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View Full Version : A few of you were looking for this old Dodger post...

October 20th, 2008, 06:16
In a post recently about Cameras in Sunee a reference to an old post by Dodger was mentioned and a few of the folks wanted to find this post. It describes an event when Dodger accidentally showed his parents and their friends a video made on his travels showing a naked boy special in full action......
I found it on the old board why looking for trip reports. It is hilarious. So, for all us newbies the link is below.
sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/2469/t/quot-Boy-Special-on-Chicago-TV-quot.html (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/2469/t/quot-Boy-Special-on-Chicago-TV-quot.html)

October 20th, 2008, 10:39
OH YES, YES, YES Topjohn! :cheers:

Where's Beachlover? Call him quick!

Oh poor Dodger. Your heart just goes out for his pain BUT its one of the funniest things you ever read, esp the way Dodger writes it.

And then later in a coda this posting:

"It was the expression on Boy Specials face that got me going. He has this certain look he gives me when he's in his "playful" mood where he squints his eyes and starts poking his tongue outside his mouth...and he was doing that when he did his dick wagging routine...I was trying to view this from my Dad's eyes and just couldn't stop laughing my ass off".

Unforgettable. :toothy10: :toothy7: :laughing3: :laughing5:

October 20th, 2008, 17:47
Oh thank you, topjohn5!

I had no idea there was another old forum still around!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Rofl... this is the best story I've ever read here. Every bit of it kills me!

I have to post it here in case something happens to the old forum:



"Boy Special on Chicago TV"
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(07/03/05 15:34:59)
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Well...the door to my apartment just closed after hosting a very interesting 4th of July dinner for my parents and 2 of their closest friends.

Everything was going just fine...they loved the Thai meal I prepared which included; Coconut Rice with Pineapple, Glazed Duck Breast with chilli sauce and plum jam, and Bananas and Coconut Milk for dessert...then it was movie time.

In preparation for their visit, I shuffled through numerous tapes that I filmed in LOS during my last adventure and labeled the ones I would show my them after dinner. I have 14 1/2 hours of film which was shot over a 7 week period and I intended to just show them short clips from several tapes totalling about an hour so I wouldn't put them to sleep. I plan to have these films edited and transferred to DVD's professionally, although haven't had the time to take them in yet.

Anyway, everything was going just fine up to this point. My guests were still mumbling their compliments on the food as they shuffled their way to the living room. Dad stuck his cigar butt in his mouth so we would recognize him. He doesn't smoke anymore but still does the cigar butt thing to get on Moms nerves. Their friends Ed and Louise plopped down on the love seat...Louise was impressed with the Thai artifacts laying around and Ed just sat their with a catatonic look on his face. Everything's set.

The first 20 minute film section covered the Buddhist wats in Lampoon and Lampang, and ended up highlighting the Songkran celebration in Phrae Province. They absolutely loved it. The second 20 minute section cover the floating market in BKK including teak wood carving and the processing of mulberry wood into paper. They loved this also. The third 20 minute section covered scenes from my trip to Koh Samet. They were astonded by the sheer beauty of the island and especially liked the shots of Aou Prao Bay, but the shots of Boy Special laying on my bed wearing only his bikini under pants was a different story.

Yes my freinds, I fu*ked up big time. I'm sitting here writing this stuff to you right now because I'm still numb from the shock.

My parents, at least up to this point didn't even know I was gay, or never let on if they do know.

Oh no, that's not all...as I tripped while trying to dash across the living room floor I knocked Eds hot coffee on his lap and almost knocked my mother clear out of her chair. Ed had his fat ass on the remote so I had no choice but to just try to jerk the camera cable from the back of my big screen TV. In the 15 seconds it took me to do this, Boy Special had already whipped his dick out and was shaking it in front of the camera. Go ahead and laugh your asses off, but I am fu*ked!

I very carefully went over this film before showing it just for this reason. Several of the films had short scenes like this which I intended to remove completed. I mean the guy who's going to edit this for me is now a minister.

Well, the cigar butt fell out of Dads mouth and landed in his cup of coffee, Mom immediately jumped out of her seat and dashed to the bathroom. Ed was more alive looking than I've seen him in years...I actually think I saw him grin at one point. Louise, who's always quick on her feet, just started asking me questions about Thai food recipes...I just stood there speachless. Of course the joint I smoked before they arrived helped matters tremendously.

Not having any idea what to do at this point, I simply apologised for not doing a thorough enough job with the editing before they came over as I simultaneously made my way to help Louise calm Ed's nerves after having boiling hot coffee dumped on his crotch.

Dad walked out on the balcony, which is never a good sign. He was either going to leap and throw me over the side, but I felt inclined to join him. He interupted me in the middle of a second attempt at an apology and told me, in his normal controlled and somewhat commanding tone, "Vic, obviously, your friend in the film was drunk and is missing a few bricks...how could any normal person let someone film them doing something so stupid...furthermore, what are you doing hanging around with people like that...are those the type of friends you talk about cherishing so much when you're off trapsing around China" My response: "No Dad, I keep telling you it's Thailand, not China, and my friend wasn't drunk, he was just goofing around." Then a real good one liner came spilling out of my trembling lips..."Dad, Thai people are just like that...they get a little goofy simetimes, that's all." I thought he was going to backhand me right off the balcony.

I'm sure my Mom will do her best to calm Dad's nerves on their drive home. Louise will be on the phone with Mom reassuring her that her and Ed were not effected in the least by what they saw...she's a real class act. By the reaction on Ed's face, he's probably straining to remember what Boy Specials cock looked like, and I'm left here with a pile of dirty dishes and a broken camera cable.

Well...that's it. There's absolutely no fooling Mom. She'll expect a full detailed report I'm sure within the next day or so. Dad will get over it in a few days (or pretend he is) and just start back with his routine complaints about me spending too much time in China. I can just imagine his reaction if he caught the scene of me sucking on Boy Specials cock, especially in the presence of his military chum Ed...that would have went over real good.

Well, that's that. If you can take anything of value away from my screwup, just remind yourself to never make the same mistake.

It took Boy Special 3 years to trust me enough to film him like that...if he ever found out that my parents were sitting over at my place watching him flapping his cock around I'd be the next reported balcony leaper in PTY.

I'll give you an update in a few days...if I'm still alive.


October 20th, 2008, 18:08
Goodness me!

What horrific incident. It's not quite as "end of the world" catastrophic as I previously imagined, seeing as there were only Dodger's parents and 2 of their friends. I had imagined a room full of 10 or 15 family and friends.

Still... this is classic. I mean, you couldn't make this stuff up.

Setting the scene... it's such a "wholesome" American setting. Thanksgiving day lunch. And 4 senior, upstanding American citizens gathering around to learn about the exploits of the great adventurer who's just come back from cutting a path across a faraway land and befriending and exotic foreign race.

This must be one of the most unplanned and traumatic "coming outs" ever! You have the "incident"... and the reaction from our great adventurer is classic! Even the best sitcom writers couldn't do it better:

"I tripped while trying to dash across the living room floor I knocked Eds hot coffee on his lap and almost knocked my mother clear out of her chair. Ed had his fat ass on the remote so I had no choice but to just try to jerk the camera cable from the back of my big screen TV. In the 15 seconds it took me to do this, Boy Special had already whipped his dick out and was shaking it in front of the camera. Go ahead and laugh your asses off, but I am fu*ked!"

Even better are the reactions:

- the cigar butt fell out of Dads mouth and landed in his cup of coffee

- Mom immediately jumped out of her seat and dashed to the bathroom

- Ed was more alive looking than I've seen him in years...I actually think I saw him grin at one point

- Louise, who's always quick on her feet, just started asking me questions about Thai food recipes

Now, you'd hope Dodger would recognise Louise's efforts to defuse the situation and reciprocate... but you would be dissapointed, "I just stood there speachless"

The aftermath just kills me more!

- By the reaction on Ed's face, he's probably straining to remember what Boy Specials cock looked like

- Dad... was either going to leap [or] throw me over the side ... "Vic, obviously, your friend in the film was drunk"...I thought he was going to backhand me right off the balcony.

Dodger's concern for the audience is admirable...

If you can take anything of value away from my screwup, just remind yourself to never make the same mistake.

The closer is no less admirable:

if he ever found out that my parents were sitting over at my place watching him flapping his cock around I'd be the next reported balcony leaper in PTY.

I'll give you an update in a few days...if I'm still alive.

October 20th, 2008, 18:12


Sigh of relief #14 [-]
Posts: 965
(10/20/62 10:20:48)
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First, got a call from my younger sister this morning going on and on about how Mom and Dad enjoyed their visit. I didn't say much, just waited for the bomb...no bomb.

Ten minutes later, Mom called. She started out by telling me not to let that incident on the film detract from the wonderful they had at my place...then stated that Dad felt bad about his remarks to me after the incident...and said, yes Dad knows it's Thailand because he marks all the cities you travel to on a map of Thailand he has hanging in his hobby room.

She also went on to say that Ed and Louise had a ball (that's a twist) and wanted to know if I would send them a few Thai recipes.

Well, my folks have probably known, or at least guessed that I was gay before anyway...so maybe now I can enjoy a more open dialogue about "who I really am" with them in the future.

I played back that section of film last night before heading to bed, and as warped as this may sound, I started laughing my ass off almost uncontrollably. It was the expression on Boy Specials face that got me going. He has this certain look he gives me when he's in his "playful" mood where he squints his eyes and starts poking his tongue outside his mouth...and he was doing that when he did his dick wagging routine...I was trying to view this from my Dad's eyes and just couldn't stop laughing my ass off.

Pearle...I received the recipe for Thai style glazed duck straight from the kitchen of the White Elephant Restaurant (JW Marriott/Sukumvit) years ago and it's fabulous. Let me know if you want the recipe and I'll sent it to you. Recipes for the other dishes were curtesy of a cook book "Simple Thai" 2002 edition, Paragon Books.




The Boy Special in the film is my long time (first) heart throb from PTY, not A-khet, the boy I met on Thailand.Out.

I almost wish it had been A-Khet - as the dick flapping part wouldn't have been so EXTREME...as Boy Special is hung like a Brama Bull Picture that being flopped around front-and-center on a 52" big screen.




..no, I won't being bringing the family along, although I plan to have a stack of the DVD's on a table for anyone who wants one...fully edited of course.

Talked to Dad today,,,when I picked up the phone and heard his voice my first thought was...oh God, somethings wrong with Mom, as Dad never dials a phone. He called to apologize to me for his angry remarks...that's a second apology in 52 years, the first being when he rolled his station wagon over my pet quadamundi (Snoopy) and informed me that it died of natural causes...evan at 7 years old I was able to ascertain that something just wasn't right because Snoopy's head was as flat as a pancake with tire tread marks across her face.

Well, regardless, it was jusr great hearing those words from him. I came very close to explaining a little more about my life, and my lifestyle, to him, but didn't. I did tell him that I appreciated being raised by him in an atmosphere where open mindedness and freedom of choice were key components...I left it at that.

...mai pen rai


October 20th, 2008, 18:15
Also, I should add... Dodger, you have my deepest sympathies. I'm glad you pulled through this, mate.

haha I think it probably ended up being a good thing for your parents and Ed and Louise... I mean, a little excitement in their otherwise dull lives is beneficial right?

You are probably glad it happened and wouldn't change a thing if you had to go back... since you survived, and what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!

:cheers: :cheers:

October 22nd, 2008, 07:59
.... "....- By the reaction on Ed's face, he's probably straining to remember what Boy Specials cock looked like..."

Ah yes, good ol' Ed.
What ever happened to him Dodger?

October 22nd, 2008, 19:39
.... "....- By the reaction on Ed's face, he's probably straining to remember what Boy Specials cock looked like..."

Ah yes, good ol' Ed.
What ever happened to him Dodger?

lol... I imagine Ed at the age of 70 (or whatever age he is) is running free in Thailand having finally discovered his calling hahaha... poor Louise.

October 23rd, 2008, 02:05
.... "....- By the reaction on Ed's face, he's probably straining to remember what Boy Specials cock looked like..."

Ah yes, good ol' Ed.
What ever happened to him Dodger?

lol... I imagine Ed at the age of 70 (or whatever age he is) is running free in Thailand having finally discovered his calling hahaha... poor Louise.

.... for some reason I think poor Louise will be just fine and after a fabulous Thai cooking course is herself enjoying the delights of LOS.

krobbie :cheers: