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September 17th, 2008, 09:48
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_new ... ?id=130721 (http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/breakingnews.php?id=130721)

Let us have a go at it

September 17th, 2008, 10:11
Having a go at you, Mr. Kool, is so much easier (and more fun).

September 17th, 2008, 10:49
Whats to talk about?

Theres absolutely nothing we can do about it.

September 17th, 2008, 11:10
Don't expect a bottom until mid 2009.

No...wait a minute.
By "bottom" I mean't....

Oh hell, never mind.

September 17th, 2008, 12:20
Let us have a go at itRight, this is a story about the fall in foreign tourists and how worried the Thais are about it. Two days ago stevekoolguy was telling us that foreign tourists are less important than Thais to the Thai tourist industry and we should all learn to be a little less self-important. What is stevekoolguy's thesis, exactly?

September 17th, 2008, 14:57
Funny thing...
just before this recent election I received an email from a hotel in BKK that I have made reservations with for my upcoming trip there, that said despite news reports everything was "OK" in Bangkok, and I would have a great time and life was going on quite normally.
I had a big laugh and thought o myself "...pay no attention to that man behind that curtain!" :geek:

September 17th, 2008, 19:43
Funny thing...
just before this recent election I received an email from a hotel in BKK that I have made reservations with for my upcoming trip there, that said despite news reports everything was "OK" in Bangkok, and I would have a great time and life was going on quite normally.
I had a big laugh and thought o myself "...pay no attention to that man behind that curtain!" :geek:

The hotel was pretty much right.

September 17th, 2008, 23:13
Funny thing...
just before this recent election I received an email from a hotel in BKK that I have made reservations with for my upcoming trip there, that said despite news reports everything was "OK" in Bangkok, and I would have a great time and life was going on quite normally.
I had a big laugh and thought o myself "...pay no attention to that man behind that curtain!" :geek:

The hotel was pretty much right.

Thanks Chao Na. I am assuming you are there? I am well aware of the power of media and how certain parties always have an agenda. This can be seen in American Media and the spin they put on certain topics. My heart goes out to the good people of Thailand, I hope they can reach resolution soon. But when I read articles in some of the Thai publications it makes me wonder, who's side are they really on?

September 17th, 2008, 23:25
Yes of course I'm there.

September 17th, 2008, 23:49
Important little detail.
But nothing to get in a bunch about. When I say there, as opposed to here, it's subjective.
I have been following the posts pretty much off and on for about a year before I decided to join and a few more months before I got up the courage to post. But I digress. Are you Thai?

So, please tell me Chao Na, are the streets as empty of tourists as some of the internet publications would have us believe? Does Silom Soi 4 look like a ghost town from some B western movie with tumbleweeds blowing down the street into the doors of The Balcony?
How do you think the PAD will react to the new PM?

September 17th, 2008, 23:57
Important little detail.
But nothing to get in a bunch about. When I say there, as opposed to here, it's subjective.
I have been following the posts pretty much off and on for about a year before I decided to join and a few more months before I got up the courage to post. But I digress. Are you Thai?

So, please tell me Chao Na, are the streets as empty of tourists as some of the internet publications would have us believe? Does Silom Soi 4 look like a ghost town from some B western movie with tumbleweeds blowing down the street into the doors of The Balcony?
How do you think the PAD will react to the new PM?

Hummingturd says I'm a Thai, yes.

Yes, tourism is way, way down. Only an idiot would try to say otherwise. I do not go to Silom Soi 4, so cannot say what is happening there.

My point, which seems to have escaped you, was that the hotel was correct: there is no reason whatsoever anyone should have changed travel plans because of PAD's demonstrations. Except for the very brief closure of Phuket airport, not a single thing has happened that might have affected a tourist's visit to Thailand.

September 18th, 2008, 00:07
Thank You Chao Na,
your point did not escape me. I shall keep in mind that I need a pretty tough hide to post on this forum, and thank you for indulging a newbie. I have only been to Thailand, once this year and that was for a month. I had a great time. I will be returning soon. It is comforting to know that it will be safe to return. The media coverage, as I am sure you are aware, has been pretty vivid. And, I did not cancel my flight nor hotel reservations which I had made some time ago. But, like most folks who are not in, Thailand, I would not know the reality of the situation unless I was there. So, thanks.

September 18th, 2008, 00:12
I will be returning soon. It is comforting to know that it will be safe to return.

Hey, I didn't say it would be safe for you to return. All hell could break loose tomorrow for all anyone knows.

September 18th, 2008, 00:21
I will be returning soon. It is comforting to know that it will be safe to return.

Hey, I didn't say it would be safe for you to return. All hell could break loose tomorrow for all anyone knows.

Ah! Yes, all hell could break loose tomorrow, but I think I will take my chances. That is of course another state of emergency is not declared and there are no further out breaks of violence. I think many who wish to return are wondering how the new PM will handle the protesters at Gov House.

September 18th, 2008, 00:24
Unless you plan to be spending a lot of time at Government House, I wouldn't worry about the protests there. It is miles from anywhere you are likely to find yourself. If there are running battles in Silom or Sukhumvit, then you can start fretting.

September 18th, 2008, 01:01
If tourism numbers are dropping, will there be some drive by the Thai Gov't to encourage tourism and more importantly to me, will hotel room rates and airline fares drop to encourage bookings or will they increase in an attempt to recover lost revenue and survive?

I noticed an article in the news that Thai Airways might be lowering the fuel surcharge based on the drop in oil prices. Will they also run seat sales to bring people in? Are other airlines flying in with a lot of empty seats?

I'm planning on visiting again unless there is a threat of major civil unrest, but if there's a chance I can see more of Thailand this time, for less, then all the better.

So far airfares seem to be a bit above what they were last year, but that's due mainly to fuel surcharges and hotel rates seem to be about the same, if not slightly higher.

September 18th, 2008, 04:00
If tourism numbers are dropping, will there be some drive by the Thai Gov't to encourage tourism and more importantly to me, will hotel room rates and airline fares drop to encourage bookings or will they increase in an attempt to recover lost revenue and survive?Yes

September 18th, 2008, 04:26
If tourism numbers are dropping, will there be some drive by the Thai Gov't to encourage tourism and more importantly to me, will hotel room rates and airline fares drop to encourage bookings or will they increase in an attempt to recover lost revenue and survive?Yes

I'm not so sure about that. That's what would happen normallly (supply and demand, after all) but many Thais just don't think like that. In spite of vacancies, most of the moderate and upscale hotels at least in the Chiangmai area won't come down a dime (and how they're all staying open is beyond me).

September 18th, 2008, 05:40
It seems that those involved in the tourist industry, especiall bars and hotels,
have a fixed idea what they would like their income to be and change prices accordingly.
This is why you will see empty go go bars and yet the price of a drink still goes up.
I would be very surprised if the hotel rates were to drop.
I have just booked myself in for November and paid was was being asked many months ago.
The western attitude of dropping prices to encourage the masses to part with their money doesn't
seem to apply to Thailand.
In the UK & Ireland Easyjet and Ryanair did that and have/are making record profits.

September 18th, 2008, 06:07
Yes of course I'm there.

Just not all there

September 18th, 2008, 06:15
It seems that those involved in the tourist industry, especiall bars and hotels,
have a fixed idea what they would like their income to be and change prices accordingly.
This is why you will see empty go go bars and yet the price of a drink still goes up.
I would be very surprised if the hotel rates were to drop.
I have just booked myself in for November and paid was was being asked many months ago.
The western attitude of dropping prices to encourage the masses to part with their money doesn't
seem to apply to Thailand.
In the UK & Ireland Easyjet and Ryanair did that and have/are making record profits.

You cannot equate EasyJet and Ryanair - have you ever had the misfortune to fly with Ryanair?

See: http://www.airlinequality.com/Forum/ryan.htm

The fact that Ryanair may be making record profits (and I'm not sure that currently they can be - given the oil prices) only goes to prove that you can treat people like total shit provided they think they're getting something for next to nothing - a business model also practised by Specsavers.

Who says you can't fool all of the people all of the time?


September 18th, 2008, 07:07
You cannot equate EasyJet and Ryanair - have you ever had the misfortune to fly with Ryanair?

Spot on Scottish Guy. I won't use Ryan Air - their booking system is a nightmare - so many "extras" that the last time I thought of booking them, I gave up because I couldn't be sure I could get on the plane.

By the time you'd added in all the extras - checked luggage, airport checkin, priority boarding and all the other stuff - a return to Malta on Air Malta - with a reserved seat and 20kg of checked luggage - cost about ┬г30 more. Air Malta's staff are friendly and helpful, too.

I have used Easy Jet, and they definitely have a better attitude to their customers.

September 19th, 2008, 09:19
..... Except for the very brief closure of Phuket airport, not a single thing has happened that might have affected a tourist's visit to Thailand.

Wellll..., If I was a tourist trying to get into or out of Phuket at the time I'd be pretty pissed! It might be enough for an "occasional" tourist to write the place off for good.
I think its safe to say most posters here would not change their travel plans even in the face of a coup, but for most other tourists the big headlines in the foriegn press were a-buzz with the closure of the Phuket airport and that alone would be enough to send them to Bali instead.

If tourism numbers are dropping, will there be some drive by the Thai Gov't to encourage tourism...?

I really think they have their hands full right now with other concerns....like staying in power and avoiding another coup.

September 19th, 2008, 09:26
..... Except for the very brief closure of Phuket airport, not a single thing has happened that might have affected a tourist's visit to Thailand.
Wellll..., If I was a tourist trying to get into or out of Phuket at the time I'd be pretty pissed! It might be enough for an "occasional" tourist to write the place off for good.
I think its safe to say most posters here would not change their travel plans even in the face of a coup, but for most other tourists the big headlines in the foriegn press were a-buzz with the closure of the Phuket airport and that alone would be enough to send them to Bali instead.
If tourism numbers are dropping, will there be some drive by the Thai Gov't to encourage tourism...? I really think they have their hands full right now with other concerns....like staying in power and avoiding another coup.In his rush to defend Thailand against any and all criticisms (see also the Chao Na section in http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 15886.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/the-four-noble-truths-of-peteruk-and-others-t15886.html) ) he is, as always, completely missing the point. It doesn't matter if no tourists were inconvenienced. It matters that the perception is out there (outside Thailand, where people actually make decisions to visit Thailand or some other place) that tourists in Thailand were trapped in an airport and couldn't leave when they wanted to. As a result, lack of confidence in Thailand as a place to holiday. Not only does Chao Na not understand Thailand, he doesn't understand how people in general think. But then he's spent all his working life sucking up to the Thai authorities - what else can you expect?

September 19th, 2008, 11:07
Jomintern ..... now I understand why he responds in this manner ...... he must be a born sucker

September 19th, 2008, 15:06
My partner and I flew Easy jet from Edinburgh to Stansted a few years ago. It was quite nice.

September 19th, 2008, 15:47
My partner and I flew Easy jet from Edinburgh to Stansted a few years ago. It was quite nice.What's that - 45 minutes?

September 19th, 2008, 22:35
I seem to remember that the BEA Vanguards were scheduled as an hour between Turnhouse and Theifrow but today's Easyjet, BMI, Ryan schedules show the new jets taking about thirty minutes longer. Of course they are "on time" more often.

September 19th, 2008, 22:56
Yes of course I'm there.

You haven't been anywhere in your life, most especially now. I get the feeling your stuck and at one time abused in some way, you know; for anyone to take such a sarcastic, glass half empty, out look on life, surely you must have been hurt badly when you were a child.


September 19th, 2008, 23:41
Yes of course I'm there.

You haven't been anywhere in your life, most especially now. I get the feeling your stuck and at one time abused in some way, you know; for anyone to take such a sarcastic, glass half empty, out look on life, surely you must have been hurt badly when you were a child.


Er, no. I am the glass half full guy, remember? According to Hummingturd, I think Thailand is perfect and defend it against all criticism. That is positive,not negative -- non?

And at least I know the difference betweeen "your" and "you're", and know that outlook is one word.

September 20th, 2008, 01:33
chao na...if this obnoxious looser bitch creature wesley is dissing u...then take the hint....a nice warm bath...I'll gladly supply the razor...

September 20th, 2008, 01:35
chao na...if this obnoxious looser bitch creature wesley is dissing u...then take the hint....a nice warm bath...I'll gladly supply the razor...

Otro ves, en ingles por favor, latintopxxx.