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September 29th, 2008, 11:36
I understand that Our Resident Bodhisattva George may be the Pattaya agent for the "Get a reincarnation boost" service being offered by some enterprising monks. Their grasp of Buddhism certainly seems as tenuous as his. Perhaps it could be offered as part of the Retirement Visa renewal process?
Buddhism in Thailand can take unexpected forms, embracing animist superstition, magical practices тАФ and the entrepreneurial spirit of many senior monks. Many Thais say that the true spirit of Buddhism is being lost. Many temples have become centers of enterprise that parallel Thailand's economic growth over the past few decades, selling good-luck amulets, holding boisterous fairs and telling fortunes .... Wat Prommanee, 66 miles northeast of Bangkok, has offered its unusual daily resurrection service for more than three years, and its clientele keeps growing, said an attendant, Pradap Butcharerm, 69. http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/09/28/ ... ?pass=true (http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/09/28/asia/27thailand.php?pass=true)

September 29th, 2008, 11:51
where do you get off in your constant attacks on George.

September 29th, 2008, 11:55
where do you get off in your constant attacks on George.Is that a rhetorical question? Or you anxious for a place in the queue?

September 29th, 2008, 13:57
dab has a point. homintern has been ignoring his dear aunty, who seemed to have moved on to GayTing& Tong as a moderator.

September 29th, 2008, 15:08
... aunty, who seemed to have moved on to GayTing& Tong as a moderator. Mind-boggling - they support racist Mods over there now, do they?

September 29th, 2008, 22:05
Plays the same song...<op>...plays the same song...<op>....plays the same song...<op>...Plays the same song...<op>...plays the same song...<op>....plays the same song...<op>...Plays the same song...<op>...plays the same song...<op>....plays the same song...<op>

September 30th, 2008, 01:46
I thought persoanl attacks were not allowed on this forum?

September 30th, 2008, 03:22
Personal attacks are only possible if the person in question reveals enough of their real self to be attacked. Those with less than robust hides would be ill-advised to do so on this forum.

The best option is to follow Homintern, Lunchtime and a few others' example and invent fake personalities to express, presumably, real opinions (using a fake personality to express fake opinions simply makes you a troll - entertaining only to those with troll-sized minds).

September 30th, 2008, 06:15
The best option is to

...use the ignore button. unfortunately this can cause weeks, months, or more of nothing to read here.

September 30th, 2008, 11:54
...entertaining only to those with troll-sized minds).Any idea what sort of IQ that is?

September 30th, 2008, 12:21
...entertaining only to those with troll-sized minds).Any idea what sort of IQ that is?

People...let homo allow himself to live his life through this board. It is the only entertainment he gets.

September 30th, 2008, 12:34
...entertaining only to those with troll-sized minds).Any idea what sort of IQ that is?People...let homo allow himself to live his life through this board. It is the only entertainment he gets.I've already made that point in another thread, but thanks for the endorsement

September 30th, 2008, 14:25
...entertaining only to those with troll-sized minds).Any idea what sort of IQ that is?

I suspect the people most qualified to answer this are Norwegians. Do any such grace this board?