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View Full Version : best sex since my losing my last lover of 6 years

October 20th, 2008, 02:42
best sex since my last lover of 6 years broke up
I went to Crazy Dragon and stayed a while, while I was there I ask for everything I wanted in a guy from the mamasan. At last when the bar was about to close and I was running out of time, finally they brought me this guy who said he as versatile afterward we kissed and made actual love to like a lover would make love to you, it was not just sex is was making love, A huge difference, he was a dancer and was 100 baht more to off but that was the best 100 Baht I have spent since I was here. PM me and after I am finished with him I will give you his name. Absolutely the best sex in a long time and it was real. I loved it, so did he. He was 23 from Phuket and had lost his lover of 18 in the Tsunami. Not a sad story it was after we had sex and he was paid we talked. Now, he would be worth taking back to Manila for a few years,

there fixed sorry I was over whelmed with emotions and had been drinking all night as well. Forgive my screw up

October 20th, 2008, 03:30
He was 18 from Phuket and had lost is lover in the Tsunami

Let's see the Tsunami was in 2004 and so this kid lost his lover at 14? Is this just one of Wesley's babbling, blithering posts.

October 20th, 2008, 05:21
An IGNORE function which works for entire threads would be a welcome refinement.

October 20th, 2008, 05:35
now deleted - jinks

kind of an uncalled for attack, even considering the source.

October 20th, 2008, 06:37
Take no notice of them Wesley - you're having a good time and you're happy? Great to hear that - I'm pleased for you. :bounce:

October 20th, 2008, 08:20
Let's see the Tsunami was in 2004 and so this kid lost his lover at 14? Is this just one of Wesley's babbling, blithering posts.As yes, the tsunami - something else Wesley's God had planned for everyone

October 20th, 2008, 10:22
He was 18 from Phuket and had lost is lover in the Tsunami

Let's see the Tsunami was in 2004 and so this kid lost his lover at 14? ....

Not to be snotty with everyone else Wes, but it does look like the guy is having you on.

You have NOT found religion. It's just an orgasm. Leave it at that.

October 20th, 2008, 16:50
deleted Sorry I wll fix my post seems mot got it save hoimiturd. wince my 6 year lver and I sp[lit up, we had just had sex when I wrote the post nd had had a few drinks. I will try to fix the post


October 20th, 2008, 17:04
It was really alte when he went home and I had been drinking , but so excited I would nto help but post it, not the bst time to post , but the memories was so full at the moment I did any way. I have done worse when I was sober. giov eme a break please.

October 20th, 2008, 17:31
deleted Sorry I wll fix my post seems mot got it save hoimiturd. wince my 6 year lver and I sp[lit up, we had just had sex when I wrote the post nd had had a few drinks. I will try to fix the post


I'm confused. You had a liver transplant six years ago? That makes sense.

Glad you are enjoying yourself, Wesley.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 20th, 2008, 21:31
"there fixed sorry I was over whelmed with emotions and had been drinking all night as well. Forgive my screw up

Last edited by Wesley on Mon 20 Oct, 2008 5:20 am; edited 6 times in total "

I would never have guessed.

"Now, he would be worth taking back to Manila for a few years"

you know you can't do that..just PM his phone number to me..afterall, it's a byers market.

Khor tose
October 20th, 2008, 23:52
Have a goog time Wesley, but for your own safety try not to drink so much. There are too many bad guys and bad germs out there you need to watch out for.

October 21st, 2008, 09:39
A former SGT poster, used to post, when under the influence and also lost
or confused his thoughts, misspelled more than he spelled correctly and threw
grammar to the winds.
I used to wonder why someone would even think of looking at the various forums
after heavy drinking and hot sex. I think about sleep.

I came up with a likely reason and it is our need to communicate with others. Many of
us grew up in restricted areas and times and often had few other gay men to share news of our joys and despair with. Some lived in closets, which did not permit any leakage, for fear of the
closet door swinging open and some of us still do have the same issues and fears.
Forums, like SGT, serve a wonderful purpose and allow us to communicate anonomously.
I also think the liquor 'loosens up' some of us, who are uptight about discussing personal matters with others when sober, and many of us are shy about relating sexual

The only problem with all this is that sometimes we give out too much information and when
it is babbled incoherently, we lose the patience of our fellow posters and invite the critics in.

Friends are a wonderful thing to have and friends who will listen to you and even advise you when you go overboard and think you are 'in love' and they know you are simply 'in lust'.
We have to be careful about not abusing friends and telling too many stories and offering up too much information.
Among my group of friends, a gentle "too much information" comment usually reins in the one relating his story and we really don't need too much graphic description to get the point.

All of my friends get as much sex and as many boys/guys as they desire and we are all over the novelty but do enjoy when friends return after months of no sex and their joy of finding
old and new boys and spreading their wealth around.

A friend who is a good listener is a treasure and should be highly valued and one who can
resist the temptation to reveal your secrets/personal/intimate details is an especially good friend. :cat:

October 21st, 2008, 11:33
Don't you want to hear about my fetish for rubber ducks and whips?

... whilst I'm simply desperate to find out more, you'll just have to start your own thread.

This here is Wesley's.

Wesley, take it easy on the juice or you will get back home and have no recall of your fantastic holiday. IMHO.


October 21st, 2008, 11:54
It was only one night and after searching the bars for the right guy, yes I had quite a buzz going, had him last night again and it was doable the fund and slow drinks and anticipation.

So you guys have a good time with me here, and hope you are as lucky as I was with this guy.

So yes your right I could have come never shared a word, you would be happier I guess but, all the PmтАЩs looking for his name says others were happy to hear what little they could understand.


October 21st, 2008, 14:04
... you'll just have to start your own threadIs this a new rule? it would certainly be a novel practice. If we "own" threads, can we moderate them as well?