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View Full Version : Portable travel safe and lockbox

September 30th, 2008, 07:13
Hi All,
This is just a quick note to let people on the board know about a product I have used for the last year of my travels. It has been such a benefit to me I thought some of you might benefit as well.
It's called a PacSafe. There are several models and sizes but I prefer the PacSafe 100. It's a portable, soft, flat, safe to place your valuables in when there isn't a safe deposit box handy. It is made out of cloth and a steel wire mesh with an attached "draw string" of wire cable and a locking device to cinch the bag together. There is enough cable to then wrap the whole thing around a pole or tree or something sturdy and it was designed with that in mind. I use mine all the time in hotel rooms without safe boxes and especially the beach but it could be easily used in a car or on a motorcycle. It will not stop someone with a bolt cutter but it will stop the casual thief! The PacSafe 100 costs only about $40 and will hold a wallet, cell phone, camera as well as keys and a few additional smaller items. It's size is more than enough for my needs.
I should get a commission for the sale of these but alas I do not......
Here is a good site explaining the product but do a google and find others: http://www.corporatetravelsafety.com/tr ... e_100.html (http://www.corporatetravelsafety.com/travel_safe_100.html)

September 30th, 2008, 18:07
Hi All,
There is enough cable to then wrap the whole thing around a pole or tree or something sturdy

I do know that you can find steel poles in some hotel rooms in that east coast beach resort but generally would think a fixed pole (like a water pipe?) or tree in a hotel room a rare occurence. Bathroom drains could be easily broken or just wrenched. Sounds pretty worthless and airlines are getting you for check-in'd weight now.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 30th, 2008, 18:29
what a clever minx you are , bringing this to our attention.

I can picture it now..hundreds of PacSafes hanging from the umbrellas on Jomtien Beach ( the white chairs of course) and dozens of Thai lads trying to get them down with a rake or broom.

I hope they come in several colours though..could be a problem identifying yours. I'd hate to end of with say, Homintern's Pacsafe, be on a Baht bus, unzip my wire mesh manbag to pay the fare and have a thousand moths fly out.

Still... beats lumping the Chubb safe to the beach.

October 1st, 2008, 10:10
Hi All,
There is enough cable to then wrap the whole thing around a pole or tree or something sturdy

I do know that you can find steel poles in some hotel rooms in that east coast beach resort but generally would think a fixed pole (like a water pipe?) or tree in a hotel room a rare occurence. Bathroom drains could be easily broken or just wrenched. Sounds pretty worthless and airlines are getting you for check-in'd weight now.

Hi Ponbkk,
The way I mainly use mine is at the pool or the beach and simply attaching it to the chair or, see Lunchtimes suggestion of the umbrella.....it simply allows you to go in for a dip and not worry about what you leave behind oh so cleverly hidden under your towel on the chair, lol! It slows thiefs down conciderably. In a room I'd strap it to the door knob or maybe a sturdy piece of furniture but given enough free time or a bolt cutter someone can get into anything! And it weighs about a quarter kilo I would imagine.....