View Full Version : Christmas Gay Forums Gathering.

October 14th, 2008, 12:54
With the number of polls I have been responsible for having started of late, it is probably no longer a secret, that another one of my handles on this forum I am known under, is Raksiam. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/happy011.gif

In all seriousness, as a result of recent polls and the comments that have been made by many members here, as to the worth of these polls in obtaining any degree of accuracy by the results that one obtains from them, I would like to ask for the assistance of all registered members here.

I have made no firm decision yet as to how I would run this years gathering if it were to go ahead with my plan to organise it and for the record, I would very much, still like to host it. I am very close to arriving at a decision now, thanks to some really worthwhile posts that have been made by some members here, along with some very constructive Pm's I have received from other members on the matter.

In the above poll, I ask you to please, just for once, if the feelings about all of the previous polls are to be believed, to vote just the one time, no matter how many handles you have here, as well as to please vote honestly. That's not asking too much guys, is it?

I know that Rainwalker has made previous gatherings open to the members of all of Thailand's Gay Forums, but if I manage to be able to get this years one of the ground, it will be my intention for it to be only for the members of this forum and the one of Gay Ting Tong. However, one decision I have already made, is to contact Gaybutton and certain other moderators and inform them, that if any of their members wish to attend the gathering, it will be necessary for them to email me, requesting an invitation.

I have already been notified by some members of Ting Tong, that if this years gathering takes place, they would definitely like to attend. Please don't assume anything about my eventual intentions by any of the above questions in the poll, as I can promise you that if you do, your chances of being proved correct, would not be very high.

May I also ask the members here, as I asked those on Ting Tong, that if you reside here in Pattaya, or will be here on vacation in December and would definitely like to attend, still go ahead and partake in the poll by all means, but could you also please pm me, with that firm intention of yours. I would be really appreciative in your doing this. I have always maintained that this forum has some really nice guys among it's members and believe also, those members to be in the greater majority here.

Some of those members here have already indicated to me, like those on Ting Tong, that they would definitely like to attend a gathering this year, so for those of you that haven't and also to those among you, that I havn't had the pleasure of meeting yet, could you please consider doing likewise, in sending me that pm I have asked for above.

For those of you that have never attended a forums gathering before, I am certain that among those you know that have, they will inform you that it usually turns out to be a really good day and one, where the majority of those present, have a very enjoyable time. Well let's be honest and fair, I say majority as there are some miserable bastards, who just don't know how to enjoy themselves, as well as those that are determined to remain fucking miserable, no matter what. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/2003_rolling_eyes_backwards.gif Well, true or not?

My questions in the poll have been prompted by some of the posts that have been made here, such as the ones I mentioned above. I will see how this poll goes and hopefully, if all goes to plan, I should be able to post some positive news with regard to the gathering, by the last week of this month. I will also post, how it will be conducted, where it will be held and lastly, how long it will be held for. That last part I already have a very firm idea on, which I believe some of you will find interesting, to say the least.

As it appears that I am unable to get multiple answers in the poll, for those of you that post and I hope many of you do, could you give your opinion on the following qustion: If food and drinks were provided free, would you be prepared to make a donation of 500 Baht to Thais4Life, or would the donation being asked for, no mater what your reasons, personal or otherwise, stop you from attending?

Lastly, if you don't reside here in Thailand and are not going to be here in December, please take into consideration the fact, that there is absolutely no fucking point whatsoever in your bothering to vote. Cow jai? Hardly rocket science we are dealing with here guys, is it? ;)

Thanks to those of you that have taken the time to read this post of mine and thanks also in advance, for what will hopefully be your co-operation in this matter. My aplogies also for another one of my novels. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/icon_redface.gif



October 14th, 2008, 13:36
Lastly, if you don't reside here in Thailand and are not going to be here in December, please take into consideration the fact, that there is absolutely no fucking point whatsoever in your bothering to vote. Cow jai? Hardly rocket science we are dealing with here guys, is it?Equally, if you live in Thailand but have no intention of traveling to Pattaya ... ? This poll reads like the usual Thailand = Pattaya set of blinkers that many guys have

October 14th, 2008, 19:29
Lastly, if you don't reside here in Thailand and are not going to be here in December, please take into consideration the fact, that there is absolutely no fucking point whatsoever in your bothering to vote. Cow jai? Hardly rocket science we are dealing with here guys, is it?Equally, if you live in Thailand but have no intention of traveling to Pattaya ... ? This poll reads like the usual Thailand = Pattaya set of blinkers that many guys have

Now now Hommie, jai yen. Just because you are too shy to come down and meet us wonderful folk in Pattaya, it doesn't mean that others whom reside in the same city as you, are as like minded about Pattaya and share the same feelings about the place as you do. For the record, you should know that members of this forum who are from Bangkok, have already indicated to me by either pm or email, that they would be delighted to attend any forum gathering that takes place in December and have asked me, to keep them up to date with any plans that are made for it.

By the way, no Hommie, as of yet, Chao nar is not one of them, however, he still has plenty of time in which to decide to grace us all with his presence. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/whistling.gif I wasn't expecting you to come down Hommie, as I said in my congratulatory post to you, because I know that you would much rather stick pins in your eyes than ever have to come to Pattaya, but than again, I would rather stick pins in your eyes than ever have you come to Pattaya. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/big-grin.gif

Only joking Hommie, I would seriously love for you to attend the gathering, but I know there is about as much chance of that occurring, as there is of my acquiring a sense of humour. ;)

Cheers Hommie,


October 14th, 2008, 19:37

This quote from your above post is frustrating as I would like to see what the local expats say

Lastly, if you don't reside here in Thailand and are not going to be here in December, please take into consideration the fact, that there is absolutely no fucking point whatsoever in your bothering to vote. Cow jai? Hardly rocket science we are dealing with here guys, is it? ;)

I am glad that you have taken on some of the advice offered and hope you have a great celebration

October 14th, 2008, 19:51

This quote from your above post is frustrating as I would like to see what the local expats say

[quotegeorge]Lastly, if you don't reside here in Thailand and are not going to be here in December, please take into consideration the fact, that there is absolutely no fucking point whatsoever in your bothering to vote. Cow jai? Hardly rocket science we are dealing with here guys, is it? [quote/]

I am glad that you have taken on some of the advice offered and hope you have a great celebration

Hi Wombat, excuse my denseness, but what is it about my above quote that frustrates you? I wasn't intending to be offensive by that remark above, I promise you, I was just pointing out that if members were not going to be in Thailand at the time of the gathering in December, I could see very little point in their voting in the poll. Am i wrong, would there be any point in their doing so? How would this statement of mine stop you seeing what the local ex-pats say? I am confused. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/shrug-2.gif

Anyways, thanks for your kind good wishes and I would like to say, that the members that have offered advice to me in regard to the gathering, including yourself, have helped me tremendously in formulating a game plan for the event.

Cheers Wombat,


October 14th, 2008, 21:06
I voted for the second choice in the poll. But can not be certain until I know more details like date, time, venue, cost etc

Good luck

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 14th, 2008, 21:23
does it need to be said ?..I'll go anywhere a free drink is on offer.

However I'll be laid up in hospital and on a morphine drip which is as much fun as you can have-especially when you can self administer.

October 15th, 2008, 02:03

what if "I am a miserable fucker and will definitely be attending, etc" ??

If food and drinks were provided free, would you be prepared to make a donation of 500 Baht to Thais4Life, or would the donation being asked for, no mater what your reasons, personal or otherwise, stop you from attending?

Sorry, George, yes it would. Thais4Life is an excellent charity, with totally transparent accounting, which I have supported both here and financially. I could not care less if the champagne and caviar / Pimms and cucumber sandwiches / Brown ale and butties are free or not, but I object to being made to make a contribution to anything (in much the same way as you, I think I recall).

October 15th, 2008, 03:48

This quote from your above post is frustrating as I would like to see what the local expats say

Hi Wombat, excuse my denseness, but what is it about my above quote that frustrates you? I wasn't intending to be offensive by that remark above, I promise you, I was just pointing out that if members were not going to be in Thailand at the time of the gathering in December, I could see very little point in their voting in the poll. Am i wrong, would there be any point in their doing so? How would this statement of mine stop you seeing what the local ex-pats say? I am confused.
Cheers Wombat,

I mentioned frustration as I thought you could only see the results by voting first. That is not the case as a PM told me.
I was interested in the percentage of balloon chasers and those who would object to a donation.I did not vote as I will not be LOS, but I would have voted 2

October 15th, 2008, 05:06
Would this event be under "SGT" or "Ting Tong" rules ?

Am not sure I could stand an evening of heckling & swearing.

October 15th, 2008, 06:00
Would this event be under "SGT" or "Ting Tong" rules ?

Am not sure I could stand an evening of heckling & swearing.

Maybe an average of the two would be very entertaining and interesting?

October 15th, 2008, 09:46

what if "I am a miserable fucker and will definitely be attending, etc" ??

If food and drinks were provided free, would you be prepared to make a donation of 500 Baht to Thais4Life, or would the donation being asked for, no mater what your reasons, personal or otherwise, stop you from attending?

Sorry, George, yes it would. Thais4Life is an excellent charity, with totally transparent accounting, which I have supported both here and financially. I could not care less if the champagne and caviar / Pimms and cucumber sandwiches / Brown ale and butties are free or not, but I object to being made to make a contribution to anything (in much the same way as you, I think I recall).

Quote by GF:

George, what if "I am a miserable fucker and will definitely be attending, etc" ??

http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/499_raising_eyebrow.gif That being the case GF and if you really are a miserable fucker, I can say with pretty much certainty, that judging by some of those that I have seen attending gatherings in previous years, you will most definitely not be the Lone
Ranger. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/nyahnyahnyah.gif

Whilst there is a possibility that I may do an auction on the day, or perhaps a few raffles for Thais4Life, where those that want to partake, can do so, I can say with absolute certainty right now, that I will not be using the option of asking members to make a donation to Thais4Life, in order for them to be able to attend the gathering. Although nobody other than you has commented on this as of yet GF, I have to say that I pretty much agree with everything you have said above. I am sure that this would not have surprised you, because as you have correctly stated, I also object very strongly to being made to make a contribution. I wonder if any of the members here are aware of that fact about me. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/whistling.gif

With regard to whether the gathering will be held under SGT's rules, or Ting Tongs, I am sure that no rules will be necessary and do not foresee any situation developing where there will be any problems, heckling or swearing. Well not unless the Impala turns up that is and even if he did, that problem would be all over two seconds after the time it would take me to get to the section of the bar that he is in, from the section I am in at the time. I say this as in my fighting days I was renowned for the amount of victories I chalked up, as a result of first round knockouts. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/boxing.gif

For the benefit of those that think I am serious in those above remarks, let me assure you that I am not. Rest assured, that even if the Impala did come down for the gathering and I was made aware of his identity, by the time it took me to catch him, I wouldn't have any energy left for a fight. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/happy011-1.gif

I am pleased to see, that so far 14 members have voted for the second option of the poll. I don't see that there would be anything to gain in commenting about some of the other votes, so will refrain from doing so. In regard to those members that have already voted using the second option, may I please ask you to pm me giving me notice of your intention to attend, as some of you have already done.

Thanks guys,


October 17th, 2008, 00:18
would the donation being asked for, no mater what your reasons, personal or otherwise, stop you from attending?

George, my mater would never stop anyone from attending.
