View Full Version : George Bush: The WORST President in US History

September 25th, 2008, 15:56
He's going to use television to blame the recession, loss of jobs and all the rest he has ALREADY caused on the Congress for not going ahead with the bailout as fast as possible. Bush is now, was, and will be known as the absolutely WORST president in US history. Way behind Calvin Coolidge, on all fronts. He deserves it.

http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2008/09 ... 084352.php (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2008/09/25/headlines/headlines_30084352.php)

Bush raises spectre of painful recession without rescue plan
Washington - A somber US President George W Bush painted a frightening picture of soaring job losses, rising home foreclosures and closed businesses unless Congress approves a 700-billion-dollar rescue plan for the financial industry.

In his 15-minute live broadcast speech Wednesday night, Bush warned that the country faced a "long and painful recession" as he tried to persuade a skeptical Congress that the plan would not reward Wall Street's high wire walkers and leave taxpayers holding a worthless bag.

"Without immediate action by Congress, America could slip into financial panic," Bush said. "We cannot let this happen."

The hastily arranged speech was an answer to mounting pressure from Congress and US taxpayers, who have demanded to hear Bush explain why taxpayers should foot such a huge bill ...

September 26th, 2008, 06:46
See also http://harpers.org/archive/2008/04/hbc-90002804 for US historians' assessment of GWB as as a two-timing (sorry, two-time) president.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 26th, 2008, 15:05
if they would ask me first , as everyone should, I could have solved this problem.

Every American citizen should be given a Government Bond to the equivilent of their share of this bail-out (rip-off) ..about $2500. Then they all have a stake in the outcome !

drinks on Homintern !..make mine a double !

September 26th, 2008, 21:48
Calvin Coolidge wasn't so bad... Of five "worst ten president" lists, he only features at all in two - and even in those he's only at ninth and tenth places.

See http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/artic ... .polls.htm (http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/070216/16president.polls.htm) for some interesting results...

September 26th, 2008, 22:38
if they would ask me first , as everyone should, I could have solved this problem.

Every American citizen should be given a Government Bond to the equivilent of their share of this bail-out (rip-off) ..about $2500. Then they all have a stake in the outcome !

drinks on Homintern !..make mine a double !

What you DON'T SAY is where this $2500 is coming from.

After all, why not give every American citizen a million? Any problems with that, Mr. O'B?

September 27th, 2008, 01:09
Calvin Coolidge wasn't so bad... Of five "worst ten president" lists, he only features at all in two

It's interesting that Coolidge isn't rated higher on those lists of WORST Presidents. I have always known Coolidge as being given (de)credit for the 1929 Great Depression seen as a result of great gaps between rich and poor arising out of his generally "laissez-faire", like Bush, attitude in his Presidency (ending 1928). Other parallels are the financial market speculations and Coolidge, like Bush, was considered to have failed greatly to handle the last prior 'Katrina-like' Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. Coolidge had little regard for the League of Nations like Bush's attitude toward the United Nations (raping its budget). Obviously Bush never learned much about history as he irresponsibly ignored a few financial market moves which have led to the current problems.

September 27th, 2008, 04:31
[quote="Lunchtime O'Booze":2p86pf44]if they would ask me first , as everyone should, I could have solved this problem.
Every American citizen should be given a Government Bond to the equivilent of their share of this bail-out (rip-off) ..about $2500. Then they all have a stake in the outcome !
drinks on Homintern !..make mine a double !
What you DON'T SAY is where this $2500 is coming from.
After all, why not give every American citizen a million? Any problems with that, Mr. O'B?[/quote:2p86pf44]

They will effectively PRINT the $2500, so one more reason for the dollar to fall.
George Bush may well be the worst US president, but Gordon Brown is a hell of a lot worse.

September 27th, 2008, 06:41
George Bush may well be the worst US president, but Gordon Brown is a hell of a lot worse.What a total lack of historical perspective you guys have

September 27th, 2008, 09:59
My vote for worst President(s)s would be all those wankers who took the easy way out of difficult problems: i.e. Garfield, Lincoln, McKinley, Kennedy (any more?). Shame on them for their cowardice, general lack of integrity, and not having the presidential wherewithall to know when to duck.

Cheers ...

September 27th, 2008, 10:13
My vote for worst President(s)s would be all those wankers who took the easy way out of difficult problems: i.e. Garfield, Lincoln, McKinley, Kennedy (any more?). Shame on them for their cowardice, general lack of integrity, and not having the presidential wherewithall to know when to duck.

Cheers ...

Any more? How 'bout William Henry Harrison who refused to get out of the cold on his inaguaration day, caught pneumonia and died a month later.

And scuttlebut has it that Harding was poisoned by his wife.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 28th, 2008, 12:22
[quote="Lunchtime O'Booze":37nse1rl]if they would ask me first , as everyone should, I could have solved this problem.

Every American citizen should be given a Government Bond to the equivilent of their share of this bail-out (rip-off) ..about $2500. Then they all have a stake in the outcome !

drinks on Homintern !..make mine a double !

What you DON'T SAY is where this $2500 is coming from.

After all, why not give every American citizen a million? Any problems with that, Mr. O'B?[/quote:37nse1rl]

of Henry..no wonder the US is in such trouble..government bonds aren't usually paid out immediately ! If they had a good fixed interest rate the vast majority would end up in savings and thus not cashed in and the money would come from the same place as it's coming for the shonky bailout..the taxpayer !!

see..2 problems solved at once..the bail-out goes ahead and the taxpayer gets his share of it as opposed to the current case where the turkeys who caused the whole shebang are about to be handsomely rewarded for their failure.

Life would be just so simple if I were in charge !

September 29th, 2008, 14:04
Worst in living memory as few of us can opine much on 19th century US Presidents.
But, the worst is yet to come... Just image a President Palin and one may look back
on Bush with more appreciation. :cat:

September 30th, 2008, 06:09
Biggest one-day point drop ever. And George W Shrub is now almost done with his to-do list.


September 30th, 2008, 11:42
Biggest one-day point drop ever. And George W Shrub is now almost done with his to-do list.Wake me up when it's the biggest percentage drop. I told you guys weeks ago I had "sold" the DJIA at 11000. Just follow my example! :bounce: