View Full Version : Rolling Stone Rips McCain a New Asshole

October 7th, 2008, 21:34
A long, but truly outstanding article.


It should be required reading for all morons preparing to vote for McCain/Palin. I really wonder how many of them are literate, though.

October 7th, 2008, 21:43
A long, but truly outstanding article.


It should be required reading for all morons preparing to vote for McCain/Palin. I really wonder how many of them are literate, though.

There are the same shit on Obamma, the real him. books documentaries and junk, its everyone out to make a buck on books during the election more than the truth of either.



October 7th, 2008, 21:44
Of which statements in the Rolling Stone article do you doubt the veracity? Oh, right...you didn't read it.

October 7th, 2008, 21:45
The MSM have been in the tank for Obama for so long that I am actually surprised by only one thing: it took Rolling Stone so long to get around to this.

October 7th, 2008, 22:05
Of which statements in the Rolling Stone article do you doubt the veracity? Oh, right...you didn't read it.

I did look it over and found it to be another shark attack on yet another candiadate, I'm not on either side on this issue, its just that as soon as the election season was here there were already books for and against all the candidates ready in case there was a buck to be made. I honestly feel like its shopping at patpong, its all the same knock off just antoher writer. its not if its nto true or not, I see past the article to see who is in the tank for who. The American electorate will decide and it looks like its going to be a landslide for Obama. I don't relish him in office. I remember so well how I was at that age. And Biden got a whole 9,000 votes for president and after they shoot Obama we get him.

Its not that your research was not done well, its that at this point honestly, I trust no one.


October 7th, 2008, 22:11
You'd rather have Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from the presidency than Joe Biden? As a gay man???

You are dumber than I thought, Wes. I don't know how to sugarcoat it.

October 7th, 2008, 22:23
Since the Internet is supposed to be our Great Salvation from the MSM, I think I should note there that Yahoo! News is basically a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. On Monday, they run an anti-Palin piece. On Tuesday, they run a pro-Obama piece. On Wednesday, they run an anti-McCain piece. On Thursday, they run a pro-Obama piece. And on Friday, they run another anti-Palin piece.

I am not making this up, and I am not relying on other people to report this obvious fact. But it very much disturbs me when major news outlets abandon their traditional role of watchdog, and become simple propaganda outlets.

If you haven't guessed this, or noticed this, Mr. and Mrs. America, the major news media want you to vote for Barack Obama. They want it so badly that they will suppress unfavorable news about Senator Obama, and inflate unfavorable news about McCain. One obvious example: I had read, a few days before, that Obama was going to try to nail McCain as some member of the "Keating Five." Guess what story hit the front page of Yahoo! News tonight???

In the meantime, McCain's forceful statements that Obama's record on the subprime mess was "zero, zip" was apparently censored.

And some guy named Waxman called the chairman of Lehmann as his first hostile witness. Of course, he wouldn't have called Barney Frank, or Raines, or any of the greed-driven Congressmen who led to this debacle. Nope, he started off with "Wall Street Greed."

One might mention that greed is kind of a given on Wall Street, but not in the US Congress, but I am afraid that would be just spittin' into the wind.

To oversimpify: my own readings have convinced me that Congress & the Democrats were the prime causes of this mess. Many other people feel that greedy Wall Street capitalists caused this mess.

But Mr. Waxman opened his hearings in the most biased way possible.

Well, I'm joining "Throw The Bastards Out," as of tonight.

October 7th, 2008, 22:29
If you haven't guessed this, or noticed this, Mr. and Mrs. America, the major news media want you to vote for Barack Obama. They want it so badly that they will suppress unfavorable news about Senator Obama, and inflate unfavorable news about McCain.

Well, that's just fine with me.

Anyway...the Republicans are supposed to have all the money in America, so why don't they establish more of a presence in the media? What have they got? FoxNews? Talk radio? Weak. Very, very weak. So very wonderfully weak.

October 7th, 2008, 22:34
well don't bother to sugar coat anythign as favors for me son, after Homiturn my hide is as thick as a bear.

The truth is I just hate to see another Washington insider as president and Biden is worse than McCain, at least Paulin is not an insider. Truthfully things are bad enough , I am not sure who gets in if it will make any difference at this point. But you and I both know if I had to chose we are better off with McCain than Biden. and if Pulin at least she is a fresh face to Washington. I persoanlly have no problem with her being a woman. I hate her sqeaky voice and a lot to think about , honestly, I think its tip for tap on the VP thing. I persoanlly think Mcain will last 4 years and I have my doubts about Obama living out his term, if Colon Powel wpould not take it and I believe for those reasons I would say Obama has less a chance than he did of livign out his first term. I am not diagreeing with you. Im just saying be careful who you vote for in this one. I really beleive its gonna take more experiece than Obama has to pull the mess we are in back to any semblance of order out of the Chaos Bush left behind.

BTW you don't have to get personal and call names to get my attention, stop acting like a school boy in heat. Calling me names, makes only you look more stupid than me.


October 7th, 2008, 22:38
a school boy in heat

Now you've gone and given Henry Cate a woody.

October 7th, 2008, 22:40
lol now that was a good one.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 7th, 2008, 23:00
I must admit that the Sarah Palin / Joe Biden debate (debate ?) was most amusing. This woman is a scream and so like the comedians who copy her it's hard to pick which is real.

Even funnier was the nutty Bill O'Reilly screeching and going all red faced while Barney Frank was trying to get a word in edgeways. It seems O'Reilly has now traced the great Wall Street collapse and the need for the mother of all scams called the "bail-out" back to Jimmy Carter !

Sometimes, the USA is a worry.

October 7th, 2008, 23:41
This may be funny, funny, funny to you, but it is a fact that the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) became law under Jimmy Carter.

I remember this fairly well -- there were protests against "red-lining." For those who weren't there at the time, "red-lining" was drawing a red line on a map -- on one side, mortgage loans were permitted, and, on the other side, mortgage loans were not permitted. So went the theory, and perhaps the practice of "redlining."

And the CRA was all about reversing those"racist" practices. In fact, it was the first step to enshrining "the right to own a home" as just another, duh, American right.

Under Bill Clinton, the CRA got some real teeth put into it. Any bank which wanted to enlarge, or merge, had to trot out its CRA documents.

But, now! Whoopee, Jazzz, Wow! The Democrats who constructed this whole mess are blaming it all....on the person who opposed it.

I am, by this point, very worried that the MSM are going to elect our next President.

But I am also convinced that he will pull another Jimmy Carter and be gone in four years.

October 8th, 2008, 07:22
....It should be required reading for all morons preparing to vote for McCain/Palin. I really wonder how many of them are literate, though.

Jeez, that was a long article.

I had heard a lot of negative bits and pieces about McCain but that's the first time I've seen it all put together in one article.
I've always had the suspicion that all this talk about him being a "maverick" was just to put a spin on the fact that he's a kook.

In any case, I don't think the "morons preparing to vote McCain /Palin" are going to bother reading it or it will change their minds if they do. The link certainly hasn't impressed Henry or Wes.

By this point in the process once people make up their minds they've made up their minds.

Oh well....Henry, Wes....Obama's going to win so you might as well get used to it.
I'm sure the country will survive just fine.
At any rate I'm sure you'll have Palin to vote for in 2012 or 2016.
We haven't heard the last of her, doggonnit.

October 8th, 2008, 07:34
These two give retards a bad name. Henry still trying to blame Carter. The 6% of foreclosures in the US are from loans written within the last two years, not from 20 or 30 years ago. The predatory lending practices of many mortgage companies are the main reason plus the lack of regulation and reduction of regulation under the Bush administration. Credit default swaps merely added to the financial woes.

Predatory lending included putting people who could afford regular fixed loans in subprime loans, inflating income on applications without the borrowers knowledge, using Pay-option mortgages, ARM loans with pre-payment penalties, false advertising etc. Countrywide as an example just settled a lawsuit by several states for 8.7 billion for predatory lending practices.

The SEC failed to regulate as it should have as well:

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/27/busin ... ref=slogin (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/27/business/27sec.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin)

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 8th, 2008, 08:14
well dear Henry it seems Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton brought in policies that were highly commendable and must have worked well for years...untill someone decided banks and mortgage lenders should be de-regulated ( who was that ?).

Mind you I'm not really a Bill Clinton fan although he is agreat smoothy..the silly "three strikes and your out" that jails too many Yanks and his decimation of Social Security which was in line with Reaganomics.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 8th, 2008, 08:14
well dear Henry it seems Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton brought in policies that were highly commendable and must have worked well for years...untill someone decided banks and mortgage lenders should be de-regulated ( who was that ?).

Mind you I'm not really a Bill Clinton fan although he is agreat smoothy..the silly "three strikes and your out" that jails too many Yanks and his decimation of Social Security which was in line with Reaganomics.

October 8th, 2008, 08:30
..the silly "three strikes and your out" Let's see now - Gennifer Flowers, the trailer-park-trash woman and Monica Lewinsky. And he wasn't out!