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View Full Version : Bhutan's New King

October 16th, 2008, 09:35
The tiny Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, landlocked between the northeast of India and China, is about to crown a new King. The exciting provacative news is that Bhutan's new King is young (29), gorgeous (see attached) and unmarried (hmmmmm). But the not-so-exciting news is that he might be a "big fan" of the buxom Bollywood film starlet/princess 'hearth-throb' Katrina Kaif. She will be among the performers on the coronation day of Bhutan’s new king Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk on November 6 in Thimpu, Bhutan.


As of elections earlier this year Bhutan is now considered a constitutional democracy, There are similarities between Bhutan and Thailand in that the monarchy is very popular in Bhutan. In fact Wangchuk was seen to be quite popular in Thailand, as well, when he visited as "Prince Jigme" in 2006. There seem to be no signs that the Bhutan monarchy is as inept or in any way despised as the monarchy in nearby Nepal. Yet many in Bhutan are still very apprehensive of whether Bhutan's "democratization" will lead to good fortune for the country.


October 19th, 2008, 00:22
There are similarities between Bhutan and Thailand in that the monarchy is very popular in Bhutan.

That is a similarity, and a very superficial one. Any more?