View Full Version : Dosti, Part I

October 10th, 2008, 23:23
This clip is from an ancient Bollywood favorite called Dosti, which means "Friendship." It is a genuine tear-jerker, a story of love and friendship between two boys in India. To help you understand this clip a little better, here is the back-story.

A prize student, Ramnath, runs into financial problems at the beginning of the film. His father has died in the service of "The Company," and he and his ailing mother are awaiting compensation money from "The Company." Then Ramnath returns to his school, and learns that he has been expelled for non-payment of fees. The landlord drops by to complain that no rent has been paid for four months. The ailing mother voices her certainty that "The Company" will send money very soon.

A letter from "The Company" arrives, in which "The Company" disclaims all responsibility for the death of Ramnath's father. The ailing mother, in a fury, screams for revenge, topples down the stairs, and dies. Ramnath rushes to find help, and is hit by a speeding car -- an accident which reduces him to a cripple.

As Ramnath realizes on leaving the hospital, he suddenly has nothing and nobody -- and is a cripple as well. While he is adjusting to his new status in life, he sees a blind boy trying to cross the street, and dashes out (on his crutches) -- and saves the boy's life.

And so, these two beggar boys form a lasting friendship.

One day, in a good mood, Ramnath pulls out his harmonica and begins playing it. To his astonishment, people give him money for his performance. Outraged, he says, "I am not a beggar." And his blind friend replies, "No, you aren't. You didn't ask for money. You are being paid for giving people the pleasure of music."

So the film continues, for a short while, until one day the blind boy decides to join in and sing. Fortunately for the two friends, the blind boy just happens to be one of the very best singers in the world (actual back-singer was the world-famous Mohd Rafi).

So now, for your listening pleasure, the beginning of a love-opera between two Indian boys:


October 11th, 2008, 07:48
Lovely clip. I'll have to check that movie out.

Bollywood movies can be a lot of fun with everyone breaking in to song and dance at the drop of a hat.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 11th, 2008, 15:11
Christ, what a depressing tale.

This could easily transale to Hollywood (not Bollywood) but they'd have to slightly change the story line.. mom would certainly never get any compensation from the "company" which would have gone bust by now, been bailed out by the government but the money paid in bonuses to the executives.

Ramnath would never make it into a hospital, having no health insurance and Ramnath and the blind beggar would both get busted for busking on Hollywood boulevarde.

October 11th, 2008, 20:54
...is bloody difficult. I've been looking for it for 40 years! I don't think there was ever a videotape, and the only place I found the current DVD was a place called Music House in the UK.

Dosti by now almost ranks as a cult film. There are thousands of people around the globe who regard it as their favorite movie of all time, but of course 99% have never heard of it. A little bit like The Lovers of Teruel, another film which should have been issued by Criterion but instead seems to have gone permanently missing. :-(

Khor tose
October 12th, 2008, 06:38
Lovely clip. I'll have to check that movie out.

Ditto. Thanks Henry