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View Full Version : McCain and the internet

October 27th, 2008, 12:13
I was one of those un-decided voters until last night when I was talking to some friends in one of the better Host bars. I discovered the old coot canтАЩt use Email. If this is true and not just an internet Rumor, That finished it for me. I am not sure I would like to see a guy who has a finger on the fire button and not have enough computer skills to send someone an email. God I depend on my secretary way to much but, if put in a bind I can hit the send button for an email. I call that out of touch with the current generation, which does not just include college kids, guys my age and older Obviously if Homiturd can use one our president should be able to as well.


Lunchtime O'Booze
October 27th, 2008, 12:43
oh God..there I was thinking he had sobered up !!

there are a few reasons I wouldn't vote for MCain for but his inability to use the internet isn't one of them. Do you really want a president who sits in front of a computer all day reading this rubbish ?

It's Sarah Apalin who worries me and now I hear McCain has hired a food taster..we should all worry !!