View Full Version : Slinking about all cloke and dagger-like in Thailand!

October 7th, 2008, 05:56
On a recent post I made a very well known and respected contributor sent me a pm which was much appreciated but left me with a few questions. Since he didn't respond to my follow-up question to him I will ask the board.
He said that I should keep my travel movements and where I stay private and do not leave a paper trail......
Now, this may be a very good idea but I do not really understand who exactly I should keep this info from. Do you think it was the folks on this board, the general population of the internet trying to scam me for some reason and they use this board for their nefarious plans or maybe the US government and their minions who read this board, lol. Maybe the pm'r was just a very private person but, just in case, if there is something I should know about please inform me.
Oh, yes, and the paper trail part is a little odd too. It's almost impossible not to have a paper trail. It's a bit dangerous and expensive to completely avoid a paper trail such as bringing large amounts of cash into the country and never using a credit card even for a hotel stay. I could charter a private plane and parachute into the Kingdom but that may be suspicious also.......In addition, I don't think I can get a second passport in a fake name before my trip so I may be stuck that way.

October 7th, 2008, 06:31
In addition, I don't think I can get a second passport in a fake name before my trip so I may be stuck that way.You are such a pessimist!

October 7th, 2008, 06:59
Paranoia runs rampant among many posters on this bored bunch.

October 7th, 2008, 07:25
You have to ask your PM'er what he was worried about.
The only possible problem with a paper trail I can see is that when you go thru customs in the US your belongings will be searched for "paper trails" to see if you're lying about where you've been or what you bought.

So don't lie about where you've been or what you bought!

They will probably ask you what cities you visited and if you don't mention it they will ask you directly "Did you go to Pattaya"? If you say "No" they will look at your receipts to see if there's something from there.

But don't be scared. Remember, Customs is basically looking for drugs, kiddie porn or valuable undeclared items (jewlery).
So don't do anythig stoopid like lying about where you've been or hiding a SIM card with porn on it in your luggage or throwing a few yaba pills into a pack of cigarettes hidden in a full carton.

October 7th, 2008, 07:48
Kenc is right. As long as you don't violate any laws there isn't anything for you to worry. Don;t carry anything with you Knec has suggested. rest enjoy your holidays

October 7th, 2008, 08:43
The person who PM'd you probably assumed you are into pleasure of the (illegal) flesh, like he is.

October 7th, 2008, 09:20
The person who PM'd you probably assumed you are into pleasure of the (illegal) flesh, like he is.

I never considered that....I should have.....but didn't. That doesn't mean that is what they meant in their pm to me but it could have. Ummmmmm, It is possibly that is why they didn't answer my follow-up question as well.

October 7th, 2008, 10:22
Daizy's wondering if it's time to step in and roll the amateurs over again. Who will she be this time?

October 7th, 2008, 10:45
Ignore dumb & paranoid PM's like that. Enjoy Thailand, and post your stories here if you want.
(Oh yeah ... and ignore SteveKoolGuy as well)

Cheers ...

October 7th, 2008, 10:53
Ignore dumb & paranoid PM's like that. Enjoy Thailand, and post your stories here if you want.
(Oh yeah ... and ignore SteveKoolGuy as well)

Cheers ...

Thanks Smiles, I put steve on ignore already......
by the way, what does daizy mean above.......

October 7th, 2008, 10:54
Daizy's wondering if it's time to step in and roll the amateurs over again. Who will she be this time?


October 7th, 2008, 19:33
You have to ask your PM'er what he was worried about.
The only possible problem with a paper trail I can see is that when you go thru customs in the US your belongings will be searched for "paper trails" to see if you're lying about where you've been or what you bought.

So don't lie about where you've been or what you bought!

They will probably ask you what cities you visited and if you don't mention it they will ask you directly "Did you go to Pattaya"? If you say "No" they will look at your receipts to see if there's something from there.

But don't be scared. Remember, Customs is basically looking for drugs, kiddie porn or valuable undeclared items (jewlery).
So don't do anythig stoopid like lying about where you've been or hiding a SIM card with porn on it in your luggage or throwing a few yaba pills into a pack of cigarettes hidden in a full carton.

More about US customs... these guys must be costing the country hundreds of millions in tourism dollars.

I haven't been there in years, but all my friends say they avoid going to the US for work like the plague... immigration/customs is a large part of the reason. Apparently they can be arsewipes and the embassy paperwork for visas is a pain.

People who avoid the US for work/business are certainly not going to holiday there either...

Now, I'm sure they have a job to do... but it could probably be done with a bit more tactfulness. Australian and New Zealand customs are some of the most thorough in the world, but even they are extremely polite (in my experience) and courtious about what they need to do.

I heard that a lot of ships passing through the Gulf actually request to be searched by Australian Navy warships rather than US Navy personnel for similar reasons...

And yeah... always best to be honest with customs.

October 7th, 2008, 19:43
On a recent post I made a very well known and respected contributor sent me a pm which was much appreciated but left me with a few questions. Since he didn't respond to my follow-up question to him I will ask the board.
He said that I should keep my travel movements and where I stay private and do not leave a paper trail......
Now, this may be a very good idea but I do not really understand who exactly I should keep this info from. Do you think it was the folks on this board, the general population of the internet trying to scam me for some reason and they use this board for their nefarious plans or maybe the US government and their minions who read this board, lol. Maybe the pm'r was just a very private person but, just in case, if there is something I should know about please inform me.
Oh, yes, and the paper trail part is a little odd too. It's almost impossible not to have a paper trail. It's a bit dangerous and expensive to completely avoid a paper trail such as bringing large amounts of cash into the country and never using a credit card even for a hotel stay. I could charter a private plane and parachute into the Kingdom but that may be suspicious also.......In addition, I don't think I can get a second passport in a fake name before my trip so I may be stuck that way.

Not being too specific when announcing your travel plans/dates/locations online is probably wise... there are some nutters out there.

I don't know why one would want to avoid a paper trail unless they were hiding something... but it's pretty easy to avoid leaving a paper trail (except for passport stamps) by paying cash for everything. I've done it for short trips before (cash often gives you better exchange rates) so unless you're staying more than 3-4 months... carrying cash isn't too difficult. Especially in Asia where living costs are dead low.

Just split it up between bags and don't carry your life savings.

October 7th, 2008, 20:00
I think its over paranoid people, I travel all the time If I have done nothing illegal and have nothing illegal on my person or luggage there is no need to avoid customs or questions truthfuly, I gerally carry cash to avoid all the ATM charges and credit card charges for exchange rate charges that are high as 10% in some south American countires.

So, I reecommend you keep it legal and not worry, if your earlier post are accurate, then you are here for legal reasons ie. Legal age boys no drungs and lots of legal sex. Other than that lots of trips to Thailand do raise a flag with porn espeically kiddie porn and human trafficing. Other than that for me its business as usual. Forget the PM if its the steve I am thinking of then you likely have nothing to worry about.


October 8th, 2008, 01:54
Well, the pm guy responded to me yesterday and just hadn't read my earlier reply to him yet.
He had very resonable concerns about people watching this board to commit various crimes on posters...mostly financial. So, it was just cautionary on his part for me....

October 8th, 2008, 02:22
Well, the pm guy responded to me yesterday and just hadn't read my earlier reply to him yet.
He had very resonable concerns about people watching this board to commit various crimes on posters...mostly financial. So, it was just cautionary on his part for me....

so i only have to be wary of people that dont have me on ignore?
if you have me on ignore could you pm me so i know its not you who is trying to commit a crime against me,

October 8th, 2008, 07:44
Well, the pm guy responded to me yesterday and just hadn't read my earlier reply to him yet.
He had very resonable concerns about people watching this board to commit various crimes on posters...mostly financial. So, it was just cautionary on his part for me....

My goodness!
Now how many posters out there have had crimes commited against them by other posters? Hand up.....

You'll be fine Topjohn. Just don't "loan" anybody money, no matter how sad a tale of woe they tell you.

October 8th, 2008, 08:04
... there are plenty of nasty characters out there; thieves, conmen etc.Doris and I take exception to that comment

October 8th, 2008, 08:33
Well dear, I'm sure you two lovelies don't get up to anything untoward :drunken:Sadly Doris is too pissed by 10am to do anything except look forward to a long lunch. You'll notice all her posting gets done in the (fairly) early morning, Pattaya time

October 8th, 2008, 09:12
I think he said something to the effect of 'people watching the forum', doesn't necessarily mean a poster... I guess a devious type could lurk to pick up useful titbits, there are plenty of nasty characters out there; thieves, conmen etc.

Then how pervasive has that problem been?
I mean conmen and thieves trolling the internet for unwary new travellers to Thailand? Come on, get real.

October 8th, 2008, 09:31
Well, the pm guy responded to me yesterday and just hadn't read my earlier reply to him yet.
He had very resonable concerns about people watching this board to commit various crimes on posters...mostly financial. So, it was just cautionary on his part for me....

Well we do have one poster sitting in jail and by the hands of people who use to participate in the board and probably still do under some name. So, since it was a liable suit and they are easy in Thialand to prove. Its good that you mind all you say, if you live there, one reason this is hosted outside the USA is becase they cannot hurt the forum owner and we can say pertty ,much what we like as long as we do not live there. so, there may be some pitfalls to what you say. But maybe some one should ask Kevin how all that came about . I have the whole story and its not pretty. I am in a boycotte of a certian bar and hotel their now in response to that and am not ashamed of how I feel. Unlike others who tip toe around this event, I feel like it should be talked about more not less. I reaalize this is a touchy subject on here since thier are always two sides to a story, but I care enough that while I am there to take a day to go and ask the guy in prison myself what put hiim there although I got a full story from others who claim to be part of it and know the whole of the matter.

So go out with minors smoke yaba , but god , you better not slander a bar ownwer there. That is a final mistake worth hanging , now of course that was over stated and there are new owneers now, but I am sure the previous owerers are lurkers on the board .


October 8th, 2008, 09:34
Yes, you are liable to get in trouble if you libel someone.

October 8th, 2008, 16:21
thanks for the spelling lesson BG


October 9th, 2008, 01:32
I have the whole story and its not pretty.

You don't have the whole story - no one does, except those involved, and since you have not spoken to either "side" you evidently barely have part of the "story".

I feel like it should be talked about more not less.

The reason it is seldom talked about is that any adverse comments made or implied about judicial processes here could have an adverse affect on moves for KQ to be transferred to the UK on compassionate/medical grounds. This has been made very clear before.

... but I care enough that while I am there to take a day to go and ask the guy in prison myself what put hiim there ...

If you "care" you should already be writing to him (the address has been given here before). Visiting and asking for his version of events, which has been made very public on a number of occasions, including in the press, is simply morbid curiousity. Any further posts here on this subject will help no-one.

October 9th, 2008, 08:44
I have the whole story and its not pretty.

You don't have the whole story - no one does, except those involved, and since you have not spoken to either "side" you evidently barely have part of the "story"....

Thanks GF, you beat me to it.

Quill's problems predated this board and had nothing to do with his internet postings.