View Full Version : Phuket: If shark in bay, for gods sakes don't tell anyone

November 6th, 2008, 07:55
ROFL... this had me cracking up:

"On Phuket, as in many destinations, there is not much information available about potential dangers. Too often the mentality of Jaws applies: if there's a shark in the bay, for God's sake don't tell anyone."

http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/south- ... 89377.html (http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/south-east-asia/thailand/the-dangers-of-phukets-beaches/2008/10/29/1224956089377.html)


November 6th, 2008, 10:11
Regardless of how good the journalist's research skills are... and the (hard working) efforts of the Phuket Gazette... you can't deny that most tourists visiting Phuket aren't aware of the dangers or the level of danger (whether it is their fault/ignorence or not).

And... it is not untrue to say Thai officials are quite bias when it comes to reporting anything, which may affect tourism numbers. And that Thais have a rather unnerving "she'll be right" approach to safety.

I just had to laugh though... at the mentality of, "if there's a shark in the bay, for god's sake don't tell anyone!"

It sounds like a comedy of errors occuring behind the scenes to happy tourists enjoying their holiday while oblivious to some startling dangers...

haha... it's like saying, "the pilot's blind drunk but for god's sake don't tell the passengers. The take off is easy so just give it a few hours and he'll be sober enough to land!"

November 6th, 2008, 17:29
Plenty of accidents/injuries at Bondi... but nobody has ever drowned (that I know of) during periods where it is patrolled (ie. all Summer).

Lots of people are rescued from the water, but it isn't considered a big deal... the lifeguards just come out in their jetskis or little boats and pick you up. People take bigger risks because they know there are lots of others around and they know the lifeguards are watching and will pull them out if they get in trouble.

Most of the people who get in trouble are people from the country or outer suburbs... or tourists who underestimate the water.

lol... and if there is a shark in the water, they tell EVERYONE! haw haw haw

Brad the Impala
November 6th, 2008, 18:17
The linked article, in the opening post, declares:

"There are no Jaws-type sharks in Phuket waters". Unfortunately the same cannot be said of Bondi!

November 7th, 2008, 04:36
erm... there are no "jaws like" sharks anywhere!.... unless you go back a few million years.

But yes, there are sharks in Australian waters... people do get attacked. But on the popular beaches, especially around Sydney, you're unlikely to get bitten. They do air patrols (sharks can be spotted from the air) to spot sharks and sound alarms (this doesn't happen too often) if they see one getting close.

And just in case the pilot is short-sighted and misses a shark... it's still ok. There's so many people around you it's unlikely you'll be the one getting bitten.

Remember... you don't have to out swim the shark... you just have to out swim the kids beside you. ho ho ho

Quite frankly there are more dangerous creatures than sharks though... jellyfish, bluebottles, blue ringed octopus, stingrays, rock fish etc etc.

I've seen lots of sea snakes in Thailand. They freak me out because you know they are extremely venomous and can kill quickly. Always keen to give them a wide berth.

haha... I can just imagine it:

Boy: Snake! Snake in restaurant!

Manager: Sssssshhhhh! No say! No say!

Boy: Big snake in restaurant. Near window. Not moving now.

Manager: Ok ok. Wait for customer finit eat. Den catch snake.

Boy: Huh?!

Manager: Wait customer finit eat first. If new customer come in, cannot sit near window. Ok?

Boy: Huh?! Cannot. Must ask customer go now! What if snake bite customer?

Manager: No is ok. You say snake not move!

Boy: Now snake not move. What if snake later move??!!!

Manager: No no. Wait for after restaurant close than you catch snake. Wait customer eat and pay money firt.

Boy: Ok after restaurant close, who catch snake?

Manager: I go home. You catch snake before go home.

Boy: Huh?!

Manager: You catch snake. Put in bag. I want make curry tomorrow. Hahahaha

Boy: You ting tong! I not catch snake!

Manager: Is ok. If snake bite you, I give you 100 baht go hospital.

Boy: What if I die?!!

(Meanwhile... outside)

Boy 2: Mister, what wrong?

Customer: Um, what is that thing over there?

Boy 2: Oh, is nothing. Is food ok? Is good?

Customer: Oh my god! I think that's a snake!

Boy 2: No no no. Is no snake. Is no snake!

Customers (all at once): Snake!?? Where??!!

Boy 2: Shhhh! Is ok. Not snake

Customer: It's moving! Watch out it's coming towards you!

(Customers all leap up to evacuate the room)

(Manager comes running)

Manager: Ok please pay firt! Please pay firt. Ay, mister! Cannot leav. Must pay firt!