View Full Version : It makes you proud to be British

October 20th, 2008, 15:14
A distant relative, Richard Prideaux-Brunes, has gained some free publicity recently, plus some very handy fees (about eight thousand pounds, apparently - although discussing exact amounts of money is rather vulgar) from some jumped-up American financiers. A journalist from News of the Screws, a friend of Lunchtime O'Booze so I believe, managed to gate-crash the event, hence the free publicity. It seems that some executives from failed insurer AIG decided to have a weekend of bonding and shooting, and booked themselves in. AIG big shot Sebastian Preil held court at the bar and told an undercover reporter, тАЬThe recession will go on until about 2011, but the shooting was great today and we are relaxing fine.тАЭ There were at least three New Yorkers bagging birds тАФ Jeffrey Malkovsky, a senior director at AIGтАЩs Manhattan office, Hilary James, the general manager of the Bristol Plaza Hotel, and her friend, John Roberts, an AIG adviser

The popular press are manufacturing outrage on both sides of the Atlantic, as taxpayers are now coughing up for AIG's "rescue". When it comes to offering understated comfort (and the opportunity to fleece Americans), no-one does it better than the British

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 20th, 2008, 20:58
A distant relative, Richard Prideaux-Brunes, has gained some free publicity recently, plus some very handy fees (about eight thousand pounds, apparently - although discussing exact amounts of money is rather vulgar) from some jumped-up American financiers. A journalist from News of the Screws, a friend of Lunchtime O'Booze so I believe, managed to gate-crash the event, hence the free publicity.
......no-one does it better than the British

what an outrageous rumour monger you are...I don't have friends on the News of The World , just enemies..however if you note my company logo below and you do have a scurrilous tale to tell..contact me immediately at: lunchtimeobooze@takethecashandrun.ru

I can promise you I will double whatever the gutter rags offer..and I only take the normal agents fee of 65%. This is a genuine offer because you only need the bare guts of a tale, a name or two (preferably well known) and I'll make up the rest. ( any Gary Glitter info gratefully received)

PS: there is absolutely no truth in the vicous rumour that I am the legendary Joe Flynn who fleeced every Fleet Street newspaper throughtout the 70's and 80's by selling them dozens of invented tales ( for cash up front ) and got away with a fortune because editors were too embarrased to dob him in the fraud squad. Just because my dad's name was Joseph Flynn and I was originally named after him ( changing my name for numerology reasons ) is a pure co-incidence.
.......no-one does it better than the Irish.

October 20th, 2008, 22:51
A distant relative, Richard Prideaux-Brunes

As you cannot spell their name properly, they must be very distant. The name is Prideaux-Brune. Prideaux-Brunes refers to the plural, as in (God forbid) Hominterns, etc.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 22nd, 2008, 13:27
if you were related to HominternS you would distance yourself as far as possible.