View Full Version : BEWARE-end of the rope=free fall

September 18th, 2008, 09:24
Looks like the next problem will be money market funds, not those in FDIC insured banks but those with other financial houses.

I hope no one has those or you could lose it all.

September 18th, 2008, 11:14
Looks like the next problem will be money market funds, not those in FDIC insured banks but those with other financial houses.

I hope no one has those or you could lose it all.

Everyone has money funds.
In this panic meltdown it was only a matter of time one would "break the buck".
But even then, we're talking the fund paying back .97 on the dollar. Sure its wiped out a whole year's interest but its hardly the end of the world.

The Great Fire Sale of America has begun in earnest. Everything Must Go!

There are bargains galore to be had for those with ca$h... and a strong stomach.

September 20th, 2008, 02:33
Your comment reminds me of a comment heard twenty years ago: "Well, we all have BONDS, don't we?"

About half of all Americans die with nothing but some used furniture for their heirs.

And it may be the "great American firesale," indeed. I bought large amounts of mutual funds on September 16 and 17.

It looks good, so far.


September 20th, 2008, 10:34
Aw shucks.
I guess I'm just an Elitist after all...

....And it may be the "great American firesale," indeed. I bought large amounts of mutual funds on September 16 and 17......

Well, we agree on something. :cheers:

Though I'm only 20% in right now and committing only 10% every month.

And I'm seriously looking at some crazy bets like.... GM and Ford, Junk Bonds, REIT's, Nikkei index..... :kuku:

September 20th, 2008, 23:04
Look into a fund called BlackRock if you haven't already. SSGRX.

I think it could be a big winner, and .... I am not a salesman working on commission.

I'm thinking about doubling down on this one...