View Full Version : Obama wins....Homi looses cash and credibility

November 5th, 2008, 12:53
Well, Homi, you made the big bet on McCain, and were all so sure in your arrogance that you were going to get rich on your brilliant and wise bet. Indeed you posted on this board the inevitability of a McCain victory; your bet was a sure thing. You thought you were so wise, and everyone who disagreed with your position that Obama could NEVER win the election were pathetically ignorant people. Indeed, in your mind, they were dreamers to think that America could ever elect a man like Obama.

Now that Obama has won in a landside what do you have to say??? How much did you loose??? And better yet, we would all love to hear your explanation as to how your brilliant thinking, logic and betting...could have been so detached from the reality of today's reality. .

November 5th, 2008, 13:05
Well, Homi, you made the big bet on McCainI'm sure you'll be able to point me to where I've said that I've ever bet on McCain. I've been very careful to update the Forum with all my betting activity; in fact the last time I bet on a Republican winning was George Bush in 2004. I've said I bet against Obama winning when I thought his odds were too high prior to the Democrats' convention and I updated that thread when I closed the bet out for a profit. Not paying enough attention to detail is a problem for you, I guess - how did you manage to hold down a job?

November 5th, 2008, 13:17
And better yet, we would all love to hear your explanation as to how your brilliant thinking, logic and betting...could have been so detached from the reality of today's realityI've given him 10 minutes and he still can't come up with the evidence. I guess it must be that Pattaya water, affecting his perception of reality

November 5th, 2008, 13:24
This thread says pattaya but I have put all the "Obama" threads together.

November 5th, 2008, 13:44
Nearly an hour and the poor boy can produce no evidence to back up his assertions. Oh dear :alien:

November 5th, 2008, 13:46
This thread says pattaya but I have put all the "Obama" threads together.Totally bizarre moderation - again. Surely the Mods understand that
Gay Thailand = Thailand
Any other Country is about GAY issues in other countries
Global is for politics etc. etc.

Or at least that what the front page says!!

??????????????????????? :idea:

Lunchtime O'Booze
November 5th, 2008, 16:44
How dare you question Homintern's integrity !!!! (..especially when he doesn't have any)

well I don't know about anyone else but there was a tear in my eye listening to Barack Obama's speech..I mean here is great orator of our times and they don't come along to often. I think this is the most wonderful result for the USA..I think even many Republicans will come to Obama 's side eventually when they realise he isn't a 1. a communist 2. Muslim (not that it would matter) 3. all the other crazy ideas they came up with. :cheers:

John McCain gave a superb speech..I actually really liked McCain but he just doesn't have that "wow" factor..and let's face it..the choice of Sarah Apalin really was a huge mistake. Far from he going onto some great future I think she will sink into obscurity.

where are you Henry Cate ?..I'm feeling very warm and cuddly towards you at the moment.

November 5th, 2008, 17:03
Other than all the damn taxes I'm gonna have to pay, I have no problem with Obama. persoanlly, if you didn't see this one coming you were blind, I gave up on MCcain weeks ago. Once the recession hit on top of all the other stuff, there was no real hope McCain had any hope of winning. I think he knew that as well. You for sure could not run on the coat tails of GWB, and Obama played that ticket all the way into the black house. Opps excuse me , I will certainly be called a bigot.

As an orator, there was no better since Martin Luther King, and JFK. It was hard to think he would not win, if his pastor thing had of come up now, instead of the beginning, it may have been harder , but I think he would have still won if the recesssion was coming any way. I am sure Wall street is not happy.

Those who depend on American trade better be careful as well. He is a bit of a protectonist as far as free trade is concerned. Lots of Jobs are going to come back home. He has already given fair warning to Mexico and Canada, the Fillipino''s are a bit worried too as far as trade. I have already heard them moanign about it.

One can only hope he will get a good cabinet that will look at the whole picture.

So, am I glad or happy, Well, Pissed about the Taxes and okay with the rest of it...

All the best!


November 5th, 2008, 21:35
Wesley dear, what a naive old goat you are.....considering how much oil the US of A buys from your closest friends and neighbors, ie. Canada and Mexico, I don't think it would be all that wise to start becoming all protectionist. There is also the small matter of NAFTA.

Of course if y'all want to rely on those devilish Muslims in the Middle East and that nut case in Venezuela then by all means go ahead.

November 5th, 2008, 23:14
Wesley dear, what a naive old goat you are.....considering how much oil the US of A buys from your closest friends and neighbors, ie. Canada and Mexico, I don't think it would be all that wise to start becoming all protectionist. There is also the small matter of NAFTA.

Of course if y'all want to rely on those devilish Muslims in the Middle East and that nut case in Venezuela then by all means go ahead.

No, that is not my idea, Obama is the one who has a problem with Nafta and trade, not just with Canada and Mexico, He wants to bring jobs back home that went over seas after trade was unregulated. He has to pay for all this stuff he has promised some how , he can't get it all from the taxpayers if they are all over seas dear. Besides I said Clearly, I have no problem with any of his stuff except my taxes, he can do all the other stuff he can find the money to pay for , he is sitting on a trillion dollars of debt. Some one has to pay all that off, who do you think its gonna be, the American people cant do it with out selling treasury bills. The poor man has come into office with a truck load of problems , unless he begins walking on water and turning water into wine this is going to take a while to fix. So with a trillion dollars of debt, everyone gets health insurance, money back to boost the economy and God knows how much else he promised. I feel sorry for the man. I wouldn't want to be the one to follow GWB into the white house for all the oil in all those places you metioned. He has one hell of a mess to fix. I don't begrudge anything he does that will help. I am just sayign he can't fix it all in his first term and lucky if he does in his second, if he lives that long. Homi. may well be right. Biden may be the next president. I wouldn't have the job of the secret service either. Too many nut cases out there to stop them all.

I honestly wish him all the best, he definitly is going to need it.


November 5th, 2008, 23:27
Wes, the big problem about being pissed and voting against taxes is that more money is borrowed from China. Someone has to pay at some point in time. History does tell us that Democrats do "Tax and Spend", but the bigger lesson of history is that Republicans "Borrow and Spend Even More." Nothing in life is truly free, so step up and write the IRS a check with a big smile on your face.

Homi, you have me on Ignore...or, did you forget? And yes, I stopped reading your foolishness because at some point your logic became so convoluted it wasn't worth the read.

November 5th, 2008, 23:48
Wes, the big problem about being pissed and voting against taxes is that more money is borrowed from China. Someone has to pay at some point in time. History does tell us that Democrats do "Tax and Spend", but the bigger lesson of history is that Republicans "Borrow and Spend Even More." Nothing in life is truly free, so step up and write the IRS a check with a big smile on your face.

Homi, you have me on Ignore...or, did you forget? And yes, I stopped reading your foolishness because at some point your logic became so convoluted it wasn't worth the read.

All the best and Give Homi hell every chance you get. He claims I am on ignore too, not intelligent enough for him. But it amazes me he always finds something I said to bitch about.Damn, anyone who has finally figured Homiturd out has my vote, I long gave up on his silliness.

As to that IRS check, unless I can get it in some protected account they are going to get it any way, I am looking at a 50% increase in Taxes. The only good thing is they can't make me pay taxes twice on wages but what ya bet gas tax and every other kind of tax goes up as well. So, I pretty much agree, they just wanted a republican to blow a little smoke so, I did.

Actually I am not all that unhappy. I could not get my cake and eat it too, I hope the human rights issues will be settled and fixed in his administration. Gay Adoptions, gay civil unions or gay marriage and general Human rights issues like, giving the detainee's a fair trial. I really have no problem with all that, in-fact encourage that. I may get married myself If it ever comes to my state and just move back home with the cutest guy I can find in this fine place I live in now.


November 6th, 2008, 02:16
Homi, you have me on Ignore...or, did you forget?Actually I don't have you on {Ignore} and I've never said so. I enjoy celebrating your idiocies far too much - like George's
And yes, I stopped reading your foolishness because at some point your logic became so convoluted it wasn't worth the read.I guess that's your excuse for making a complete fool of yourself over my betting activities. That's two out of two mistakes so far in 24 hours. Your credibility's really shot to pieces. Fortunately for you I don't believe in "three strikes and you're out". For the record all of my betting activity is summarised in a couple of posts on this thread - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 15868.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/obama-47-9-and-falling-t15868.html)

November 6th, 2008, 04:40
Who makes your list?Billy in his many incarnations, boygeenyus in his many incarnations, Snowkat, Adenoids, Wesley, Aunty. I know I'm on many lists - reality is too hard to bear for many people and as I delight in challenging illusions ...

I have another Fools of the Moment list, headed by Henry Cate, Soi10Tom and Dek Wat. The Easy Targets list is George, Wesley, Aunty, boygeenyus . As you can see, all but George are on {Ignore} as well - you don't have to know anything about their current doodlings to stir them up. I do have a Favourites List too - apart from my dining companion, Lunchtime O'Booze, it would be unfair to shame the others by naming them

And then there's baziel :withstupid:

All but George are on the Ignore????? Prehaps your memory is failing???

November 6th, 2008, 05:10
Persoanllly I could not be happier I am on his shit list, the longer it gets the more he stinks,


November 6th, 2008, 05:36
All but George are on the Ignore????? Prehaps your memory is failing???I guess it really is something in the water at Pattaya. The Fools of the Moment list and the Easy Targets list are independent of each other; I should perhaps have made that clearer. George is the only one on the Easy Targets list who is not on {Ignore}. On reflection I should perhaps move Soi 10 Tom to Easy Targets - but he's also such a damn fool. What a struggle it is :albino:

November 6th, 2008, 10:35
Who makes your list?Billy in his many incarnations, boygeenyus in his many incarnations, Snowkat, Adenoids, Wesley, Aunty. I know I'm on many lists - reality is too hard to bear for many people and as I delight in challenging illusions ...

I have another Fools of the Moment list, headed by Henry Cate, Soi10Tom and Dek Wat. The Easy Targets list is George, Wesley, Aunty, boygeenyus . As you can see, all but George are on {Ignore} as well - you don't have to know anything about their current doodlings to stir them up. I do have a Favourites List too - apart from my dining companion, Lunchtime O'Booze, it would be unfair to shame the others by naming them

And then there's baziel :withstupid:

All but George are on the Ignore????? Prehaps your memory is failing???

Homi, you sorry old queen. Let me explain English language construction and its common understanding to you like you were a 6 year old.

You constructed three sentences within the same paragraph that are very closely related in both content and construction: 1) I have another Fools of the Moment list, headed by Henry Cate, Soi10Tom and Dek Wat. 2) The Easy Targets list is George, Wesley, Aunty, boygeenyus 3) As you can see, all but George are on {Ignore} as well - you don't have to know anything about their current doodlings to stir them up. Your sentence number 3 follows sentence 1 and 2 and stands independently from both sentences 1 and 2. It is therefore commonly agreed and understood in English that sentence number 3 refers to both sentences 1 and 2 due to both the common content and construction of sentences 1 and 2..

It is very sad that an American has had to explain such a simple concept to you.

November 6th, 2008, 12:02
It is very sad that an American has had to explain such a simple concept to you.How sweet of you. Perhaps you could explain the rules of English language and grammar to fattman. However you're still at two wrong out of two goes

Lunchtime O'Booze
November 6th, 2008, 21:34
"So, am I glad or happy, Well, Pissed about the Taxes and okay with the rest of it... "

you must be earning over $250,000 a year then :cyclopsani:

November 7th, 2008, 03:07
Let me explain English language construction and its common understanding to youI think's classic that this thread is headed "Homi looses credibility" and its author is now trying to explain English grammar to the Colonel. Surely it's "loses credibility"? So where does that leave Soi 10 Tom's credibility? I'd say it's in tatters from every angle.