a very peril mistake, in trying redeem a situation, where the boy cannot express himself adequately where language barrier is an issue, neither do they think their Farang father figures make the effort to understand the nature of their objective, which is not about monetary gains but a form of collective appreciation towards his family that is first on his priority list to the dismay of Farangs and Farangs miss this opportunity.

Thai boys do not make the attempt to in explaining it either, because Farangs don't understand nor do they make the attempt to.

Its conceived that Farang who had expired his stay in Thai-land becomes bitter queens and leaves country with disappoint and regret and on their next adventure to other prospective Asian country on their list that might serve up to their expectation with western values so its close to home for them.

I do not understand why Farang come to Thailand to expect that boys will comply to their social norms and why should they be feel alienated in their home country and bribe them. It seems as though relationships develop on this concept (moneyboys/allowances) - it only backfires on the Farang after a few years because love has not been acquired thoughtfully. It seems as though its some informal psychological control over these boys to stay with them, however Thai boys do play their part in this self-destructive relationship.

But he cannot leave because his been made dependent on the Farang who has exploited him of his independence. Perhaps its not love but a form of contract until he does not want to fulfill those requirements anymore or the Farang has decided dispose this contract in favour of a new contractual love that is less inhibited by culture and family. One that is Asian with western values.

It seems as though the longer they stay in Thai-land the less they become integrated in a culture mentality and search for tangible objects that reflect their western values and perhaps indicate that their stay is completed when they have exploited the boys and resources of Thailand.

This response is not complete. I will continue to respond and give rise to voices that cannot speak for themselves or understand this disturbing almost to the point of a form of prejudice attitudes.

Unreachable Obsession.

I am writing this answer since my blog entry (you can find the address of my blog in my profile) obviously triggered something for the user "unreachabale obsession".

I am not Thai and live in Bangkok but I do not like to identify myself as "farang". Rather, I am called "farang" by Thais on the basis of my skin colour and race.

my mention of "city of angels" doesnt refer to gay men = angels. we all know that krung thep means city of angels.

"middle age gay mans heavy idealized utopia". I dont know your age but I am born in the 1980s. I hope that doesnt make me middle-aged.

"Perhaps what disturbs me the most, as I am Asian man, I feel I have to respond to Farang's description about Thai life, in particular Thai boys who are considered as 'passive-obsessive' unethical and misery."
Why do you feel that you need to defend other Asians? Does that mean I have to defend every caucasian in turn? I dont like this "us vs them-thought". will you as an "asian man" also argue against me if I have a relationship problem with my korean boyfriend because he was born in the same continent?

passive-obsessive: i stand by that. it's my personal experience with many thai man. I dont know why (and I would love if you can "enlighten" me on that) but why do thais often fall into a passive role when confronted with farang. examples: they would often flirt heavily but not make the move; I as a foreigner am always asked to make the decision on where to eat or where to go or what to do (this is not just in gay content). I do not like this role. sexually, the same would apply. I have talked to quite a few thai men who say they are "bottom" but then later quietly admit that they would actually love to try to be "top". that raises a few questions.

unethical: I never said this.

misery: you misquoted or misunderstood me. I didnt call any thai person miserable. much rather, dating thai men has made me miserable (dictionary: a state of great unhappiness and emotional distress) because I had high hopes with some people and was disappointed.

"I can't help but this a bad reflection on Farangs themselves and their own society, and who are embed in a cultural cross fire. Neither do Thai boys appreciate being described in this manner."
what is the farang society? there is no such thing. You do apparently not know where I lived and what my cultural background is and how different western cultures are. again, I do not believe in this "asians versus westerners" dichotomy.
if I have an opinion on this subject and if the opinion is founded on tangible reasons, experiences and facts, I can voice my opinion.

I think there is also a misconception about Thai boys attitudes in relationship with Farangs, especially when attempting to imposing western values on them can be a very peril mistake, in trying redeem a situation, where the boy cannot express himself adequately where language barrier is an issue, neither do they think their Farang father figures make the effort to understand the nature of their objective, which is not about monetary gains but a form of collective appreciation towards his family that is first on his priority list to the dismay of Farangs and Farangs miss this opportunity.

I never tried to impose my own "western (?)" values on a thai person. I try to apply common sense (I admit, this is a difficult topic) If you read my accounts of some of my dates, you may be able to grasp what I mean. that whole father-figure money paragraph doesnt apply to me. I have a rather passive personality and never had a relationship like you describe.

The language barrier is a difficult issue. a lot of cultural misunderstandings can be explained by that. and I accept that it is also my responsibility to learn thai just like it would be my potential partner's responsibility for learning english. i learned to read and write quite a bit of thai in 6 months. that's not sensational but an effort.

most of the people I met have no problems in communicating in english and are middle- to upper-class people. they seeked no material gain from me.

"I do not understand why Farang come to Thailand to expect that boys will comply to their social norms and why should they be feel alienated in their home country and bribe them. It seems as though relationships develop on this concept (moneyboys/allowances)"

as above. i always tried to develop my relationships between equals. no money involved.

please excuse if this response is rather personal. the attack on my was personal. I quote: "please leave the country". So I answered in a personal way.

one more thing: if you use the combination "thai boys" with any slight irony, I agree with you. I do not like this combination. The thai men we meet are adults (the ones I met between 22-30 years) so they are not boys.

I am delighted to lead a proper discussion with you and I would love to be "englightened" by you on the real questions that I have, which you havent touched upon at all. I suspect you havent read enough of my blog to actually stumble over them.

November 7th, 2008, 12:07
(Noted that the Bald Old Cunt above uses the word 'stereotyping', but I'm a lot gentler guy than he).Bald Fat Old Cunt, please

A recent Homintern reply who really lurves to get down there!!! (This posting in Sawatdee Forum Any other country...)

"DAKRA wrote: You are really a pice of crap"
Homintern replied: I like to think so

Homintern: Does this make you a "Bald Fat Old Piece of Cunt Crap"

November 7th, 2008, 12:50
In regards to: 'Bitchofbangkok's' response. Hugely interesting.
I kind of glossed over the "farang" reference in the original post, assuming that it had been made in regards to a previous post of a member here (who's handle I did not recognize, but that's not uncommon).

But ... it turns out that the so-called 'Farang' is the handle of someone, not of this Board, but of some blog somewhere, apparently owned by the above mentioned 'Bitch...'

So whats up with "Obsession" posting a riposte here ... when it should have been posted there . . . i.e. the aforementioned Blog (to which we have no link, and of which no one has ever heard of)?

Ya gotta love gay guys ... everwhere :bom: :bom: :bom: they're getting as bad as Sarah Palin. :cheers: But I do concede that Sarah made the recent campaign much more interesting ... as does Bitch...'s reply (who knew!!?) to Obsession (what next!!??)

Case in point. The number of Members watching this thread right now: Registered Users:
chancellor, dab69, Irish1972, jomtien, krobbie, petr55, unreachable_obsession, wadywady, wyrleyboy .

Perhaps Mr Obsession could put this thread in perspective?

Cheers ...

November 7th, 2008, 13:26
mister smiles,

there is no secret. the link to my blog is in my profile.

i received a "passionate" comment by an anonymous user who said that I should be "enlightened" by his post on the sawatdee gay thailand forum. (the thread starter)

The attack on my blog seemed rather personal, so I answered in a rather personal way.

November 7th, 2008, 13:31
If I was more of a skeptic I could be persuded to believe that the two new posters are the same person promoting their Thai blog in a clever way to a new audience.....but, I guess thats not too logical without the poster doing what they said they did which was put their blog location in their profile.....but it is semi-clever if they are doing this......

November 7th, 2008, 13:37
I am not Thai and live in Bangkok but I do not like to identify myself as "farang". Rather, I am called "farang" by Thais on the basis of my skin colour and race.You mean you don't think of yourself as a Westerner? That's all "farang" means

November 7th, 2008, 14:19
well, I did grow up in several "western" cultures and I am of caucasian ethnicity. but when we talk about japanese or koreans here in thailand, they are japanese or koreans. however, a canadian, an Italian, an Australian and a Swede are all collectively thrown into the "farang" basket....I dont like that...
I can not post a link in here because I am not yet member of the forum for 2 days....so there is no dark plot, just a practical reason:)

the allegation I might be myself and the obsession guy too is quite amusing...I wouldnt have come up with this plan:)

November 7th, 2008, 14:45
well, I did grow up in several "western" cultures and I am of caucasian ethnicity. but when we talk about japanese or koreans here in thailand, they are japanese or koreans. however, a canadian, an Italian, an Australian and a Swede are all collectively thrown into the "farang" basket....I dont like that...Get over it - Koreans, Japanese and Chinese are all separate races; Canadians, Italians, Australians and Swedes are all Caucasians. It's a race thing, nothing to do with culture

November 7th, 2008, 14:49
westerner, caucasian, farang - whats the difference? different word for the same thing. for some strange reason, thai people tend to use a thai word to describe something (even if its a thai word derived from another language) so the term farang is the obvious choice - cant see any reason to get upset about it.

korean and japanese could obviously be grouped together as asian, but that wouldnt identify them as foreigners here. so I guess thai people to refer to them as korean and japanese to identify them as foreign, whereas a farang is obviously a foreigner.

November 7th, 2008, 15:15
korean and japanese could obviously be grouped together as asian, but that wouldnt identify them as foreigners here. so I guess thai people to refer to them as korean and japanese to identify them as foreign, whereas a farang is obviously a foreigner.They're all separate races - except I suppose one shouldn't suggest thereby that the Thais are racist - that is, after all, solely a white man's failing :idea:

November 7th, 2008, 15:44
I suppose one shouldn't suggest thereby that the Thais are racist - that is, after all, solely a white man's failing :idea:

i think there is some sort or racism anywhere you go. how that racism is expressed varies though - i dont see anything like the KKK here, but there is certainly racial (and other) discrimination here.

November 7th, 2008, 15:48
Taking a short look at Mr Bitch's Blog ....

On opening one is greeted by a greeting sentence which does not bode well: " ... the event that makes me so angry and bitter is the following ... ", and beyond that dismaying slice of ambience, then goes on to describe an acutely banal dilemna (read it for yourself: http://bitchofbangkok.blogspot.com/ ).

However, my favourite sentence, not too far down, within a paragraph purporting to describe the Thai concept of 'beauty'. It ends thus (talking to the Blogs readers, laughably): " ... I just wanna let you know, I am not fat. If I go to farangland I am pretty much in the average ... ". A serious case of denial, as the average 'Farang-lander' (assuming the USA?) seems to have blossomed up to 230+lbs (average) in the last 50 years. That's probably fairly accurate if observations on Thai beaches and Las Vegas boulevards are any indication.

Perhaps it gets better.

Cheers ...

November 7th, 2008, 15:49
... but there is certainly racial (and other) discrimination here.The Thais are among the most chauvinst people I know

November 7th, 2008, 16:05
... and it DOES get better!

A further exerpt, buried further down. Will not go into details, but it's spectacularly ironic :ky:

" ... This time we had dinner around here and then went to my place. That's when he started drinking from my minibar and boasted THREE times about how big and hard his cock is, only to announce that he had get up and leave. What an asshole. Makes everything about himself. ... "
This last from a guy who writes a Blog, all about himself.

And this little blurb, giving rise to thinking that here's a guy who would get along absolutely famously with Herr Homintern and his well known derriere aesthetic. :blackeye:

" ... Since I am more of a bottom, and I often talk to bottoms too because I find them more attractive, I get this answer 90% of the time ... "

I will give him this much: it takes a lot of pure energy to write novels, poetry, plays ... and Blogs I guess. So congrats on that at least.

Cheers ...

November 7th, 2008, 16:13
...so this is a private tiff by two people whose discourse is limited to sweeping, but elaborately constructed, racist generalisations.

I suggest we desist from gracing the flow of consciousness with applause at imagined insights and leave them to it.


November 8th, 2008, 00:42
If I was more of a skeptic I could be persuded to believe that the two new posters are the same person promoting their Thai blog in a clever way to a new audience.....but, I guess thats not too logical without the poster doing what they said they did which was put their blog location in their profile.....but it is semi-clever if they are doing this......

More bizarre than semi-clever or clever.

November 8th, 2008, 00:50
I look for helpful information, try to ignore the ego. Some of what BB writes is entertaining. I might try reading it again when I've got a few drinks in me.

November 8th, 2008, 04:19
Get over it - Koreans, Japanese and Chinese are all separate races; Canadians, Italians, Australians and Swedes are all Caucasians. It's a race thing, nothing to do with culture

You will find Canadians, Italians, Australians & Swedes include many races, not just Caucasians. This arises as a result of migration in the last century or so, plus of course the aboriginal population in Australia.

November 8th, 2008, 07:12
Get over it - Koreans, Japanese and Chinese are all separate races; Canadians, Italians, Australians and Swedes are all Caucasians. It's a race thing, nothing to do with cultureYou will find Canadians, Italians, Australians & Swedes include many races, not just Caucasians. This arises as a result of migration in the last century or so, plus of course the aboriginal population in Australia.I guess if one is going to be completely pedantic - which is amusing given that you're the person who believes that Gordon Brown should be put in prison without a trial, but I digress - then strictly speaking that is true, but it misses completely the point the poster was making (which, in your case, why am I not surprised). His original point seems to be that as a Caucasian Molvanian (or whatever nation he hails from) he objects to be lumped together by the Thais with Caucasians from other countries such as Canada, Australia and so on. He wants to be known by his national identity not his ethnic identity, and that is what the discussion is about

November 8th, 2008, 07:42
I am not Thai and live in Bangkok but I do not like to identify myself as "farang". Rather, I am called "farang" by Thais on the basis of my skin colour and race.You mean you don't think of yourself as a Westerner? That's all "farang" means

All people are racist. Not just Thais. A basic psychological phenomenon is in - group / out - group
People are instinctively suspicious of out - group members.

November 8th, 2008, 08:29
Will you classify Barrak Obama a farang? Or You guys have different views?

November 8th, 2008, 08:35
Barack Obama is black, not Caucasian, and Thais consider him either "black", "negro" or "African" depending who you talk to

November 8th, 2008, 10:06
The Thais are insular and largely ignorant. When they first made contact with the French(Caucasians), they had to call them something, thus "Farang" came to be used to refer to anyone who looks French/caucasian.
I also met a lot of ignorant people as a student in the UK. A lot of the locals referred to Asians in general as Chinese or chinese-looking chaps, whereas the Asian student population came from a diverse source.
If the term is not used in a derogatory manner then we all should see its usage as a loose reference. People become more specific as their awareness increases. In the meantime let's enjoy the diversity. :cherry:

November 8th, 2008, 13:30
Will you classify Barrak Obama a farang? Or You guys have different views?

Chocolate man! They also say "farang si-dom" which means black farang.

(gotta love Thai humor)


November 8th, 2008, 14:35
I am not Thai and live in Bangkok but I do not like to identify myself as "farang". Rather, I am called "farang" by Thais on the basis of my skin colour and race.You mean you don't think of yourself as a Westerner? That's all "farang" means

All people are racist. Not just Thais. A basic psychological phenomenon is in - group / out - group
People are instinctively suspicious of out - group members.

So baziel......are you an inny or outy?

November 8th, 2008, 14:37
I am not Thai and live in Bangkok but I do not like to identify myself as "farang". Rather, I am called "farang" by Thais on the basis of my skin colour and race.You mean you don't think of yourself as a Westerner? That's all "farang" meansAll people are racist. Not just Thais. A basic psychological phenomenon is in - group / out - group. People are instinctively suspicious of out - group members.So baziel......are you an inny or outy?Faggots are outy by definition