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View Full Version : Congratulations to SGT's Member for 2008 A Open Invitation .

October 13th, 2008, 20:00
An Open Invitation!

As the Poll should now be closed, I would like to congratulate Homintern on being voted the SGT member of the year for 2008, beating Dodger in a very tight finish, by just one single vote. Where the fuck did those late voters come from Hommie? I bet there is a certain Senator that would like to know the answer to that question more than anybody else in the world. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/whistling.gif

So, at this years forums gathering, at a place and time to be arranged, I cordially request the pleasure of the fat bald headed old cunt's attendance, where it will be my pleasure to ply him all day, with whatever liquid refreshment it is that is required by him and whatever amounts, in order for me to be able to present him with his trophy. This invitation of mine is a genuine and very sincere one, so I will now await for the Cornel to respond to it, as well as give him the opportunity to make his acceptance speech.

I have to be honest with you Hommie and say, that I have more than a strong instinct that you will not accept this invitation of mine, so should my instinct prove to be correct, perhaps you may like to nominate someone to collect it on your behalf.
If this turns out to be the case, may I propose you ask the Impala? ;)

Choc Dee Hommie and well done, you fat bald headed old cunt. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/cheers.gif


October 13th, 2008, 22:04
Is it just me or is there a hint of insincerity in that invitation. Jolly poor show, if I'm right.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 13th, 2008, 23:51
and Fuck you George..how dare you send me private messages and then congratulate an old reprobate like Homitern !

For God's sake-this creature has never been to Pattaya..and what's more he's proud of the fact !

You send me seemingly loving and caring private messages and I confide in you information that I would never ever tell another single soul and which you promised to keep secret. Such as my pending gender reasignment corrective surgery to reasign the gender assignment that went disastrously wrong the first time and resulted in my gender being assigned to , well some sort of creature that hadn't yet been invented.

Not only did I confide in you and beg you to never ever tell Homintern who would undoubtedly make me a a butt of his horendous jokes ( and don't even mention butts and Homintern in the same sentence) you dare to congratulate this self confessed "bald old cunt" for what is so obvious a rigged poll. He's done this all his life you know. He sees me as competition and engages in one-upmanship whenever he can.

Just as I thought I was building a friendship with you-you burst out in glowing praise for a cunt who insults you at every move.

Even worse.. he's from Melbourne !

The world's gone completely mad. How could Homitern win a poll like this ?. Why, I'd vote for Henry Cate before this old bastard. I demand a recount.

You realise now he will be impossible To deal with ? (nothing new there) but this is beyond the pale..Sawatdee has created a monster.

Go ahead..invite him to drinks you sap but can I advise OF the perfect cocktail..it's found on the EXIT website and includes liberal doses of Nembutal.

October 14th, 2008, 00:07
Is it just me or is there a hint of insincerity in that invitation. Jolly poor show, if I'm right.

It's just you. You seldom are right, and this is not one of those occasions

October 14th, 2008, 02:12
hey another rigged Thai election, why worry

had theren=been a worthy winner then..........

October 14th, 2008, 05:29
The world's gone completely mad. How could Homitern win a poll like this ?. Why, I'd vote for Henry Cate before this old bastard. I demand a recount.I hereby nominate Lunchtime (Doris) O'Booze to collect on my behalf any benefits that might accrue. If Doris is unavailable, I've had several PMs from Chao Na that he would be more than willing, blah blah blah

As for my acceptance speech ... My 28 fellow scriptwriters and I, all of whom voted in the poll - and it looks like we were the only ones who did vote for me - are honoured by this expression of confidence from bored members (sorry, that should read Board) in the general erudition, charm and intelligence of our postings. To those whom we have offended - sorry, and better luck voting in next year's poll. You have twelve months to register several alter egos and avoid the last-minute rush that has been commented on by supporters of other candidates. Remember my motto - vote early, vote often. To the other candidates, my commiserations and you can rest secure in the knowledge that the best man - you - didn't win

October 14th, 2008, 05:52
You really are all a strange bunch :blackeye:

October 14th, 2008, 06:02
and Fuck you George..how dare you send me private messages and then congratulate an old reprobate like Homitern !

For God's sake-this creature has never been to Pattaya..and what's more he's proud of the fact !

You send me seemingly loving and caring private messages and I confide in you information that I would never ever tell another single soul and which you promised to keep secret. Such as my pending gender reasignment corrective surgery to reasign the gender assignment that went disastrously wrong the first time and resulted in my gender being assigned to , well some sort of creature that hadn't yet been invented.

Not only did I confide in you and beg you to never ever tell Homintern who would undoubtedly make me a a butt of his horendous jokes ( and don't even mention butts and Homintern in the same sentence) you dare to congratulate this self confessed "bald old cunt" for what is so obvious a rigged poll. He's done this all his life you know. He sees me as competition and engages in one-upmanship whenever he can.

Just as I thought I was building a friendship with you-you burst out in glowing praise for a cunt who insults you at every move.

Even worse.. he's from Melbourne !

The world's gone completely mad. How could Homitern win a poll like this ?. Why, I'd vote for Henry Cate before this old bastard. I demand a recount.

You realise now he will be impossible To deal with ? (nothing new there) but this is beyond the pale..Sawatdee has created a monster.

Go ahead..invite him to drinks you sap but can I advise OF the perfect cocktail..it's found on the EXIT website and includes liberal doses of Nembutal.

I am truly sorry O'Booze, I feel devastated to have let you down so badly. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/icon_redface.gif Not really Lunchtime old boy, I LMFAO when reading your post. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/86440095_LMfeYrmk_rofl2.gif

However, to be serious for a bit, with regard to your comment here: I confide in you information that I would never ever tell another single soul and which you promised to keep secret. Let me assure you my friend, that I would never betray your confidence or breathe a word to anyone about your many secrets, or any of those shockingly terrible and frightening blood curdling tales you have informed me of about your past.

After all, above everything else, I wouldn't want to be held responsible for the many heart attacks such revelations would induce among the members here. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/86440016_HZGw2U9f_hiding.gif http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/86440050_h6Rr8dOJ_nervous.gif http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/86440047_PIXkEHNT_nerves.gif http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/86440033_TGc2pXyB_jawdropping.gif

Anyway, if I was going to betray a confidence, something that would be sacrilege for me to do, I would make public the PM that I sent to the Cowardly Pussy, that was responsible for him having an hissy fit and posting those lies about me which he did. What a complete and total Jodderal that guy is! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/2003_rolling_eyes_backwards.gif By the way, if anyone here thinks I am still a tad pissed off over that incident, let me say to you, that you would be 100 per cent correct. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/86440002_0rk1GOr3_guns.gif

You have my word O'Booze, that you have nothing to worry about where I am concerned and I am surprised, that you more than anyone else here, hasn't guessed what I am really up to. Allow me to cheer you up and bring a smile to your face by letting you into a little secret of mine, but be sure not to let anyone else here know, especially he of the bald headed fat old cunt fame:

In regard to this statement of yours above: Go ahead..invite him to drinks you sap but can I advise OF the perfect cocktail..it's found on the EXIT website and includes liberal doses of Nembutal. Let me say this to you: If I do succeed in getting the bald headed old cunt down to Pattaya, I will be lacing his drinks with something a lot fucking stronger than Nembutal! Don't forget O'Booze, not a word to anyone, OK? ;)

Is it just me or is there a hint of insincerity in that invitation. Jolly poor show, if I'm right.

Although I am certain 555, that my comments above to O'Booze will undoubtedly confuse you even more, as GF has already correctly stated, you couldn't be more wrong in that comment of yours above if you tried. There is not the slightest insincerity on my part in my invitation to Hommie and I have absolutely no fucking idea whatsoever, what it was in my post that led you to believe that there was.

Are you in need of medication 555, or had you overdosed on the medication you are already taking, before making your post? A reasonable question I believe on my part and furthermore sir, I believe it will be a "jolly poor show" on your part if one is not forthcoming.

"Jolly poor show"! Bloody hell 555, do people really still use phrases like that one these days? No ways, surely they couldn't, could they? Oh well, no more butter scones for me mater, I am of to play the ger-rarned pi-arno and will then take tea and crumpets on the croquet lawn. Come on 555, own up, you just had to be high when you made that post of yours. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/86440095_LMfeYrmk_rofl2.gif

