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View Full Version : Happy St. Patricks Day

March 18th, 2006, 08:28
Pattaya is a long way from the Green Isle, but with a bit of Guinness and a heart overwhelmed with happiness I would offer a health to all who read this. The following is an inscription on the lip of an alabaster drinking cup buried with King Tut... "May you oh King, live a million years, may you sit facing the cool north wind and may your eyes behold happiness." I wish you all this and more. ... Happy St. Patricks Day.

March 18th, 2006, 14:10
Thanks for the kind words Bing - but as an Italian I'd like to offer a happy St. Joseph's Day in advance (March 19)

Today, being a Friday in Lent, led our Irish-American Bishop to lift the requirement for abstinence from meat, so that everyone could fortify their green beer with corn beef and cabbage - thereby giving their puke more texture, I suppose. Even our elementary school allowed kids to break uniform and wear green.

Personally, I am lobbying that on St. Joseph's Day, then kids should once again be allowed to eschew uniforms in favor of sleeveless, ribbed undershirts (other wise known as "guinea-t's" or "wifebeaters") seems only fair, eh?

Personally, I don't celebrate St. Patrick's day - I was in Ireland a few years ago, and to tell the truth, by the time I left, I was rooting for the snakes.

http://upload4.postimage.org/24924/st_patrick_reduced.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/24924/photo_hosting.html)

March 18th, 2006, 17:59
Bagorah (Irish for, what the hell.), and it was a happy St. Paddy's Day for me! :toothy10:
Had me corned beef `n cabbage Filipino style: add potatoes, long beans, carrots, plantains & serve with rice--And fish sauce: bagaone. (When the Japanese attacked the Philippines, the Flips threw jars of bagaone at `em--worked like belling the cat: no matter how quiet, you could smell `em coming!) :thefinger:
Managed to get through the whole damn day without hearing one damn Irish song! :bs:
Not even Oh, Danny Boy (your Pipe, your pipe is lollling...falling...crawling....appaling?) :icon_smile:
Especially not; Clancy Lowered the Boom--Worst song ever written, made even worse, sung by some schmuck drunk as a skunk. :sad3:

Today; at a protest march (War protest or Protesting Irish music &\or a green Chicago river, I'm not sure.) in Chicago, a man cut off his dick and threw it at a cop. :tongue6:
When asked for an opinion, the cop said, "He's just nuts." :tongue2: