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View Full Version : Future Boys - How bad can business get?

October 1st, 2008, 17:00
Picture it:

Bangkok, Dung Plaza, Monday Night 29/9 11.30ish (just before the **** show when you might expect a reasonable crowd).

Drink 220B
Waiter off 700B
Total customers in bar 2

Could there be any connection?


October 1st, 2008, 17:08
Could there be any connection?Probably not - Monday, low season, tourists have stopped coming to Thailand (and the off fee isn't the reason)

October 1st, 2008, 17:21
Could there be any connection?Probably not - Monday, low season, tourists have stopped coming to Thailand (and the off fee isn't the reason)

Fair points except, I am comparing low season to low season in the past, Monday night to Monday night in the past - and I have never been there when there is only 2 customers during a show (and I account for 1 of them!)

Factors I would cite are: downturn in visitors to Thailand generally as you say, lousy exchange rate makes some people more price-conscious, and a common feeling that venues in Dung Plaza are taking the piss price-wise and quality-wise.

Far more friendly staff, more animated and attractive boys to be found e.g. in Solid Bar. Prices and fees far more reasonable - and to the poster who recommended number 11 previously, all I can say is I heartily concur!


October 1st, 2008, 17:39
[Far more friendly staff, more animated and attractive boys to be found e.g. in Solid Bar.While I agree (up to a point - and Solid is a bar to which I return from time to time) comparing a bar with ~ 60 boys with one of ~ 15 boys is a bit of a stretch. I've heard comments from friends in previous years and at different times along the lines of "I was in Future Boys t'other night and do you know there were only {a handful} of us there" - take your pick from 3, 4 or 5 punters = a handful. I haven't been in FB for a couple of years now - ever since the night some sort of documentary was being filmed, and half the boys wouldn't go on stage as they didn't want their occupation recorded for posterity. Getting out was a nightmare, as that wasn't supposed to interrupt the filming either. I'm told Babylon on the weekend was pretty low on tourists too

October 1st, 2008, 18:24
Homintern I never knew you like Solid Bar type ....... ummm hope No 11 is doing fine ha ha ha

October 1st, 2008, 19:09
They could try to attract customers who are not interested in a fuck show.

e.g. :-[/img]

October 1st, 2008, 19:52
jinks - surely you are not equating George Stanley with a fuck show?

October 1st, 2008, 19:56
The reason is:

Ugly boys just standing there on stage, not doing anything (certainly not "go-go dancing, and no longer fucking), for which it costs 200 for the privilege of watching.

Why would anyone go?

October 2nd, 2008, 04:33
jinks - surely you are not equating George Stanley with a fuck show?

hahahaha - cant wait for the replies!

October 2nd, 2008, 05:52
The reason is:

Ugly boys just standing there on stage, not doing anything (certainly not "go-go dancing, and no longer fucking), for which it costs 200 for the privilege of watching.

Why would anyone go?

To my eye, this bar is an excellent example of the way that Soi Twilight bars in general have lost the plot.

The prices have gone up, offs have gone up and are relatively expensive (400 B + 2 drinks = 800 B just to leave the bar with a new friend), smiles have decreased, attitude has definitely gone up.

This bar in particular has a real 'meat market' feeling to me, as the boys do fast rotations on stage, over and over, with the impression that they are merely going through the motions, and not even hoping for interest from one of the few customers.
And last time I visited, some weeks ago, customers were hard to find.

Also, I watched a 'boss?' sitting at a desk near the door, doing the paperwork, and smoking like a train. Looked Chinese-Thai to me.
The arrogance with which he treated the staff really surprised me, and helped me to understand why this bar does not seem to be a happy place.

Future Boys is certainly a shadow of its successful period a few years back.

Solid may be small with a dozen or so boys. But it is much more 'user-friendly'.
I have thought many times, that a 'Solid-style' bar in Soi Twilight, no shows, a bit cheaper, less attitude in general, would succeed.
But whatever new bar does open eg Siam Angel Boys, just seems to follow 'the usual Soi Twilight formula'.

Massage houses seem to be forever on the increase in Bangkok. I wonder why?

October 2nd, 2008, 06:05
jinks - surely you are not equating George Stanley with a fuck show?

George Stanley, "clearly" and "obviously", equating whit a fuck show will let him uses the words : " Piss off " , without giving you a fuck ! :clown:

October 2nd, 2008, 06:14
I have thought many times, that a 'Solid-style' bar in Soi Twilight, no shows, a bit cheaper, less attitude in general, would succeed.There are a number of reasons why bars have shows, and it's no accident that the Soi Prostitute bars all have a show
1 It brings the tourists in
2 It's a focus for a particular time
3 The boys who participate usually get paid something
4 On some occasions/nights it's used to justify a "cover charge" (which usually includes a free drink)

It wasn't that long ago - six years maybe - when the shows were all fuck shows. Then a new bar decided "no fuck show, cabaret style instead". Quite soon afterwards all the bars had at least a cabaret element to their show. Even the bar closest in style to Solid - Classic Boys (as many have remarked), which is often overlooked as it's the last bar from Suriwong Rd at the far end of a conga line of grasping touts outside the other bars - has a show (of sorts) and its prices are pretty much in line with the others. The costs of running a bar in that area, you'd think, would be pretty comparable - rent and tea money for the police - and much greater than the costs of tiny bars like those in Soi Golden Cock, such as Solid, Nature Boy (is that still open?) and the few others in that area

October 2nd, 2008, 06:22
homintern : wrote,

Nature Boy (is that still open?)

Elvis ?

October 2nd, 2008, 12:23
Chao na wrote:

"The reason is:

Ugly boys just standing there on stage, not doing anything (certainly not "go-go dancing, and no longer fucking), for which it costs 200 for the privilege of watching.

Why would anyone go?"

Chao na, this almost hurts but I have to simply agree with you, few months back when they had fantastic fuck shows on, 250/beer was cheap for the entertainment...now its a little sad, bit like going to a run down zoo.

October 3rd, 2008, 11:44
When I started to visit BKK in 2001, Future Boys was one of the best bars in town and this trend continued till around 2005. During this time the Boss took good care of the boys. They were paid 100 Bhat if they did not have customer that night. Also, drink charges was 100 Bhat and the boy got half of that. By doing so he was able to attract and retain the best selection boys down the Soi. There was life as you walked into the Bar. Boys were cheerful and customers enjoyed and stayed long and spent money.

Then moved in Dream Boys and the BB Group. They started to compete and the price war started. BB Group changing the entire landscape of the Soi and others blindly followed. BB Group is in disaster and Future Boys in disray. They don't know how to bounce back. In the meantime came the X-Boys. They seem to have struck middle path, inspite of keeping the prices smae able to attract good slection of boys, bring-in more customers, put up good shows and have full-house almost every night.

The Bars must try to adopt a new business format, if things have to improve for them. My prediction is that, if they won't change Soi Twilight will change and will become either like the Soi 4 or completely vanish from the Gay Map

October 4th, 2008, 10:24
The lack of customers is due to one thing and one thing only, NO FUCK SHOWS, simple no honey no money! Up to 6 months ago alomost all the gogo bars in twilight were putting on fuck showsranging from the fantastic (bangkok boys had up to 8 fucking in one show) to good.
Seems like the cops decided to clean up the soi and last weekend when in the soi all I managed to see was a very quick pathetic attempt.
Bars are all scrared of being closed down. But stangely the straight bars are not affected!!

October 4th, 2008, 10:43
But stangely the straight bars are not affected!!Christ! Don't tell kenc - he'll think it's another example of the Republican conspiracy against minorities

October 4th, 2008, 12:12
The lack of customers is due to one thing and one thing only, NO FUCK SHOWS, simple no honey no money! Up to 6 months ago alomost all the gogo bars in twilight were putting on fuck showsranging from the fantastic (bangkok boys had up to 8 fucking in one show) to good.
Seems like the cops decided to clean up the soi and last weekend when in the soi all I managed to see was a very quick pathetic attempt.
Bars are all scrared of being closed down. But stangely the straight bars are not affected!!

It's not the cops but that's often the excuse. The bars just don't want to pay 200-300B for a performer if there's only a few customers. If the high season comes, they will perform.

All these reports of no fuck shows are just a bit over exaggerated. Weekdays are slow, weekends things pick up.

October 4th, 2008, 13:12
ut stangely the straight bars are not affected!!

What are you talking about? The police eradicated fuck shows from the straight bars more than 10 years ago, and they have never resurfaced.

October 4th, 2008, 22:47
Bangkok is dry(no booze) tonight due to elections. Traffic light after rush hour, most bars closed some restaurants closed too.

October 4th, 2008, 22:51
I would guess the lack of fuck shows has nothing to do with the reduced numbers flying to Thailand.

Its not the oil on boys that affects peoples pockets!

October 5th, 2008, 00:26
The only F*ck show I'm interested in is the one involving me & the rent boy back in the hotel.

Pole dancing guys in white underwear is more than sufficient to make time spent in the bars pleasant.

October 5th, 2008, 00:30
if all you want is fuck shows in bars then go elsewhere

October 5th, 2008, 03:30

I respectfully suggest that the reduced numbers flying to Thailand have less to do with money and more to do with the likes of travel warnings emanating fron the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and their counterparts in other countries.

October 5th, 2008, 05:24
I respectfully suggest that the reduced numbers flying to Thailand have less to do with money and more to do with the likes of travel warnings emanating fron the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and their counterparts in other countries.You have a rather elevated view of the notice people take of government warnings. What's influencing people is footage on their television screens of tourists being "trapped" in an airport in Thailand, and continuing stories about political unrest here. Since the Australian Prime Minister, Saint Kevin Goody Two-Shoes, has been trumpeting how well the Australian financial system is regulated compared to the US, I guess Australians have less of a reason to feel the pinch that many people are feeling worldwide. A number of my friends in the US and the UK have emailed me recently saying that they're concerned for their job and that there'll be a bit of belt-tightening this year, which means that they're putting their travel plans on hold (sadly some of them still write in cliches). Doubtless this news will make Chao Na very happy, as they are all sex tourists, with no interest in lolling on a beach, scuba diving, visits to temples, buying tat* in the night markets or jaunts on elephants

October 5th, 2008, 11:32
And this is a bad thing?

October 5th, 2008, 12:04
The drop in tourist arrivals is a new thing due to recent financial woos and sprial affect it has on world economics. The drop in customers at the Bars started even prior to that. The reasons being, the increased charges for drinks and the off-fees. This automatically afftects the kind of boys the Bars has to offer to customers. Though the f... shows has an impact on the traffic into bars, it has nothing to do with drastic drop the bars have been encountering in the last one-year. One of the reasons, is a direct boycott of the bars by some of the tourist and most of the expatriates or retirees living in BKK.

As I said before, the Bars need to change their business format, mainly if the cops are at you for f... shows. Bring in more of other forms of entertainments, like music, dance, Thai cultural dance and have the boys rotate on the stage not only in their undies, but also street cloths. Let them mingle with the customers in between shows in their street cloths. Give room for the customers to mingle with each other. Let us make it a different format and try the differnece. Let there be change. People need change, boys need change and customers need change and let the word spread.

If you give the boys the freedom to choose their cloths, I am sure you will attract more of cash-trapped university/college students and of course the cuties. The customers will have better selection and the traffic will increase. Look at Jupiter, customers eems to like their format and the good looking boys like to work there.

October 5th, 2008, 12:08
If you give the boys the freedom to choose their cloths, I am sure you will attract more of cash-trapped university/college students and of course the cuties. The customers will have better selection and the traffic will increase. Look at Jupiter, customers eems to like their format and the good looking boys like to work there.When will you be opening your bar, Steve?

October 5th, 2008, 12:16
When I retire. It could be in 2025. I wonder where will you be then?

October 5th, 2008, 12:23
When I retire. It could be in 2025. I wonder where will you be then?I'll still be working - looks like you are a good ten years older than me. But why don't you hire yourself out as a consultant to the bar owners? I'm sure they would pay good money for your ideas.

October 5th, 2008, 12:59
I am planning to retire at 45?

October 5th, 2008, 13:10
I am planning to retire at 45?I'm not sure. What's the answer?

October 5th, 2008, 15:23
Monday 13th October. George Stanley Sings. From 11 pm till late.
By very special request George returns to sing тАЬFrom the Heart
and SoulтАЭ. If you like your music Live, Intimate and Polished with a
bias toward the blues, donтАЩt miss this gig! Highly Recommended.

My name is George Stanley and I approve this message. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/happy011.gif

October 5th, 2008, 17:50
But George, you haven't said if you approve of jinks comparing you with a f**k show

jinks - surely you are not equating George Stanley with a fuck show?

October 5th, 2008, 19:20
But George, you haven't said if you approve of jinks comparing you with a f**k show

jinks - surely you are not equating George Stanley with a fuck show?

Hi gwm4asian, I chose to ignore your earlier post knowing that jinks would never be guilty of such a thing. After all, he knows that my show is far superior to any fuck show, is more polished and lasts a fucking damn site longer also. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/happy011.gif

Sawadi gwm4asian old bean, you be careful not to get caught up in any GG's pony tail now, wont you?. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk216/ThaiRakThai/whistling.gif


October 5th, 2008, 20:37
...be careful not to get caught up in any pony tail now, wont you?

Pony Tail ?? Old Mares Tale more likely. Just think of your new slogan, sounds like an advert for a mint imperial.........

Come and see George Stanley - lasts longer than a fucking show!

October 5th, 2008, 22:21
Come and see George Stanley - longer than a fucking show!

Lmfao - Can just see the posters now!

October 6th, 2008, 13:11
"Trongpaiexpat" wrote,

It's not the cops but that's often the excuse. The bars just don't want to pay 200-300B for a performer if there's only a few customers. If the high season comes, they will perform.

All these reports of no fuck shows are just a bit over exaggerated. Weekdays are slow, weekends things pick up.

E Dok Tong

Sorry, gotta disagree, have just spent a week in BKK and Pattaya and apart frpm the new place (Siam angel!!) who put on a very quick show the whole soi twilight was dead; most customers bored. This soi attracts types who want "live porn" and drag queen shows or ridiculous attempts (almost insulting) at traditional Thai shows are not the answer...bars are empty; theres the proof.
As for Pattaya (lots of cock in sunee plaza but a bit off putting as they all look to be about 14, definitely uncomfortable) the same, but had lots of fun on Dongtan beach; and surproiingly too...free

October 6th, 2008, 13:15
"time to speak" wrote

if all you want is fuck shows in bars then go elsewhere

And what are you, the moral brigade?? What you don't seem to realise is that a lot are and the economy suffers...

October 6th, 2008, 13:26
I used to arrive in BKK at the end off september for many visits, the rain was the same and the empty boy bars also

I can remember when Silom had sandbags outside all retail and hotel premises, the floods in Pattayaland and the corner of Second and South Pattaya Road Season plays a big part

I can remember 3 years ago arriving at 22.30 going straight to Tower Inn and taxi-ing down to Future Boys and was only one of 3 there at midnight That night mamasan took each go go boy in turn round to each member of the audience, to shake their hands.
[ or putting it differently putting something into the customers hand to shake]

It is cold and wet for LOS and that is why it is low season It is not only lack of tourists but expats not going out.

This year is not so different.

October 6th, 2008, 13:32
This year is not so different.So you're here now?

October 6th, 2008, 13:34
It's not the cops but that's often the excuse. The bars just don't want to pay 200-300B for a performer if there's only a few customers. If the high season comes, they will perform.

All these reports of no fuck shows are just a bit over exaggerated. Weekdays are slow, weekends things pick up.

Sorry, gotta disagree, have just spent a week in BKK and Pattaya and apart frpm the new place (Siam angel!!) who put on a very quick show the whole soi twilight was dead; most customers bored. This soi attracts types who want "live porn" and drag queen shows or ridiculous attempts (almost insulting) at traditional Thai shows are not the answer...bars are empty; theres the proof.
As for Pattaya (lots of cock in sunee plaza but a bit off putting as they all look to be about 14, definitely uncomfortable) the same, but had lots of fun on Dongtan beach; and surproiingly too...free

There's your statistical assumption error. One week in two locations is not enough to draw conclusions.

Siam Angel does a short show every 20/30 min or so, no show times. Some like that format.

October 7th, 2008, 07:43
From my feebacks, apart from X-Boys the only other Bar that is relatively doing well (only 2 months old). They have adopted a new format. Every half-an-hour a show and they thurst in a fuck show. A Handsome boy (Ex Future Boy) fucking a Ladyboy type. Also, it is run by one time Associate of Future Boys and few Captains (the best ones) from Future Boys. These guys have been with Future Boys for long to understand the reasons why they went down and doing the right things to keep this new place growing. I am not sure they are adopting the first drink at normal soi price and the 2nd and 3rd drinks at lower price points. I am sure they are doing that for me to get some positive reports about them. Will they change the greedy attitude of BB Group guys who killed the Soi?

October 7th, 2008, 08:09
why call BKK boys greedy? Everyone has been charging roughly the same price for a beer the last 2 years, and at least they put on the best (in my opinion) fuck show in he soi; up to 4 couples fucking all over the place preceded by a good comedy skit. The equivalent of 5 euro/beer for this entertainment is cheap. In Europe you pay 3 for the beer and no show!!

October 7th, 2008, 08:50
Where are those comedy skits working now? What does that speak for Buddy? Dont shoot your mouth without thinking ......

October 7th, 2008, 08:53
why call BKK boys greedy? Everyone has been charging roughly the same price for a beer the last 2 years, and at least they put on the best (in my opinion) fuck show in he soi; up to 4 couples fucking all over the place preceded by a good comedy skit. The equivalent of 5 euro/beer for this entertainment is cheap. In Europe you pay 3 for the beer and no show!!

EUR 3? More like EUR 10 for a soda in a European "house with boys".

October 7th, 2008, 10:25
he equivalent of 5 euro/beer for this entertainment is cheap. In Europe you pay 3 for the beer and no show!!Who cares what you pay in Europe. In a Third World country we expect to pay Third World prices everywhere, not just in the bars that don't cater to the flesh trade

October 7th, 2008, 10:29
stevekoolguy (poisonous twin 1)
At BKK boys the comedy skits complete with a fake lotion squirting penis still there plus erotic shows, just no actual fucking; I actually patronise the soi!! Was there last 2 weekends.

Chao na (poisonous twin 2)
At cuckoos nest in amsterdam beers cost eur2.50, its a cruise club, you fuck downstairs, no rent boys.

le'impact in Paris, shed your clothes upon entry (keep shoes on), beers cost eur3 and you can fuck just about anywhere, big cellar downstairs too for the more inhibited; again no rent numbers.

Twins I actually do get around (i more ways than one!!), don't live my life behind a screen only...

October 7th, 2008, 10:33
Chao na (poisonous twin 2)
At cuckoos nest in amsterdam beers cost eur2.50, its a cruise club, you fuck downstairs, no rent boys.

In other words, it is a completely different set-up from Future Boys (yes, I've been to the Cuckoo's Nest, by the way). Future Boys is an escort bar, not a cruise bar. If you want to compare apples with apples, compare the prices of Future Boys with those at Why Not or Blue Boy in Amsterdam (if those pathetic places still exist).

October 7th, 2008, 12:19
The Great Depression of '09 is coming to a country near you.

I'll betcha more than half the bars will be closed and out of business by this time next year.

And I'll bet this high season tourist entries will be off 30% or more from last year.

There's some real serious shit going down right now and not just in the US. Its Global.

October 7th, 2008, 13:42
And I'll bet this high season tourist entries will be off 30% or more from last year.I don't think that can be correct. lonelywombat has already told us that he's in Bangkok at this time of year every year, and this year is no different to any other. I'm looking forward to further particulars posted here from him about his most recent outings

October 7th, 2008, 17:14
I was glad I had chosen Pattaya today after the unrest being ran back to back about the political unrest and police response to todays latest show of political unrest in Bangkok. I would say, that plus the economy and the general negative reports coming out ot Thailand and back to the states and other places makes a difference. I would think if, business is off, then it is a collection of these things that are causing it. Add enough negati\ve plus the fact that Thailand has been in the news often as a sex tourist site and how some conservatives feel about the news coming from there, plus the news of the banking global meltdown has people a bit nervous. In my case, I felt better to go now than wait until it gets worse. The banking news is not good , one of my banks failed and I am still trying to find out what is happening there, since all of my mail at home is filtered to just what I need to know. If I listen to CNN all day, its hard not to be a bit glad I have the trip bought and paid for and just as well go, no matter the climate. I can't say if I were planning a new trip I would be as open to goign as I am now with everythign done and paid for...at least for the most part... Just the boys and the hotel is all that needs to be paid and as they say here, its up to you joe.

If you listen long enough from people who make a living on gloom and doom reporting, after a while you begin to second guess an expensive trip just for sex. It can be found here or in Portland or key West with out the expensive
Airline purchase to add to your list of rent a boys.


October 7th, 2008, 20:13
stevekoolguy (poisonous twin 1)
At BKK boys the comedy skits complete with a fake lotion squirting penis still there plus erotic shows, just no actual fucking; I actually patronise the soi!! Was there last 2 weekends.

Chao na (poisonous twin 2)
At cuckoos nest in amsterdam beers cost eur2.50, its a cruise club, you fuck downstairs, no rent boys.

le'impact in Paris, shed your clothes upon entry (keep shoes on), beers cost eur3 and you can fuck just about anywhere, big cellar downstairs too for the more inhibited; again no rent numbers.

Twins I actually do get around (i more ways than one!!), don't live my life behind a screen only...

Wow, I should check out Europe lol

Anything like that in Sweden? Boys from Sweden and the Netherlands are unbelievably hot. There is something in the water there.

One of my best experiences was sharing a dorm room with a boy from the Netherlands... 6 bunks, just the 2 of us. He wasn't very inhibited. And after passing each other in our boxers one too many times on path between the bathroom and our beds, we... [ahem]... decided the other 5 beds should remain unused.

I get excited just remembering it... he was medium height, blond-brown hair, as fit as anything and very cute. We were both a little lonely having come in from a rough few days and made it a passionate night. Apparently he had never been with an Asian boy before.

October 8th, 2008, 14:34
When I retire. It could be in 2025. I wonder where will you be then?
Not trolling Message Boards.

Cheers ...