View Full Version : Sawatdee and Ting Tong Christmas Gathering.

October 20th, 2008, 20:43
Hi Guys, to prevent this post being of my normal novel type length, I will try and keep this poll very simple and very short.

I am delighted, that the highest percentage of the members that voted, 43 per cent, said that they would be happy to consider attending, regardless of whether the drinks and food were provided free and would be happy if they do attend, to pay their own way.

I have no idea obviously who the two members were who said they would only attend if the drinks and food were provided free, neither do I know the identity of the four members that said they would only attend if the food and some drinks were provided free. If those 6 votes made by certain members here were totally genuine, one has no option but to assume that your financial situation must be very dire indeed. If that really is the case, if you send me a pm which I will treat with the utmost confidentiality, I will arrange for you to eat and drink free on this day. I would hate for anyone to not be able to attend if it was a genuine case, that they really could not afford to.

OK, with that out of the way, let me say that I am a little disappointed, that I have had very few Pm's from the 22 who made up that 43% of that vote. Let me make it clear that I am not asking any of you to reveal your real life identities, as I respect your right not to do so if that is your wish. On the other hand, perhaps you were waiting for me to publish the date the gathering will be held before you were able to commit yourself. That will be done in this post. All I am asking those of you that will be able to attend, is to send me a pm with your board name and introduce yourself to me on the day, in order that I can issue you with some drinks and food vouchers.

I have decided to pick up the tab for the food at the gathering and also for some of the drinks, If I do things in the above way, it will ensure that my hospitality will be afforded to only those that it is intended for. Apart from the best way I can think of to prevent balloon chasers and people that are not even members of the forums from attending, it will also give me a reasonable idea of the number of members that will attend, so unlike last year, a situation does not develop where some go without food and it will enable me to make sure there is plenty for everyone. I can say, that there have been 18 members so far between the two boards, that have informed me, they definitely will be attending.

I have chosen the following date after pm correspondence with members from both forums, to ensure that it gives the best possible chance for the highest number of members of the two boards to attend, that will be here in Pattaya on vacation at this time. Apologies to those I couldn't oblige, but I am sure you will understand that it was impossible to arrange a date whereby all of those that were here in December could attend. So Guys, 2 simple requests, please vote in the poll and if your vote is in the affirmative, please back that vote up with a pm to me.

The date I have selected is Saturday the 13th December and the venue will be Memories Bar in Soi Sunee. Memories has an air conditioned bar inside for those that like the cool. This area will also be no smoking. There is also seating outside for those that prefer and also for those that wish to smoke. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/sifone.gif

The time of the gathering will start at 5-30 and run until late. In other words when the last member has left. There will be live entertainment provided during the evening http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/piano.gif I am certain, there will also be some entertainment provided during the course of the evening that will be unplanned and as big as a surprise to me, as it will be to others.

It is my belief that at previous years gatherings, most certainly last years one, it was made known that certain members were not welcome. However, it is not my intention to follow this previous precedent that was set and I would like to say, that for all of those happy to follow the simple pm request I have made, which will confirm your intention to attend, you are all welcome. That invitation is even extended to you Brad. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/2395.gif We could at least try and enjoy each others company for the day couldn't we? We can always go back to abusing each other again on the forum in the New Year. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/nyahnyahnyah.gifSeriously Brad, should you be able to attend the gathering, you would be made more than welcome.

Seriously, if anyone is capable of holding any type of a grudge against an anonymous poster on a gay message board, as a result of the fact they did not like something that was said to them, I hope you will excuse my saying that it is my opinion, they should be gently coaxed to head in the direction of the nearest psychiatric unit. So to anyone else that feels a little apprehensive about attending, as a result of a silly board feud, let me assure you all that no such silly nonsense will be tolerated or allowed to carry over on this day. OK! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/peace2.gif

That said, as someone that has always been a dog lover, I may be tempted to stick my toe up the arse of any cats I see hanging around the buffet table. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/whistling.gif

OH well, don't know what happened with my plans to keep this post short, I guess I will always need a full page to say what most of you guys can say in a few paragraphs. To reiterate once more, if you vote in the affirmative, P E R L E A S E follow it up with a pm to me.

Thanks all and Cheers, http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/cheers.gif

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift and that is why it is called the present.