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View Full Version : My four favorite bars not in order of appearce

October 22nd, 2008, 17:51
Memories for the atmosphere and one particularly cute Guy

Crazy Dragon for best boys and most eager boys to satisfy

Ouds bar for beginning the day with a wonderful uplifting spirit Oud get the night of to the right start, as well as sloppy Joes and like Mom use to make and North Carolina style BBQ. It begins my evening, the rest I cannot comment on since I have not been able to go to them all but, for now these are top

As well for some short time fun happy boys certainly makes the list. A bit hard to find but if you turn the corner its there. Location sucks to have such a good way to treat their guests. If you are like me and can off multiple guys then it is a nice beginning to an evening.
I will add to the list after I leave.

I have found no bars I would call out of line, as best as I can tell 99% of the guys are legal and if you are staying in a place like I am in, then a under age guy will get you thrown out. I was told it was not the BBB that cleaned it up; it was the Mafia who cleaned it up before they had to be forced into doing it to keep it all running.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 22nd, 2008, 19:45
Memories for the atmosphere and one particularly cute Guy

Crazy Dragon for best boys and most eager boys to satisfy

Ouds bar for beginning the day with a wonderful uplifting spirit Oud get the night of to the right start, as well as sloppy Joes and like Mom use to make and North Carolina style BBQ. It begins my evening, the rest I cannot comment on since I have not been able to go to them all but, for now these are top

As well for some short time fun happy boys certainly makes the list. A bit hard to find but if you turn the corner its there. Location sucks to have such a good way to treat their guests. If you are like me and can off multiple guys then it is a nice beginning to an evening.
I will add to the list after I leave.

I have found no bars I would call out of line, as best as I can tell 99% of the guys are legal and if you are staying in a place like I am in, then a under age guy will get you thrown out. I was told it was not the BBB that cleaned it up; it was the Mafia who cleaned it up before they had to be forced into doing it to keep it all running.

I thin your'e right HominternS..Wesley sounds like he's been as pissed as rat since he hit town.

I concur with him though. Whatever new delightful little club rears it's head, Crazy Dragon is like some old faithful.