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View Full Version : Fcuk shows!

October 7th, 2008, 08:39
And, no Homi this post is not about fashion shows for people wearing the brand FCUK.......

What I was wondering about were the fcuk shows that I understand are in some bars. Of course since I have never been to thailand yet (coming in December) I have never seen one.
In my city of Portland, Oregon nude stripping is allowed. We have a great gay strip bar here. I recommend the amature Wednesday nights, lol...if you are so inclined. I do understand that you actually can have a live sex show now in Portland since the State Supreme Court ruled that it was free speech...but there are no gay ones I know of yet.
Anyway, what I was wondering was, is it all a bit much really? I mean is it really that titallating? Is it really that entertaining as well? For God sake the guys will sleep with you that are there in the bar already and that should be enough of a mental orgasm! Or, is this considered an inspection of the goods for some of you?
I have found over the years that it was more erotic to not even see the guys completely nude in the strip bar. It's probably just a personal taste thing though. I fully intend on doing the research in any case :geek:

October 7th, 2008, 08:41
Which word is it you're having trouble with? "Fuck" or "show"?

October 7th, 2008, 08:46
What are you upto in this forum babe?

October 7th, 2008, 08:51
What are you upto in this forum babe?

Are you talking to me Steve? If so, who or whom in your opinion am I a spy for?

October 7th, 2008, 08:52
Read the caption?

October 7th, 2008, 08:58
Read the caption?

For God sake what are you talking about.........why are you being so cryptic? I honestly do not understand what you are asking me. The caption says nothing more than mentioning a spy. I'll ask you again. Who or whom do you think I am a spy for? And if you don't like that direct question then give me a hint and tell me what in my post or posts leads you to believe I am spying for someone or some thing, lol.
Steve this is really odd and no I do not know the answer.......

October 7th, 2008, 09:09
Which word is it you're having trouble with? "Fuck" or "show"?

with the word FUCK or SHOW.....

I see now that there are no banned words on this board, lol......I was just being safe as a new poster....and, thanks for the education if thats what it was.

October 7th, 2008, 09:12
The only banned word I know here is "pedophile", plus the names of Jinks' personal friends (no matter how much in the public domain they might be). Whoops!

October 7th, 2008, 09:20

October 7th, 2008, 09:29

Okay, Steve.....why can't you say what I might possibly be posing for.... Is it so absolutely diabolical or hideous that you can't even say the words. Come on, please tell me what you are thinking. It is quite unfair to accuse me of something and not even tell me what you're accusing me of.....come on spit it out!
I honestly do not get you at all. Why can't you say what it is that leads you to this conclusion as well.

October 7th, 2008, 09:38

the shows are more of a novelty -- a "must see" form of
entertainment for your first trip to bangkok. they're more
fun and amusing than anything else. so go and amuse
yourself. :bounce: and if you're hanging out with a boy
by the time the shows start, he'll enjoy it too.

October 7th, 2008, 09:44

the shows are more of a novelty -- a "must see" form of
entertainment for your first trip to bangkok. they're more
fun and amusing than anything else. so go and amuse
yourself. :bounce: and if you're hanging out with a boy
by the time the shows start, he'll enjoy it too.

Bless you Netrix! The first real comment on topic!
You see Chao and Steve that wasn't so hard was it! Now you two boys run along outside and play and let the grown-ups talk.....

October 7th, 2008, 09:45
Good grief, stop asking questions and just go already!... you're not exactly flying to the moon or diving to the bottom of Bushman's Cave here.

Fuck shows are worth seeing at least once for the novelty... but after that they're not really enjoyable unless done with some class (not an invitation for another debate). They have them in Bangkok. You can't miss them. Especially when there's about 20 touts trying to drag you into one show or another...

I agree... sexier when the boys don't take everything off (although you're dying to see).

October 7th, 2008, 09:46
A quick look in the dictionary for the meanings of "fuck" and "show" would have told you the same thing. They FUCK in a SHOW. Maybe stevekool can do a crayon drawing for you.

October 7th, 2008, 09:48
Hi John,

Greetings from the other Portland on the other cost. No gay strip clubs here. We're lucky to even have gay bars. :cheers:

When I was living in Bangkok a few years ago, I was helping out with the management of a restaurant in the Silom area for a few months. I'd head in to work walking down Patpong Soi 2 around 5PM.

This one tout always followed me day after day saying "come to fucking show!". I kept on giving him the polite brush-off figuring he would eventually give-up on me. Well he never did, so one day I just turned to him and screamed "I cannot go to fucking show! I have to go to fucking work!"

October 7th, 2008, 09:50

October 7th, 2008, 09:52
A quick look in the dictionary for the meanings of "fuck" and "show" would have told you the same thing. They FUCK in a SHOW. Maybe stevekool can do a crayon drawing for you.

Choa never once in my post did I ask what a fuck show was.....you must be answering a different post.....again....

October 7th, 2008, 09:56

And seriously, since you make no sense at all....NONE, you get the first slot on my ignore list.....
I now get what everyone was talking about..... you are an idiot!

October 7th, 2008, 12:09
Personally I think they're phony, not erotic and an embarassment.
Some of the most rediculous acrobatics you've ever seen, guys with cock-rings to keep their hardon while they perform, phony grunting and groaning right out of straight porn and don't even get me started on the audience.

But Im just one of those prudes that find sex and porn in private fun but public sex or watching porn with a bunch of old guys a turnoff.

You might as well try it though and see if its your cup of tea.

Ditto chuck-wow shows.

October 7th, 2008, 13:03
Personally I think they're phony, not erotic and an embarassment.
Some of the most rediculous acrobatics you've ever seen, guys with cock-rings to keep their hardon while they perform, phony grunting and groaning right out of straight porn and don't even get me started on the audience.

But Im just one of those prudes that find sex and porn in private fun but public sex or watching porn with a bunch of old guys a turnoff.

You might as well try it though and see if its your cup of tea.

Ditto chuck-wow shows.

Well, kenc.....I'm not going to take you out Homi-style because I know that you really don't mean, "...you gotta try everything once". I have never subscribed to that idea. There are sooooooo many things I do not need to try as well as soooooo many I want to try (and a few I need a push to try). But, with this one I probably will try if for no other reason then to say yes, I have seen one, yup....or, maybe (less likely) I will be enthrawled by the spectacle. But, I think I will lean towards your view after I have been, mainly due to the audience I imagine, lol.
I am fairly sure this will not be like a bullfight though. I wanted to see one. Then when I saw one I was moderately entertained at the spectacle but put off by the stupid foreigners in the crowd yelling for the bull to win. Then, I returned a couple of years later to see another and was totally enthrawled at the whole thing because the audience were all natives and were all collectively in-the-moment (passing around food and drinks for all) and took me along for the ride. Next time though, I want the ear! Is there an equivalent to the bullfight ear in a fuck show? Might make it more of a draw don't you think....

October 7th, 2008, 13:12
the funnest part about the fuck shows is trying all of
the different positions you see in the acrobatic fuckfest
when you get back to the hotel room with your boy(s). :drunken:

October 7th, 2008, 13:17
the funnest part about the fuck shows is trying all of
the different positions you see in the acrobatic fuckfest
when you get back to the hotel room with your boy(s). :drunken:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, now i get your comment about letting the boy watch.......I see. It's purely education and instructive for the youth of Thailand! Although, somehow I think he will be more educated already than I and certainly more flexible!

October 7th, 2008, 13:53
.....I'm not going to take you out Homi-style ....Exodus 20:7

October 7th, 2008, 14:22
.....I'm not going to take you out Homi-style ....Exodus 20:7

Psalms 86:13

October 7th, 2008, 17:23
Reminds me of the guy who was searching for inspiration, opened his bible and stuck a pin in randomly.

He got the second half of 2 verses:

Mat 27:5, and Luke 10:37.

Don't try this at home, folks

October 7th, 2008, 19:12
I don't get this joke... but then I've never opened a bible either.

October 7th, 2008, 19:55
I personally have never been to a 'gay' fuck show. The only fuck show I've been to in Bangkok was the straight one. It's kinda boring and I was more interested in looking at a cute fellow spectator across me.

My first visit to a 'gay' bar in Bangkok, there were none of the body-to-body contact. Just a line of guys wanking on a stage. I wasn't really very impressed by the show as I was feeling too self-conscious. Moreover, I was distracted by the presence of my former lecturer who made a hasty retreat. I think, he was embarrassed to find me there.

These shows were like, years and years ago. Before the rise of the internet. Before we can even download gay porn in the privacy of our rooms. I'm hoping to catch one when I visit Bangkok later this month. Not the straight one, oh no no no.

So this thread was kinda interesting to me.

Anyway, I was thinking... why pay for gay fuck shows when you can see sex acts in saunas. I've read and heard that some guys don't mind being watched at their most lustful moment. Not only are these free, they're real and raw. But of course, being a novice with saunas, I can't be certain.

I planned to rectify my sauna ignorance ASAP. Still researching on which sauna I should go to. Hopefully, I will be able to catch an orgy in action. That, I think, would be very interesting to watch. All the senses will be stimulated especially the ocular, the aural and the olfactory.

And, no Homi this post is not about fashion shows for people wearing the brand FCUK.......

What I was wondering about were the fcuk shows that I understand are in some bars. Of course since I have never been to thailand yet (coming in December) I have never seen one.
I have found over the years that it was more erotic to not even see the guys completely nude in the strip bar. It's probably just a personal taste thing though. I fully intend on doing the research in any case :geek:

October 7th, 2008, 21:26
I have been to several, on my first trips to Bangkok, long before I knew Pattaya existed. I was entertained, having seen nothing similar in my life. My thoughts were "if my dad could see me now." The more I saw, the less I enjoyed them . Now, I avoid them completly. I find the shows get in the way of my trying to find a guy for the night, the real reason I am there.

I would say everyone needs to see one, if its a good one. Some are not and the guys from Bangkok can tell you better than I where to go to find the better places.

IMHO they are a waste of my time, especially late shows when the good looking ones are almost already gone. I guess in he low season that is not the case.

If I had to choose, I would spend most of my time in Pattaya and save Bangkok for my layovers and 3 day trips in and out of SE Asia.


October 7th, 2008, 22:03
I don't like them, & don't watch them.

On the other hand, a bunch of good-looking guys dancing....well, that's another question!

October 8th, 2008, 02:35
topjohn i thought you had steve on ignore?

Also as a newbie you might not be aware of silicone cocks or genital warts so its not bad to have a preview sometimes.

October 8th, 2008, 03:38
topjohn i thought you had steve on ignore?

Also as a newbie you might not be aware of silicone cocks or genital warts so its not bad to have a preview sometimes. eeeeewwwww, silicone....not that warts aren't eeeeewwww also.....

Yes, I put him on ignore the moment i made the post to him above......why?