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View Full Version : The curse of the Rome Club or what load bearing wall?

October 1st, 2008, 20:06
The Rome Club was a gay disco and then changed owners who put up a sign, no gays allowed, back in the mid 90's. The club then failed and every other venue that has tried to do business there has failed. Some say it's the work of a gay phee (ghost) Now this.

From the Balcony:

"Dear Balcony Member,

Some of you may have heard that the front of the building next door to us that used to be Roxy (and before that Icon and before that Rome Club) collapsed yesterday, 30 September.

The building was being worked on by construction workers employed by the new owners and at about 4.15pm the facade of the ground, first and second floors gave way and collapsed into the Soi. Fortunately nobody was injured but the electricity lines were cut and there was some minor damage to the end of The BalconyтАЩs terrace. This caused us to close last night.

The electricity supply has now been restored and the damage inspected by the local authorities. Since there was no structural damage to The Balcony we have now made temporary repairs and are open again as usual. Full repairs will take a little longer but plans are in hand to have this work completed as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you again at The Balcony very soon.

Since we have been preoccupied today with getting ourselves ready for opening our usual monthly newsletter will be slightly delayed but should be with you soon.

Best Regards

From the Management & Staff "

I'll stop by this evening and take a look. Anyone know what was going in there?

October 1st, 2008, 20:13
What's a "gay phee"?

October 1st, 2008, 20:18
phee or pee Thai for ghost or spirit. Thai spend a lot of time and money on phee busting buildings.

October 1st, 2008, 20:46
The former owner of the Rome Club, Manuel, "made millions from it." Whether this was millions of baht or yen or dollars was not specified. And of course Manuel had a Thai partner -- who was gay and had a boyfriend.

Well, one sad day, the boyf of the Thai partner ran off with another guy. This provoked an extreme emotional reaction in the Thai partner, who "decided" that gay men were evil and put the big sign up HIMSELF -- the one saying "No homosexuals allowed."

Your head may be spinning. Yes, the anti-gay sign was put up by a jilted gay man. This predictably led to the demise of the Rome Club, and the subsequent rise of DJ Station.

It's all gossip, so your version may vary. :geek:

October 1st, 2008, 20:50
Manuel may have made millions, but it definitely wasn't a happy ending story.

October 1st, 2008, 20:53
Haha... that's an interesting tale of tragedy.

DJ Station must make decent money.

What are those other bars that share the same little lane with DJ Station? They are small and unbelievably crowded. At first it took me a while to realise that they weren't DJ Station (hence why they were only 1 floor).

Brad the Impala
October 1st, 2008, 21:01
Rome was the first disco style gay bar in Thailand. I remember it well. Happy memories.

It was also alleged that the owner had several hundred per cent of sleeping partners(in the financial sense).

October 1st, 2008, 23:24
It looks as if an earthquake hit the building. Balcony and Telephone were open and had quite a few customers, many just coming for a look at a pancaked building.

It's sad to see a little bit of Bangkok gay history crumble away but fitting to make such a dramatic exit.

The Rome Club History (http://easiatravel.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_rome_club_bangkoks_club_54)

October 2nd, 2008, 06:45
тАЬBoss say mus knock down.тАЭ

тАЬDat wall load bearing. Knock down cannotтАЭ

тАЬWat you mean?тАЭ

тАЬDat wall load bearing. Holl up roof. If you knock down, roof no stay up. See? If knock down, roof also come down. No good.тАЭ

тАЬNo, is ok. Look! over der also hav wall. Can holl up roof.тАЭ

тАЬMMmmmmm. Ok, knock down see.тАЭ

(Later on)

тАЬSolly. Not my fault. Is his fault! I say no knock down. I say if knock down roof also knock down! He knock down! I tell him cannot knock down. He no smut. He knock down!тАЭ

October 2nd, 2008, 08:26
тАЬBoss say mus knock down.тАЭ

тАЬDat wall load bearing. Knock down cannotтАЭ

тАЬWat you mean?тАЭ

тАЬDat wall load bearing. Holl up roof. If you knock down, roof no stay up. See? If knock down, roof also come down. No good.тАЭ

тАЬNo, is ok. Look! over der also hav wall. Can holl up roof.тАЭ

тАЬMMmmmmm. Ok, knock down see.тАЭ

(Later on)

тАЬSolly. Not my fault. Is his fault! I say no knock down. I say if knock down roof also knock down! He knock down! I tell him cannot knock down. He no smut. He knock down!тАЭ


October 2nd, 2008, 10:07
The place certainly seems to be jinxed. After Rome Club, Both Icon and Roxy failed miserably in the same location. The new owners, who ever they may be, have an uphill battle.I can't comment much on Icon, but Roxy seemed to be mostly the white trash of Asia lolling on cushions outside and looking untidy. God knows what went on indoors

October 2nd, 2008, 10:14
Nothing, they hardly had a customer, and those few were driven away by a dreadful farang manager who claimed to be some international singing sensation.Possibly it was Aunty doing Pavarotti impersonations

October 2nd, 2008, 21:56
If you have not been by to see what's left of the Rome Club, it's too late for a viewing. There's a huge shroud now covering the front of what's left of the building.

RIP Rome Club.

In an apparent unrelated story The Balcony ran out of Beer Lao but a shipment is in the mail.

October 3rd, 2008, 02:51
Nothing, they hardly had a customer, and those few were driven away by a dreadful farang manager who claimed to be some international singing sensation.
Well i must say i always enjoyed a drink in Roxy's ,the show was entertaining and the decor was good inside ,shame it callapsed.

October 3rd, 2008, 03:32
In an apparent unrelated story The Balcony ran out of Beer Lao but a shipment is in the mail.Still have problems paying their bills?

October 3rd, 2008, 12:44
In an apparent unrelated story The Balcony ran out of Beer Lao but a shipment is in the mail.Still have problems paying their bills?

Not that I know of. Suppler just late in a shipment I was told but others claim it's more work of the offended gay phee that has been maintaining the hex on the Rome Club. The entity had been displaced and is afoot next door. He's looking for a new home. Maybe some fat old bald cunt will waddle by and the bad ghost will crawl up his ass.

Brad the Impala
October 3rd, 2008, 14:57
Not that I know of. Suppler just late in a shipment I was told but others claim it's more work of the offended gay phee that has been maintaining the hex on the Rome Club. The entity had been displaced and is afoot next door. He's looking for a new home. Maybe some fat old bald cunt will waddle by and the bad ghost will crawl up his ass.

The spirit will be spoilt for choice of fat bald old cunts and accessible arses in that location.

They should put up a warning sign. "Keep Sphincers Tight. Displaced Spirit Area".

Any other suggestions for the sign might be helpful, and an improvement!

October 3rd, 2008, 16:39
From the Balcony newsletter:

"The BalconyтАЩs terrace will be undergoing renovations over the next few weeks so please bear with us while repairs are in progress. We will try to ensure that you are not inconvenienced. "

A few weeks (in Thai speak)= a few months?

October 3rd, 2008, 16:48
"The BalconyтАЩs terrace will be undergoing renovations over the next few weeks so please bear with us while repairs are in progress. We will try to ensure that you are not inconvenienced.""Now that Lee's leaving Telephone, we hope you'll still come here even though things will improve over there"

October 4th, 2008, 08:46
From the Balcony newsletter:

"The BalconyтАЩs terrace will be undergoing renovations over the next few weeks so please bear with us while repairs are in progress. We will try to ensure that you are not inconvenienced. "

A few weeks (in Thai speak)= a few months?

Let's hope they don't use the same contractor!

October 4th, 2008, 22:45
It'll be another one of these jobs:

(2 sweaty Thai boys)

"hmmm, ok, knock dow wall see. If roof not come dow is goo. Maybe if roof come dow I say solly boss"

"oh no, if roof come dow boss boxing you"

"no, if roof come dow i say boss is you do bad hahahaha"

"cannot!" (playfully pushes the other boy)

"can" (teases)

"cannot! or i boxing you here" (makes boxing motions at other boys crotch)

"I strong you" (jumps on the smaller boy and starts wrestling him)

"mmmmm"... "MMMMMM (louder)" ....... "mmmmMMmmmm (pleasure)"