View Full Version : Is Lunchtime O'Booze running the Tory Party Conference?

September 29th, 2008, 10:36
Conservative HQ was livid when a ┬г10 discount voucher from a lap-dancing club was included in a welcome pack to conference-goers. But the "gentleman's club" at the centre of the controversy isn't sparing the party's blushes. A sign outside the venue reads: "The Rocket Club welcomes the Tories тАУ there's nothing conservative about us!"

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 1st, 2008, 06:27
I did but briefly meet the dear woman and hoped she was about to ask my advice..the only thing she said to me was "will you shut up young man !"
all part of her brilliance..commanding and flattering at the same time..

Mad old cow.

I can't see why they would be concerned about a lap-dance club. This is in the finest traditions of the Conservative Party which was always been very good with kinky and fascinating sex scandals..( I ran into Christine Keeler once ..she lives in the same block of council flats in Chelsea as a friend does)

The Labour Party has always been the most prudish politicos. But now they have their own scandals so they have morphed into being the Conservatives..bring back the old Tories I say !!

Of course my favourite headline of all time was when the bespecalled minsiter in John Major's governemt, David Mellor was caught out having it of with a prostitute who was giving him blow jobs on a regular basis..he had to quit the minsitry and The Sun in a moment of brilliance ran the banner :

From Blow Job to No Job