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View Full Version : What the US Constitution should have included

October 20th, 2008, 17:25
Thought for the day -

October 20th, 2008, 20:17
For those here that have only standard eyesight it reads :-

"I keep thinking we should include something in the constitution in case the people elect a fucking moron"

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 20th, 2008, 20:35
over to you Henry Cate...

I do believe they have something called "impeachment" for wayward presidents but apparently you have do something called a "Monica" in order to be impeached..and have a Cuban cigar.

Khor tose
October 20th, 2008, 23:22
Yes, they were worried about just that. That is why separation of powers and impeachment by congress were written in the Constitution. The house impeaches, and the Senate conducts the trail. To do so to George W. would completely tear our nation apart. It could be done and probably succeed, but do we want to risk dividing the nation even more over an idiot? If you want to talk about the things that the founding fathers did leave out of the constitution I give you political parties and corporations. We need some kind of charter mechanism for both, whereby; we could regulate their behavior and control their excesses. What we have now is a patchwork of laws that do not work, and a Supreme Court decision saying corporations have all the rights of individuals. These corporate individuals have more money and power then most nations and it is nearly impossible to impose effective regulations on these entities.

October 21st, 2008, 17:12
over to you Henry Cate...

I do believe they have something called "impeachment" for wayward presidents but apparently you have do something called a "Monica" in order to be impeached..and have a Cuban cigar.

It was the Cuban cigar that really did it. The American people can forgive a lot in their Presidents, but a Cuban cigar inserted into an all-American twat -Never!

October 22nd, 2008, 07:32
Oh great. Now the Brits want to tell us what we should have in our Constitution?
Why don't y'all all get some fcuking balls and declare a Republic and write your OWN damn Constitution.

.... The house impeaches, and the Senate conducts the trail. To do so to George W. would completely tear our nation apart. It could be done and probably succeed, but do we want to risk dividing the nation even more over an idiot? ......

Wellll....not quite. First the President can be impeached for "...high crimes and misdemenors..." not just for being stupid.
And secondly, the Dems, as much as we dislike Bush, just don't have the votes to impeach let alone the votes in the Senate to remove from office.

I never followed what was going on in the "movement to impeach" so I don't know what charges some were leveling against Bush. "He lied about Iraq" is not enough. A President can be a liar. He just can't lie under oath (perjury) which is how they got Clinton.

October 22nd, 2008, 08:30
In 1970, former President Gerald R. Ford (then just a Representative) defined impeachable offenses as "whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history." Should a majority of the House of Representatives believe being a moron falls within the purview of "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors," they could impeach GWB.

Personally, I think that they have sufficient grounds in London Lord Mayor Boris Johnson's assessment of him :"Democracy and capitalism are the two great pillars of the American idea. To have rocked one of those pillars may be regarded as a misfortune. To have damaged the reputation of both, at home and abroad, is a pretty stunning achievement for an American president."

October 22nd, 2008, 08:44
Oh great. Now the Brits want to tell us what we should have in our Constitution?
Why don't y'all all get some fcuking balls and declare a Republic and write your OWN damn Constitution.Those two are completely unrelated. There are countries that are not republics that have written Constitutions. Another example of American ignorance, I suppose

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 22nd, 2008, 13:31
In 1970, former President Gerald R. Ford (then just a Representative) defined impeachable offenses as "whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history." Should a majority of the House of Representatives believe being a moron falls within the purview of "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors," they could impeach GWB.

Personally, I think that they have sufficient grounds in London Lord Mayor Boris Johnson's assessment of him :"Democracy and capitalism are the two great pillars of the American idea. To have rocked one of those pillars may be regarded as a misfortune. To have damaged the reputation of both, at home and abroad, is a pretty stunning achievement for an American president."

personally..I think Boris Johnson be impeached !

October 22nd, 2008, 14:03
over to you Henry Cate...As he has me on {Ignore] you're wasting your breath