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View Full Version : Free drinks in Soi Twilight!

October 19th, 2008, 14:04
Just how low can this low season go? If you're registered on the BBB Web site then you may have received this link today - http://meetme.thaiboy.net

You can see a pic of the boys, click on one, print out the coupon and get a free drink for you AND the boy. And if that boy's not there, well, heck, any boy can substitute. The next thing will be "Buy One, Get One Free" - the end of civilisation as we know it. But hurry - offer expires Wednesday

October 19th, 2008, 14:14
Just how low can this low season go? If you're registered on the BBB Web site then you may have received this link today - http://meetme.thaiboy.net

You can see a pic of the boys, click on one, print out the coupon and get a free drink for you AND the boy. And if that boy's not there, well, heck, any boy can substitute. The next thing will be "Buy One, Get One Free" - the end of civilisation as we know it. But hurry - offer expires Wednesday

Maybe a nice auction for the boys in the town square would be nice after a good inspection of course......

October 19th, 2008, 14:19
... you're ...

October 19th, 2008, 14:25
... you're ...

Yes, it should have been....and now it is.....Thanks!

October 19th, 2008, 14:40
Oh, last night in BBB one of the staff was telling me something about a coupon at the web site, now I know what he was talking about.

That's why last Thursday it was packed with customers.

I wonder if there's a catch? I can't investigate further, going out of town tomorrow.

October 19th, 2008, 15:25
There won't be any "catch" it's all same same! get you in there extract as much Baht as possible from you, promise you the world and a happy afterlife and you'll enjoy every minute!
Quite simple really.

October 19th, 2008, 16:11
Well, I guess you still have to tip the boy sitting with you and this drink could not be a drink of your choosing and they could push a second drink on you at full price and on and on but unless someone is willing to give this a try and report then it's all just speculation. You guys complain that the prices are too high and when they lower the price you still complain. Not sure you would be happy if the bar paid the customers to have a drink, sit with a nice boy and see a show.

The BBB group are best bars for enforcement of the smoking ban on the soi.

October 19th, 2008, 18:02
Well, I guess you still have to tip the boy sitting with you and this drink could not be a drink of your choosing and they could push a second drink on you at full price and on and on but unless someone is willing to give this a try and report then it's all just speculation. You guys complain that the prices are too high and when they lower the price you still complain. Not sure you would be happy if the bar paid the customers to have a drink, sit with a nice boy and see a show.

The BBB group are best bars for enforcement of the smoking ban on the soi.

I agree.

There's no catch. You'd still have to pay for everything else I'm sure... but what do you expect it to be free?

Sure is a good way to get people in...

October 19th, 2008, 18:42
Just how low can this low season go? If you're registered on the BBB Web site then you may have received this link today -

You can see a pic of the boys, click on one, print out the coupon and get a free drink for you AND the boy. And if that boy's not there, well, heck, any boy can substitute. The next thing will be "Buy One, Get One Free" - the end of civilisation as we know it. But hurry - offer expires Wednesday

I have always been critical of bar owners that would rather have 100% of nothing than give discounts on off fees subject to say 2 drinks purchased.. Throb was my main objection and future Boys in BKK similar . Their go go boys only are fillins between acts and not given a chance of attracting any offs

Even now if a bar in Sunee offered half price offs after 12 with 2 drinks purchased, I feel sure they would get the crowds.
Boys would get customers. That is the name of the game. Turnover.

October 19th, 2008, 18:42

October 19th, 2008, 19:27
Even now if a bar in Sunee offered half price offs after 12 with 2 drinks purchased, I feel sure they would get the crowds.

And "drink for boy" would be a glass of warm milk, with a plate of Oreos.

October 19th, 2008, 20:23
Even now if a bar in Sunee offered half price offs after 12 with 2 drinks purchased, I feel sure they would get the crowds.

And "drink for boy" would be a glass of warm milk, with a plate of Oreos.
Of caurse there isa catch ,they do not give away drinks for nothing ,So you get the first drink Free,then after the first you are expected to buy the boy a second ,so instead of getting one drink out of you ,they are actually getting two , and if the sign is still on the wall that was on there last month ,buy boy drink 500 baht , so it will actually cost you the price of three drinks before you have finnished .
very clever way to get customers inside.
Good luck to all

October 19th, 2008, 20:33
First, there is no sign boy drink 500B, there is a sign 500B for an 'off'. Granted, the the sign's wording is in Thaenglish and not very clear.

Second, what's to stop you from leaving after the one free drink?

I guess you have actually tried this, printed the offer and went to the bar or are you just speculating? I am not saying there's no catches, I don't know, don't have the time this week to give it a try and would like to hear from someone that actually does this.

October 20th, 2008, 02:33
I guess you have actually tried this, printed the offer and went to the bar or are you just speculating? He was speculating. I printed off my coupon, chose a boy, we both had a drink (the free one), I decided to pay the "off" fee, we left