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View Full Version : Sawatdee versus the rest

September 30th, 2008, 23:35
How does Sawatdee shape up versus the competition?

October 1st, 2008, 03:50
... as one never looks at the others? Anything focused on Pattaya is irrelevant to me

October 1st, 2008, 06:32
... as one never looks at the others? Anything focused on Pattaya is irrelevant to me

Is that a commitment not to post on Pattaya related subjects? Like the Secret Cameras in Boyztown and Sunee Plaza?

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 1st, 2008, 06:36
normally I wouldn't be a member of a forum that would have me as a member ( especially as the others have kicked me off) but Sawatdee is certainly the best and ever since Henry Cate joined the improvement has been noticable.

October 1st, 2008, 06:48
Is that a commitment not to post on Pattaya related subjects? Like the Secret Cameras in Boyztown and Sunee Plaza?Commitments? I'm strictly a one-night-stand person

October 1st, 2008, 10:12
I sususpect it is the ebst all around, Ting and Tong by far have the best pictures posted. if you want information this is a better boaad. if you want a lot of bitching this is a better baord, If you are thin skinned best to go somewhere else. Ting and Tong often havfe the same posts as this one so lots will be the sme question anwered by different people. I generally do not post there, ocassonallay I do, best not to catch hell on two forums.


October 1st, 2008, 10:25
Me thinks you are stealing lines from Grocho Marx. He one time mentioned he would never join an organization who would have him as a member.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 1st, 2008, 14:58
Me thinks you are stealing lines from Grocho Marx. He one time mentioned he would never join an organization who would have him as a member.

oh him too !! as if I would ever steal a line !!

actually Ting and Tong should get an honourable mention as they're ever so nice and the board is the prettiest. :cheers:

NB: now this is absolutely a true story and you gave me the in for it : I once attended a boat cruise on the Thames at which Barabara Marx was the honoured guest ( she was the widow of the youngest Marx brother). She was married to the great Frank Sinatra who was in London for a concert. It was a fundraiser boat cruise to aid a children's victims of abuse charity. The head of the charity was a dotty old thing and when it came time to introduce the star guest she said :

" I'd like to introduce Barbara Marx who is married to the wonderful Frank Sinatra and is here to help us raise funds today. Barabara and Frank Sinatra have been heavily involved in child abuse all their lives"

I and a few others were asked to go out on the deck as we were sniggering too loud.

Brad the Impala
October 1st, 2008, 15:00
Me thinks you are stealing lines from Grocho Marx.

At least he has moved on from stealing underwear from Betty Grable. Credit where credit is due.

October 2nd, 2008, 21:13
G.W Bush & khun Thaksin would die for an approval rating like this!

October 2nd, 2008, 23:15
hey if you post a poll on a forum asking if it's the what result do you expect. Try a poll on another forum asking if Sawatdee is the best

October 2nd, 2008, 23:45
It matters what the users of this forum think of it, but doesn't matter a jot what the users of other forums think of it.

I suspect there are few users of sawatdee who haven't given the other forums at least a look - and some other forums, like Ting Tong, are strong competition. So I think the fact that 70% of users think this forum the best is a strong endorsement of Elephantspike's and Jink's approach to moderation - which, from time to time, comes under fire.

October 3rd, 2008, 00:10
I suspect there are few users of sawatdee who haven't given the other forums at least a look - and some other forums, like Ting Tong, are strong competition. So I think the fact that 70% of users think this forum the best is a strong endorsement of Elephantspike's and Jink's approach to moderation - which, from time to time, comes under fire.

I'd not only suspect most have checked out other forums, I'd hope they have and do every so often - despite most of us being creatures of habit and just nesting here.

I don't think it's really a competition for anything other than тАЬclick-throughsтАЭ, to use an internet business term from my old publishing days. To oversimplify: site owners earn a tiny bit each time you click on a banner ad anywhere on a page and visit an advertiser's page.

TingTong has different topics in their forum than we have a lot of times, is usually fun to read and isn't nearly as vitriolic as some of the bitchfests here on SGT, but I'm comfortable here for the most part and frankly don't have the time to be online all THAT much, so I camp out here by choice. As I've said before I also don't care for the enormous amount of adult links they use to raise funds, although I don't begrudge them that in the least.

Room for everybody, I say. :cheers: Click on some of Elephantspike's links each visit if you won't pony up the meager $20USD that was suggested.

October 3rd, 2008, 21:40
It matters what the users of this forum think of it, but doesn't matter a jot what the users of other forums think of it.

I suspect there are few users of sawatdee who haven't given the other forums at least a look - and some other forums, like Ting Tong, are strong competition. So I think the fact that 70% of users think this forum the best is a strong endorsement of Elephantspike's and Jink's approach to moderation - which, from time to time, comes under fire.

sorry if you want to know what the users of this forum think, and ok many don't, ask a question about this board alone and not a loaded question

If the same question was on Ting Tong, as in Is Tong Tong the best board, what would the result be?

If the powers that be wanted to improve the forum thay'd ask those that voted no (currently 30%) why.

October 3rd, 2008, 22:04
I note from his posting history that timetospeak is one of those who thinks this board would be improved if those he deems to be trolls were censored - so it is understandable that he should be peeved that such a high percentage of people are content with the board just the way it is.

I don't see his problem. All he has to do is go to Pattaya Passion instead of this board to be quite certain that everyone (all three of them) will agree with him on every issue.

October 4th, 2008, 03:50
Neat story -- you old sod-- If I had been there no doubt I would have had to change my diaper.

October 4th, 2008, 04:32
sorry if you want to know what the users of this forum think, and ok many don't, ask a question about this board alone and not a loaded question

If the same question was on Ting Tong, as in Is Tong Tong the best board, what would the result be?

If the powers that be wanted to improve the forum thay'd ask those that voted no (currently 30%) why.

Probably the 30% are all newbies who are Pattaya Passion members trying to push their board

In other polls I have seen in various forums, all the voters names were published It would be interesting to see who those who voted no are