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October 20th, 2008, 12:24
It was our own dear Thanpuying Sanitree Na Pakin who on this very Board once asked, "Can anyone tell me the recipe for Condolezza Rice?" Now that that charming Chinese general Co-Lin Pow has declared his support for Obama (I guess as an army chap he couldn't resist anything sounding like "barracks"), can Condie be far behind?

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 20th, 2008, 21:02
I doubt it..if George W. Bush's pet name for her is "Brown Sugar"and they happen to spend the ocassional night at a hotel...purely on presidential business, she won't be supporting a Democrat.

October 20th, 2008, 21:11
I had always understood that Ms. Rice was a lady with a preference for supping at the furry cup.

October 21st, 2008, 03:04
I had always understood that Ms. Rice was a lady with a preference for supping at the furry cup.One would think that if there was any evidence for that, like Nw Zlnd PM Hln Cluck's alleged preferences, it would have been produced by now

October 22nd, 2008, 07:38
....if George W. Bush's pet name for her is "Brown Sugar".....

That "Brown Sugar" was a joke from the comic strip Dunesbury. Actually his pet name for her is "Guru".

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 22nd, 2008, 13:33
I had always understood that Ms. Rice was a lady with a preference for supping at the furry cup.

oh I haven't heard that one ! how remiss of me. I must pass it on.

October 23rd, 2008, 06:10
Ms. Rice's preference is a matter that has been "assumed" by both students and staff at Stanford University where she was the Provost. She ran Stanford University on a day to day basis for a number of years. She has cohabited with another woman and they own their house as Joint Tenants; it has been assumed for many years that they are indeed partners. Neither she nor her "roommate" have had gentlemen callers, and it is assumed by all that they both prefer the company of women. Ms. Rice's private life has flown under the radar for many years. If you take a minute to think about what you have heard or read about Ms. Rice's personal life it has been limited to the facts that she plays the piano well and speaks Russian fluently.

You might also find it interesting to learn that John McCain's Senate Chief of Staff was just give the "Roy Cohn Award" for being a closeted gay man that has vigorously fought against the rights of gay people. The Award was hand delivered to McCain's Senate office. Do a little Internet search; it is all there.

October 23rd, 2008, 12:45
For the Roy Cohn Award - and much more of interest - see www.blogactive.com (http://www.blogactive.com)

Go on, Henry, give it a try!