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View Full Version : Secret Cameras in Boyz Town & Sunnee

September 28th, 2008, 20:27
Tonight on Thai Channel 7 at 8 p.m. there was a short documentary about prostitute boys working in bars in both Boyz Town and Sunnee Plaza.
Channel 7 must have been walking around the two venues with a secret hidden camera, probably in a bag of some sort, during the last few days.
They showed the entrance to Boyz Town and the outside of bars like A Bomb, Wild West Boys etc. Also they showed the inside of Wild West Boys. Showed farang faces, some of which I recognize, sitting with boys. The Go Go Boys were made blurred but everything else was shown fully, especially the farangs.
Tomorrow is a second part. The last thing tonight was that they stood outside V C Hotel and then proceeded to go and walk into Sunnee Plaza were again farang faces were in full view.
Sunnee Plaza did look very quite the night they filmed this.
Just shows that you can be well filmed without knowing it.
Wonder what else tomorrow.

September 28th, 2008, 22:21
Glad to hear they blurred out the boys' faces. Might make some farang feel uncomfortable being shown on Thai TV, but could be seriously embarrassing for some of the boys whose families/neighbours might well have been watching.

September 28th, 2008, 23:02
I remember decades ago a local station in the US getting into trouble for showing the license plates of cars driving in a reputed red-light area on the 11:00 pm news. It's a pity Thai civics doesn't respect the same level of privacy as in the west.

September 28th, 2008, 23:13
the obvious police presence in the Sunee Clips indicates it's part of he plan

September 29th, 2008, 03:49
Just shows that you can be well filmed without knowing it.There are many people on this Board and elsewhere who will assert that if you're doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear

September 29th, 2008, 05:31
homi wrote:

There are many people on this Board and elsewhere who will assert that if you're doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear

Well, I'm not one of those guys !

The last thing I want is mom and dad catching a news scene showing me with one hand wrapped around a bottle and the other around some Thai boys dick. It was bad enough a few years back when they had the pleasure of catching a 10 second scene of Boy Special jagging off naked in one of my holiday films. My father still looks at me cross-eyed...55555

September 29th, 2008, 05:40
Well, I'm not one of those guys !Chao Na will be along real soon now to set you straight

September 29th, 2008, 05:51
Yeh...you're right.

Let me clarify:

The last thing I want is mom and dad catching a news scene showing me with one hand wrapped around a bottle and the other around some 18 year old Thai boys dick

September 29th, 2008, 06:09
The last thing I want is mom and dad catching a news scene showing me with one hand wrapped around a bottle and the other around some 18 year old Thai boys dickOnly your hand? How unadventurous

September 29th, 2008, 06:21
Is this a well thought out plan on how to bolster tourism in Pattaya. Let's show the world what's available and where to get it?

If channel 7 is a local station, I'm sure the clip will eventually make it's way out of Thailand and onto the like of You Tube, unless it's in Thai then in that case it'll be useless.

September 29th, 2008, 06:54
I imagine that the media in Thailand is totally unbiased and fair like they are here in the USA.....

September 29th, 2008, 07:23
homi wrote:

There are many people on this Board and elsewhere who will assert that if you're doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear

Well, I'm not one of those guys !

The last thing I want is mom and dad catching a news scene showing me with one hand wrapped around a bottle and the other around some Thai boys dick. It was bad enough a few years back when they had the pleasure of catching a 10 second scene of Boy Special jagging off naked in one of my holiday films. My father still looks at me cross-eyed...55555

Woah, crap!

You must be joking right? Your parents didn't really see a 10 second clip of (unmentionables)!

September 29th, 2008, 08:21
Woah, crap!

You must be joking right? Your parents didn't really see a 10 second clip of (unmentionables)!

Oh Beachlover, you missed one of the most hilarious, memorable and cringe inducing posts on these boards where Dodger accidentally "outed" himself by showing carelessly edited vids of his trip to his family.
It was quite some time ago and I don't remember if it was on this board or the old Pattayagay.
I think the title was something like "Boyspecial on Chicago TV". :cyclopsani:
And the way Dodger writes it, it ought to be in the New Yorker. I can still see his cigar chomping father out on the balcony when Dodger comes out to 'splain a few things.....

Maybe someone can dig up the link so you and other newbies can take a looksee.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 29th, 2008, 08:56
Is this a well thought out plan on how to bolster tourism in Pattaya. Let's show the world what's available and where to get it?

If channel 7 is a local station, I'm sure the clip will eventually make it's way out of Thailand and onto the like of You Tube, unless it's in Thai then in that case it'll be useless.

I think that is guaranteed..every bit of film makes it onto Youtube and there are some hysterical people..mainly from the US (sorry Henry) who accuse people of being pedos all the time.

These cameras are so small now everything could be filmed without your knowledge. I have a small cam in my car in case of accidents so I can show I was in the right ( as I always am).

I know someone who spent a small fortune on installing cameras in his condo to show he never did anything illegal..now he's frightened he might be accused of secretly filming people..what a dilemna !

September 29th, 2008, 17:56
kenc wrote:

Oh Beachlover, you missed one of the most hilarious, memorable and cringe inducing posts on these boards where Dodger accidentally "outed" himself by showing carelessly edited vids of his trip to his family.
It was quite some time ago and I don't remember if it was on this board or the old Pattayagay.
I think the title was something like "Boyspecial on Chicago TV".
And the way Dodger writes it, it ought to be in the New Yorker. I can still see his cigar chomping father out on the balcony when Dodger comes out to 'splain a few things.....

Maybe someone can dig up the link so you and other newbies can take a looksee.

Yes Beachlover, I did in fact do that...55555


You have a great memory ! If I knew how to find that post I'd bring it up.

September 29th, 2008, 20:53
Goodness me Dodger... I don't believe it. You really must be joking! You are kidding right? I mean that is as bad as it gets. You could not possibly have done that and still be speaking with your family! Or living in the same city!

How on Earth did you manage to do that! What explanation did you come up with? It was someone else's tape? You were filming a documentary?

Oh god... this is in America too. I cannot imagine your parent's reactions. Elderly and (probably faithful) Americans! I mean really... what happens after an incident like that? Is there like no eye contact for a decade? Or just silence? Does your heart bounce off the ceiling? Does it cause heart attacks? Post traumatic stress syndrome?

Wait... you were showing the video to your family.. does this mean people other than Mum and Dad present too? Goodness me, I'm surprised you're not crazier than you sound.

And then you went out to "explain" a few things to your Dad? God only knows what you say for something like this... I can't anything could possible make this situation better... except maybe an Earthquake... or maybe a time machine. I mean really... wouldn't it be easier to not say anything and just sneak out the door while everyone's staring at the TV with their jaws wide open?

September 30th, 2008, 07:20

Yes, it did freak me out for a while, but all things considered, it could have been worse. ..especially if they saw the part with me rimming Boy Special on the sofa in our condo. Now just imagine that !!!

Not only were my parents witness to this, but their best friends were there as well. They were all seated just a few feet in front of my 52" Hitachi Big Screen TV too...555.

Actually, besides the obvious embarrassment, I just felt like a dumb ass for not taking my time when editing the film before I boarded the plane on my return from LOS, although, all things do pass over time.

What made this incident evan worse (if that's evan possible) is that Boy Special was lying on my bed in the film - flapping his semi-hard cock around with one of those sassy "come and get me" looks on his face with his tongue poking out in a licking fashion. I think that's what blew dad's mind. I just told him that Thai boys are all a wierd and do crazy thyings once in a while. I actually flinched after saying that thinking he was going to crack me in the side of the head...55555

Oh hell..what can I say !

September 30th, 2008, 19:19
Damn... I couldn't find the post. Was it on this board? This really is a must read.

ROFL ROFL... oh yes... let's think about how it could've been worse!

Your parents AND their best friends??? I mean, really, could it have been any worse? Were your best friends there? With such a shocking moment... there's not too much more shock the rimming would've added lol.

Oh god... and it was your own home. So it's not like you could've done a runner after the dick flopping on the giant screen. You really had to stick around and participate in the pleasantries... god only knows how you managed that. Not even the worst of incidents on Everybody Loves Raymond could match this.

I wonder what they were all wondering what you were doing in Thailand before they saw the video... bird watching?

lol... in what way did Boy Special's scene "blow your Dad's mind"?... I imagine people fainting. I imagine cardiac arrests. Awkward silences. Sharp gasps. Red faces. I'm surprised you were able to talk to your Dad after that. Or your Mum!

No wonder you're such a happy chap. You've been to the deepest darkest pits and back! You can look back and think "never again will there be a moment as bad as that!"

I have to find this post... it's eating me up.

September 30th, 2008, 19:52
This topic seems to have strayed off course considerably.

However, returning to the original topic about the cameras from Thai Television Channel 7. Again tonight, Tuesday, the mini series continued. This is the third night that this subject has been broadcast on this station.
Last night and tonight seemed to be focused more on Sunnee Plaza. Faces of Farangs shown full on. In fact I noticed one Farang was the same guy as last night. He will truly be pissed off if he knew.
Tonight they were interviewing kids of which some were only 11 years old. They were saying that they were selling sex to Farangs.
Pattaya Police Chief was also interviewed.
Maybe this will continue again tomorrow as it didn't have a final close.

Brad the Impala
September 30th, 2008, 20:18
This topic seems to have strayed off course considerably.

However, returning to the original topic about the cameras from Thai Television Channel 7. Again tonight, Tuesday, the mini series continued. This is the third night that this subject has been broadcast on this station.
Last night and tonight seemed to be focused more on Sunnee Plaza. Faces of Farangs shown full on. In fact I noticed one Farang was the same guy as last night. He will truly be pissed off if he knew.
Tonight they were interviewing kids of which some were only 11 years old. They were saying that they were selling sex to Farangs.
Pattaya Police Chief was also interviewed.
Maybe this will continue again tomorrow as it didn't have a final close.

Haven't seen any suggestion than that they are doing anything other than showing the reality of what is happening, and I am all for that.

Topics do go off course, it's like a conversation, not like a meeting with an agenda. There have been a number of similar comments lately, as if there is something intrinsically wrong, if not illegal, about going off topic. If the original topic is worthy of it, the posters will return to it, after their diversion(otherwise known as Lunchtime).

September 30th, 2008, 21:25
My guess is that the mayor and police chief have got Channel 7 on board ...

expect more raids as a result of the 'exposure' on national television

September 30th, 2008, 21:27
Best news I've heard all day.

September 30th, 2008, 21:32

October 1st, 2008, 06:14
ROFL... (above) it's either 2 trolls having a deep meaningful conversation or 1 troll talking to himself!

:cheers: :D :D

October 1st, 2008, 08:01
Right...only a troll would want to see Sunee Plaza cleaned up.

October 1st, 2008, 17:30
Right...only a troll would want to see Sunee Plaza cleaned up.

...........and certain Boystown business owners who would like Sunnee Plaza closed down completely for commercial reasons.

Now we have had your oh-so-predictable response/s - when is your sidekick, the Cat's Arse coming along to give us the "benefit" of his rabid rantings?

October 1st, 2008, 17:53
Coming back on topic , the only time I visited jimmy Jimmy james [on my last trip] I was aware they had 5 CCTV cameras
3 of which were focused on stage and the other 2 on the clients. They showed the video live on the 5 TV monitors from time to time

I can assure you that many of the patrons would not like to have the video clips seized and posted on
1 channel 7 thai tv
2 any other tv channel anywhere in the world

This is CCTV which the owner has available for demands from BIB, NFP organizations and or print reporter

October 1st, 2008, 18:02
This is CCTV which the owner has available for demands from BIB, NFP organizations and or print reporterFrankly I am giving up on the bars - it's now a rare occasion that I visit one or two, almost always with friends from out of town. I keep a Little Black Book (my trusty Nokia contacts list) that gets supplemented with boys from the Internet or who are brought along by one of their buddies, and very very rarely with a boy I've seen in a bar and decided to off. By the time I've been to a couple of bars, spent 250 or whatever it is in each of them for some form of drink, possibly bought a drink for a boy, hey presto it's up around the 1000 - 1500 baht level for which cost I can have a boy from the Liitlte Black Book. And then, as LonelyWombat says, there are privacy issues - such a concept doesn't exist in Thailand

October 1st, 2008, 18:14
By the time I've been to a couple of bars, spent 250 or whatever it is in each of them for some form of drink, possibly bought a drink for a boy, hey presto it's up around the 1000 - 1500 baht level for which cost I can have a boy from the Liitlte Black Book. And then, as LonelyWombat says, there are privacy issues - such a concept doesn't exist in Thailand

We people who are retired and have to watch every baht we spend ,symphathise with you.
It must be hard to be on a steadily reducing income
Maybe you might have to get a job instead on living on forums every day

Why does spell check no longer work[like homitern?]

October 1st, 2008, 18:14
By the time I've been to a couple of bars, spent 250 or whatever it is in each of them for some form of drink, possibly bought a drink for a boy, hey presto it's up around the 1000 - 1500 baht level for which cost I can have a boy from the Liitlte Black Book. And then, as LonelyWombat says, there are privacy issues - such a concept doesn't exist in Thailand

We people who are retired and have to watch every baht we spend ,symphathise with you.
It must be hard to be on a steadily reducing income
Maybe you might have to get a job instead on living on forums every day

Why does spell check no longer work[like homitern?]

October 1st, 2008, 18:16
It must be hard to be on a steadily reducing income. Maybe you might have to get a jobI have a job - wet-nursing Lunchtime O'Booze, which is where all my income goes these days. That man is a menace

October 1st, 2008, 19:17
[quote="Chao Na":39x2zx7t]Right...only a troll would want to see Sunee Plaza cleaned up.

...........and certain Boystown business owners who would like Sunnee Plaza closed down completely for commercial reasons.

Now we have had your oh-so-predictable response/s - when is your sidekick, the Cat's Arse coming along to give us the "benefit" of his rabid rantings?[/quote:39x2zx7t] linl

I can assure you I have no commercial links to Pattaya, and that I would be positively THRILLED to see Sunee Plaza flourish. AFTER the pedo bars are closed down and their pedo customers locked up, though.

Do you have a problem with that? Or are you one of them?

October 1st, 2008, 19:22
I'm sure K. L. O'Booze is a delight to nurse. Makes the days go faster to have interesting friends.

October 1st, 2008, 23:36
And then, as LonelyWombat says, there are privacy issues - such a concept doesn't exist in Thailand

I'm going to open my mouth and hopefully not regret it, but fairness doesn't seem to be a concept that exists in Thailand either.

The Farang are only there because someone has opened such a businesses. So why are the Farang being made targets by having their faces broadcast on TV and probably the internet as well. Isn't the Gov't really the culprit? It's nice to see that both the media and the Gov't can place the responsibility where it belongs.

There are all sort of people out there with fetishes for almost anything. Advertise a can of dog scat on the internet, guaranteed someone will take an interest. This kind of thing, while illegal, has being going on for years in both gays and straights, why only publicize the 'homosexual' men who are frequenting these establishments?

I know, the argument is lost on a world that's stuck on stereo types, narrow minds and $$$, but it still irks me when gay men are being depicted as pervets to the larger world.

October 2nd, 2008, 00:35
because it makes the headlines....

all farangs are not there because there are 'such businesses' and any way what businesses do you mean...

the only faces pixelated were the boys.... therefore any other customer, farang, thai or other were visible

these 'establishments', what are you implying

who said the tv show was depicting anyone as perverts...

October 2nd, 2008, 00:45
... and talking of cameras, I received two traffic tickets, in the space of a week and they were pretty prompt in sending them out, i.e. within a few days - 60 pounds and 40 pounds although I wrote a letter re: the 40 pound one and they have replied and they have scrapped it out even though I was in the wrong, they gave me the benefit of the doubt. That still leaves the 60 pound one outstanding - I won't get off with that one.

October 2nd, 2008, 01:23
because it makes the headlines....

all farangs are not there because there are 'such businesses' and any way what businesses do you mean...

the only faces pixelated were the boys.... therefore any other customer, farang, thai or other were visible

these 'establishments', what are you implying

who said the tv show was depicting anyone as perverts...

I'm referring to establishments that provide underage children. Establishments that operate under the noses of police and Gov't.

I'm aware that not all of the men that frequent these bars are there for the same purpose. My point, however blurred, was that everyone who patronizes these bars is being painted with the same brush and in all fairness, it's the bar owners and the Gov't that should be exposed for making/allowing this happen and continue. Sure there are ongoing raids, arrests and fines, but the next day they're open for business again, the week after it's business as usual, and somehow it's the all Farangs fault? And to add insult to injury, it's seems to be only the white gay men that are being filmed. Where are the hetero bars and where are the men from other ethnic backgrounds who also engage patronize establishments like these?

I haven't seen the media coverage mentioned on channel seven yet. To be honest, I've only seen a few news storyies, one covered over three days, and the others I've come across on the internet, show mainly Caucasian men in the company of very young boys. So be be fair, some of my comments may not be accurate with regards to the story on Channel 7.

Brad the Impala
October 2nd, 2008, 01:43
... and talking of cameras, I received two of them, in the space of a week and they were pretty prompt in sending them out, i.e. within a few days - 60 pounds and 40 pounds although I wrote a letter re: the 40 pound one and they have replied and they have scrapped it out even though I was in the wrong, they gave me the benefit of the doubt. That still leaves the 60 pound one outstanding - I won't get off with that one.

Is there something missing here..........?

October 2nd, 2008, 02:43
... and talking of cameras, I received two of them, in the space of a week and they were pretty prompt in sending them out, i.e. within a few days - 60 pounds and 40 pounds although I wrote a letter re: the 40 pound one and they have replied and they have scrapped it out even though I was in the wrong, they gave me the benefit of the doubt. That still leaves the 60 pound one outstanding - I won't get off with that one.

Is there something missing here..........?

White Desire's brain. I think he and Bing must have taken the same batch of bad acid.