View Full Version : Globalisation (latest)

September 21st, 2008, 14:59
Where's arch anti-globalist Pearl of the Orient when you need some quality socialism. These days we have to "do" with Lunchtime O'Booze, with his dreadful halitosis and claims to be living in the electorate of Australia's new toffee Leader of the Opposition. But I digress. What is the price of oil doing to the Chinese economy? Not only do they have to pay world oil prices to ship in the raw materials, they have to pay world prices to ship the finished goods to the four corners of the earth. This week's Undercover Economist, written by our very own WhiteDesire, covers this vexing topic - http://timharford.com/articles/undercovereconomist/

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 21st, 2008, 21:25
Where's arch anti-globalist Pearl of the Orient when you need some quality socialism. These days we have to "do" with Lunchtime O'Booze, with his dreadful halitosis and claims to be living in the electorate of Australia's new toffee Leader of the Opposition. But I digress. What is the price of oil doing to the Chinese economy? Not only do they have to pay world oil prices to ship in the raw materials, they have to pay world prices to ship the finished goods to the four corners of the earth. This week's Undercover Economist, written by our very own WhiteDesire, covers this vexing topic - http://timharford.com/articles/undercovereconomist/

Oh no I don't claim to live in his electorate ..rather I'd like to !!

Never fear..I am in touch with Comrade Pearl who is attempting to forment a revolution ( anywhere she can) and is currently having discussions of a Ugandan type in an establishment close by the docks of Hamburg.

Long live Eva Peron !

September 21st, 2008, 23:38
I believe Senor O'Tequila is only capable of fermenting a revolution.

Fortunately, my Scary Agents and Operatives have Rendered Him Helpless. He is being Dragged Off The Stage, while shouting "Long Live Lenin!"

Evidently, some of the real idiots on this board think there was a difference between Lenin and Hitler.

Really, what would you think of someone who proclaimed over and over, without pause, "Long Live Hitler?"

But "Long Live Lenin" -- well, that gets a pass.

September 21st, 2008, 23:39
"Fomenting" is the word you were looking for, I believe. Nice try, though.

September 22nd, 2008, 16:52
"Fomenting" is the word you were looking for, I believe. Nice try, though.

I am afraid you are wrong: the word is fermenting The word formenting does not exist

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 22nd, 2008, 17:55
you are all wrong..I meant Madame Pearl is tormenting..someone... somewhere..as is her wont !

the revolution begins tomorrow !!

September 22nd, 2008, 20:37
"Fomenting" is the word you were looking for, I believe. Nice try, though.

I am afraid you are wrong: the word is fermenting The word formenting does not exist

FOMENT...not "forment". No "r". Look it up. Are you blind in addition to stupid?

September 23rd, 2008, 02:01
Rice Farmer, it's pretty clear he meant to use the word "fermenting" as a play on words. Older and less dense people noticed the name of his Senor ("O'Tequila"). Get it now or do I need to draw you a picture?

September 23rd, 2008, 06:19
Don't you mean Senile O'Tequila.

September 23rd, 2008, 08:17
Rice Farmer, it's pretty clear he meant to use the word "fermenting" as a play on words. Older and less dense people noticed the name of his Senor ("O'Tequila"). Get it now or do I need to draw you a picture?

That's a bit of a stretch, Bob. So, Henry -- in all honesty, did you mean "fermenting" as a play on words, or was it really "fomenting" you were looking for?

And Bob, do you want to come to drfrost3's defense as well, or do you acknowledge that he's a dumbass?

September 23rd, 2008, 08:46
Rice Farmer, it's pretty clear he meant to use the word "fermenting" as a play on words. Older and less dense people noticed the name of his Senor ("O'Tequila"). Get it now or do I need to draw you a picture?

That's a bit of a stretch, Bob. So, Henry -- in all honesty, did you mean "fermenting" as a play on words, or was it really "fomenting" you were looking for?

And Bob, do you want to come to drfrost3's defense as well, or do you acknowledge that he's a dumbass?

It's only a stretch for, as you say, dumbasses, Rice Farmer. And I have no desire or obligation to answer your "acknowledgement" question as I have better things to do than play childrens' games (on the other hand, the fact I'm responding to you unfortunately demonstrates I lack some sense of reasonable judgment).

September 23rd, 2008, 08:47
Thanks, Bob. That makes it entirely clear.

September 23rd, 2008, 08:48
... I have better things to do than play childrens' gamesOh Bob, how disappointing. It was only the other week you were telling us that you've never claimed to an adult

September 24th, 2008, 12:40
A people who want to join Cisco,not just for a job,but for a career. Globalization is going to play a key role in our company strategy, and I am looking forward to a great fiscal year 2009..

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 24th, 2008, 14:45
"... Older and less dense people ".

be kind..please don't refer to Homintern like that !

gloablisation..the gift that goes on paying forever !

September 24th, 2008, 15:05
"... Older and less dense people ". - be kind..please don't refer to Homintern like that !Older? or less dense?