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View Full Version : Pattaya(-Land) of no hopers and Boy Town too!

September 17th, 2008, 18:41
What has happened to the bars in Pattayaland and Boys Town re what is on offer?
The quality of what is on the stage is the worst in living memory. I will try not to inflame matters and would like to just say the dancers are a disappointment in the extreme, yet language such as dross, dregs, no-hopers is surely not too strong.
Of course sometimes one can find one or two possibilities but the majority look like they have been scraped from an exceedingly barren barrel.

What I want to know for anyone with such knowledge be it from bar owners or former owners or bar staff is:

Who hires the ones who go on the stage, or do they just let any old ugly slag get up there?!

I suppose in the typical Thai way the employers so called do not want to lose face by telling some hopeful 'sorry' but we cannot have you working here as:
" you are ugly , misproportioned and smell; you look like you have not washed for severel weeks your feet stink and your continued habit of picking your nose and looking at your watch would not be a success in our establishment and anyway the only one who would have sex with you is your blind brother back in Issan...."

Or is it maybe the bar owners and mama san consider that the farangs are so stupid they will go with anything that is dumped on the stage as 'off-able' material?

What do others think?

Thank you kindly.

September 17th, 2008, 18:53
you are ugly , misproportioned and smell; you look like you have not washed for severel weeks your feet stink and your continued habit of picking your nose and looking at your watch would not be a success in our establishment and anyway the only one who would have sex with you is your blind brother back in Issan

What a wonderful description of an ugly farang. It sounds so much like you.

What a fucking ratbag you must be.

A quick look at your history of posts says it all

September 17th, 2008, 21:02
Sorry, but from what i have seen recently, the selection is as broad as ever. I do not say i like every boy in every bar, but I have yet to see a boy that I would use your language about!

The bar owners can choose the staff, unfortunately they cannot choose the customers

They maybe should bar ugly slag customers, which as LW says may include you.

I wonder what the boys actually think when you walk in!

September 17th, 2008, 21:10
With all the raids and police harrassment and also the lack of customers the bars are having a hard time finding and keeping boys employed. When times are tough they do the best they can to offer the best they can. Also many of the boys go home to help on the farms till the end of rainy season. What other country can you go to enjoy what thailand offers?

September 17th, 2008, 21:22
I think it appropriate to answer your question "what do you think", but first of all what alternative place do you have in mind?

If I moan about something I always try to suggest an alternative.

September 17th, 2008, 22:25
The cliental in Pattaya seems to go for the more skinny, fem girlie types with that under age look, so that is basically what you'll find in the go-go clubs here. To each his own. If you don't like the selection in Pattaya, then do your "thing" in BKK where you will most likely find what you are looking for.

September 18th, 2008, 00:08
What has happened to the bars in Pattayaland and Boys Town re what is on offer?
The quality of what is on the stage is the worst in living memory. I will try not to inflame matters and would like to just say the dancers are a disappointment in the extreme, yet language such as dross, dregs, no-hopers is surely not too strong.
Of course sometimes one can find one or two possibilities but the majority look like they have been scraped from an exceedingly barren barrel.

" you are ugly , misproportioned and smell; you look like you have not washed for severel weeks your feet stink and your continued habit of picking your nose and looking at your watch would not be a success in our establishment and anyway the only one who would have sex with you is your blind brother back in Issan...."

What do others think?

Thank you kindly.


Hopefully anyone familiar with posts I've made in the past would agree I'm more than generous in bestowing the benefit of the doubt on others, but in the case of zinzone an exception needs to be made. You asked what we think, and here's my two satang:

I think youтАЩre a pig of the lowest variety. I mean pig as in anti-social, vile, selfish and not deserving to be in contact with decent people, just in case Cedric or anyone else thinks IтАЩm denigrating our little cloven hoofed farm friends.

I pity the boys coerced or forced to go off with you (or for that matter someone who would be so selfish as to only give a тАЬtipтАЭ of Bt50) and hope the damage you do to the reputation of the rest is as limited as possible.

тАЬScraped from an exceedingly barren barrelтАЭ? ItтАЩs most probable the guys are thinking the same about you.

OK. IтАЩm finished. I'll try not to have quite so much caffeine before replying next time! :geek:

PS - if you see this, globalwanderer - check your PMs

September 18th, 2008, 00:12
In twelve years (and over forty visits) I've only offed one dancer who wasn't clean. If you visit one of their rooms, you would be astounded by the efforts they make in personal hygene and in the most depressing of circumstances.
This post is an interesting commentary on a previous and popular one; "should I have paid?"
At the risk of being sententious, my experience is that falangs tend to get what they deserve- not always, but usually- and that, sometimes, the most handsome dancer is not necessarily the most affectionate and "giving."

September 18th, 2008, 00:20
in the most depressing of circumstances.

Are you sure that a go-go boy's room is the most depressing of living circumstances you can think of? Wow.


September 18th, 2008, 02:18
It's been a long time since I've read such utter shit as the OP.

Btw, Thrillbill, have to disagree with your statement that the clientele in Pattaya tend to go for fem, girlie types. Here's one who doesn't.

September 18th, 2008, 05:54
I visit Pattaya and I don't go for the fem girly types either.
Over the many years I've visited, I've never offed a boy who
didn't want to shower before starting anything, and again
before he left to go back to his loom.
Not sure if the OP was visiting the same planet let alone the same country.

September 18th, 2008, 06:04
I think that zinzone's post, with the derogatory words he uses to describe go-go dancers, tells us much more about him than it does about the boys working.

Some aspects of a go-go boy's life are not so easy, when one considers some of the customers and attitudes they may have to endure.

The answer to his question, IMHO, is that there are plenty of presentable and decent boys on stage, in styles to suit many tastes.

September 18th, 2008, 06:24
Some aspects of a go-go boy's life are not so easy, when one considers some of the customers and attitudes they may have to endure.You can read some of those "difficult" customers posting here, although I suspect they don't know what the boys really think of them

September 18th, 2008, 07:35
What I don't understand is why people like the OP and latintopxxx ("was I wrong not to pay the gogo boy" thread) who see the world only in terms of self, self, self feel the need to make these posts in here and get some sort of affirmation or approval for their rancid attitudes? If they don't give a shit about anyone one else, why should they give a shit about what we think?

Or then again perhaps I do.............

People who feel a constant compulsion to demean others usually have very low self esteem, and often for good reason too. They have no friends, and the only way they can feel good about themselves is to make out that anyone else is, in some way much worse than they are. Coming here for affirmation of their crap is of a piece with that.

Zinzone - deep down you have to make yourself believe that the boys are as bad as you say, because you don't believe anyone better than that would sleep with you. It's sad - and it's a self fulfilling prophecy. Behave like that, and it really is true that nobody loves you.

So what to do?

Well, you can try picking out the positives in people - focus on what you do like about them. Believe it or not, most people respond well to that, and some of them may even start to like you.

Or, you can sit alone at a table in the corner of a bar, nursing a beer and muttering to yourself about how the boys are all ugly, and smelly, and fem and fat and how you are unappreciated and life in general is terrible. I suspect that is where you are now.

Or - you can go out and shoot yourself. If life's really that fucking awful, what's the point in going on?

September 18th, 2008, 07:45
What has happened to the bars in Pattayaland and Boys Town re what is on offer?
The quality of what is on the stage is the worst in living memory. I will try not to inflame matters and would like to just say the dancers are a disappointment in the extreme, yet language such as dross, dregs, no-hopers is surely not too strong.
Of course sometimes one can find one or two possibilities but the majority look like they have been scraped from an exceedingly barren barrel.

What I want to know for anyone with such knowledge be it from bar owners or former owners or bar staff is:

Who hires the ones who go on the stage, or do they just let any old ugly slag get up there?!

I suppose in the typical Thai way the employers so called do not want to lose face by telling some hopeful 'sorry' but we cannot have you working here as:
" you are ugly , misproportioned and smell; you look like you have not washed for severel weeks your feet stink and your continued habit of picking your nose and looking at your watch would not be a success in our establishment and anyway the only one who would have sex with you is your blind brother back in Issan...."

Or is it maybe the bar owners and mama san consider that the farangs are so stupid they will go with anything that is dumped on the stage as 'off-able' material?

What do others think?

Thank you kindly.

Seing you asked I think you've been too long pampered by Thai Bars and Thai boys.
I hope someday you try some 'love and affection' with the REAL UNWASHED hard-nosed prostitutes of European bars.
I've tried bars in Berlin, Barcelona, Malaga, Madrid, Amsterdam etc. and in general, with a few exceptions, found nothing but straight, menacing, uncouth and often downright DANGEROUS hookers.
Your post is positive proof that you haven't a clue baby.

September 18th, 2008, 12:35
you are ugly , misproportioned and smell; you look like you have not washed for severel weeks your feet stink and your continued habit of picking your nose and looking at your watch would not be a success in our establishment and anyway the only one who would have sex with you is your blind brother back in Issan

What a wonderful description of an ugly farang. It sounds so much like you.

What a fucking ratbag you must be.

A quick look at your history of posts says it all

I have had some disagreements in the past with the lonely wombat and even recall
some nastiness directed towards him, but recently have found myself in total agreement
with lonely wombat. I really like the fucking ratbag description and may just use it myself, when I run out of choice descriptions for some posters. :cat:

Reality is that there has never been a better selection of guys to get acquainted with.
It is the quality and definitely the quantity of farangs that has gone downhill..
There must be at least a thousand guys in Pattaya/Jomtien go go, beer bars, massage
houses to choose from in the commercial scene and
many more friendly guys who are only to happen to get to know you.. :cat:

September 18th, 2008, 13:05
It is the quality and definitely the quantity of farangs that has gone downhill.As always, you make Pattaya sound so inviting

September 18th, 2008, 15:56
homi, I took some heat when I reviewed Nice Boys Go Go Bar in Sunee Plaza..

It maybe that some posters don't see how playful and slightly ironic, I endeavour
to be..
On the Nice Boys thread, which turned into a bitchfest over cigarette smoking, pedos,
skinny ladyboys and my outrageous suggestion that the thread be closed, I made
an opening reference to the major improvements as a secret. I stated that some
friends would be annoyed that I was letting the secret out and of course, all this
secret business was an obviously poor attempt at humor and was completely lost
on some and taken quite literally..There are very few secrets in Sunee Plaza..

Some old fools never learn and once again I played a bit with historical fact to make
a point about the creeps and lowlife (straight ones too by the way)who make yearly
visits and don't bathe much more frequently than than either..
To be brutally honest, the quality of farangs is not perceptively any different to me
but the quantity has definitely be reduced..

I am always amazed at the fact that such a tiny percentage of gay men, who are past
the age and weight and appearance, that would attract any man under 50 y.o. are
not massing at the border to get into the country and filling the boy bars of Pattaya/Jomtien.

There must be millions of old fucks who haven't touched human flesh or even seen a live naked boy/guy in decades and have the financial means to come over and don't.
Perhaps, they are too moral to consider paying for companionship, sex, fun and perfer
to leave their savings to their nieces and nephews. Foolish decision!
Perhaps, there are many who distain Asian guys out of foolish prejudices, but I believe it
is just that they have given up on having a sexual life and can't believe that even if they
have a fistful of baht, no one would take them on.

Well, perhaps a few of these sad horny old goats will read this and realize they could
be having the best times of their lives, if they got off their couches and took a chance.
Pattaya is a paradise for short men, fat men, ugly men, men with tiny cocks, men who
don't need a mask for Halloween, you just need the money..

I am still trying to install some humour here and since it will not be understood, I better
point out that the vast majority of us are not deformed hunchbacks, toothless droopy eyed
old geezers, and do wear clean clothes, shave regularly and are not losers in the game of life..

I have not regretted my move to Pattaya for even a minute in the many years I have enjoyed the time of my life, great and diverse friends, endless boyfriends and one nighters and the party goes on and on.. Don't let the creeps ruin the party and hopefully they will choke.. :cat:

September 18th, 2008, 15:58
I am always amazed at the fact that such a tiny percentage of gay men, who are past the age and weight and appearance, that would attract any man under 50 y.o. are not massing at the border to get into the country and filling the boy bars of Pattaya/Jomtien.Why go past Bangkok? I have no reason to see Pattaya as anything other than a backwater. Bangkok is one of Asia's great cities. It is, apart from any other thing, chock-a-block with interesting Westerners who occupy a wide range of occupations and niches in Bangkok, from the Palace to the school-yard to large consulting firms to journalism. I do have gay friends who go to Pattaya periodically, for only one reason - sex - and they come back shaking their heads and saying "Why did I bother? I can get it all here". Of course there are the downsides - traffic and air quality being two - but there are downsides to living anywhere. Large cities have so many opportunities, and I don't mean just for gay sex but that's certainly a plus, that I wouldn't live anywhere else

September 18th, 2008, 19:58
I am always amazed at the fact that such a tiny percentage of gay men, who are past the age and weight and appearance, that would attract any man under 50 y.o. are not massing at the border to get into the country and filling the boy bars of Pattaya/Jomtien.Why go past Bangkok? I have no reason to see Pattaya as anything other than a backwater. Bangkok is one of Asia's great cities. It is, apart from any other thing, chock-a-block with interesting Westerners who occupy a wide range of occupations and niches in Bangkok, from the Palace to the school-yard to large consulting firms to journalism. I do have gay friends who go to Pattaya periodically, for only one reason - sex - and they come back shaking their heads and saying "Why did I bother? I can get it all here". Of course there are the downsides - traffic and air quality being two - but there are downsides to living anywhere. Large cities have so many opportunities, and I don't mean just for gay sex but that's certainly a plus, that I wouldn't live anywhere else

I stayed in Pattaya almost a year before deciding it wasn't for me. To be honest, it was the people who ruined the place for me. Not the gays, visitors or expats, not the barboys or the beachboys, but the shady, grubby, vicious farang and the bad tempered and often violent Thais who seem to congregate there. Small(ish) percentage of the total, perhaps, but more than enough for me.

However, if you like a beach resort, what are the alternatives? The southern resorts are almost entirely tourist oriented (including Hua Hin/Cha'am) and it's hard to get to Bangkok for a bit of Western style civilisation once in a while (perhaps excluding Hua hin/Cha'am - at a pinch). And for many, including me, a meal and massage on the beach, a sea view from the balcony, cute boys running round enjoying being nearly naked (as opposed to parading glumly in their underwear) are all nice things in Pattaya's (i.e. Jomtien's) favour.

September 18th, 2008, 22:34
I am always amazed at the fact that such a tiny percentage of gay men, who are past the age and weight and appearance, that would attract any man under 50 y.o. are not massing at the border to get into the country and filling the boy bars of Pattaya/Jomtien.Why go past Bangkok? I have no reason to see Pattaya as anything other than a backwater. Bangkok is one of Asia's great cities. It is, apart from any other thing, chock-a-block with interesting Westerners who occupy a wide range of occupations and niches in Bangkok, from the Palace to the school-yard to large consulting firms to journalism. I do have gay friends who go to Pattaya periodically, for only one reason - sex - and they come back shaking their heads and saying "Why did I bother? I can get it all here". Of course there are the downsides - traffic and air quality being two - but there are downsides to living anywhere. Large cities have so many opportunities, and I don't mean just for gay sex but that's certainly a plus, that I wouldn't live anywhere else
__________________________________________________ ___
IT is seldom that Homintern's comment doesn't irk me, but I 90% agree with him about Bangkok having interesting Westerners (and Thai gays also) with a wide range of occupations and niches. The social scene (beyond the gay bars) in BKK does offer more the a tourist town such as Pattaya.

September 18th, 2008, 23:36
homi, I took some heat when I reviewed Nice Boys Go Go Bar in Sunee Plaza..

There must be millions of old fucks who haven't touched human flesh or even seen a live naked boy/guy in decades and have the financial means to come over and don't.
Perhaps, they are too moral to consider paying for companionship, sex, fun and perfer
to leave their savings to their nieces and nephews. Foolish decision!
Perhaps, there are many who distain Asian guys out of foolish prejudices, but I believe it
is just that they have given up on having a sexual life and can't believe that even if they
have a fistful of baht, no one would take them on...

I have not regretted my move to Pattaya for even a minute in the many years I have enjoyed the time of my life, great and diverse friends, endless boyfriends and one nighters and the party goes on and on.. Don't let the creeps ruin the party and hopefully they will choke.. :cat:

Monsieur Le Cat; What a precise description you presented of some of my friends in Farangastan! Yes, they have not touched human flesh or seen a live naked guy in decades for what maybe is fear of the r├йsultat? Pay for companionship? Mon Dieu! Oh, if I were as old as you (moi) I would consider paying for ''it'', they say to me.
And, " how can you do "it" with a brown skinned personne?" For sure, they have given up on a sexuel life out of fear and prejudice. Sniff sniff!
For moi, Pattaya and Thailand are the heavenly delights without having to cross the final fronti├йre.

September 18th, 2008, 23:36
I agree with Homintern's comment about Bangkok. I would also like to add that in all my long years living in Bangkok I only ever heard of guys getting set up, ripped off, and in some cases murdered by fellow falangs in the said beach resort. Of course it no doubt happened/s in Bangkok but not to the extent that most of us have all heard about in Pattaya!

September 19th, 2008, 01:26
I am also in agreement with homi's comments about BKK. Homi writes well and
is interesting, when he isn't dishing it out and trying too hard to show us how smart
he is.
Pattaya/Jomtien is not for everyone and I am sure there are plenty of wackos and
jerkoffs in BKK as well..
I know what francois means and I also have friends who haven't had sex this century
and pooh pooh the very idea of paying for sexual favours and find Asians unappealing..

I have given up trying to convince some that they are just waiting to die and missing out
on the party of their lifetime. Let them think themselves morally superior and
be the only human being to touch their cocks in decades, except maybe for a doctor.

I have thought of living in BKK and still do sometimes when I get tired of some of the
farang bullshit in Sunee Plaza and the limited cultural and big city advantadges of BKK..
One way to work this out is to spend part of the week or month in Pattaya and the rest
in BKK. I tried this for a long time and enjoyed it but now find the boy bars in BKK to
be less interesting, too expensive and the shows have become boring..
I could live in BKK easily but think the heat,humidity, traffic might get to me and with
all the construction, the noise could be problematic as well.

I am glad homi is so happy in BKK and am slightly suspicious that he does sneak a
weekend in Pattaya every so often.. :cat: