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View Full Version : The Four Noble Truths (of PeterUK and others)

September 17th, 2008, 05:31
The Buddha
1 Life is unsatisfactory or frustrating (dukha)
2 Dukha comes about through wrong actions (the pursuit of happiness) and speculative thoughts (such as the existence of God)
3 Dukha is overcome through self-knowledge (enlightenment)
4 We attain the ultimate release (nirvana) by following the Eightfold Path

1 There is a God; I feel it instinctively
2 The original state of man is happiness but we are unhappy because our ego gets in the way
3 All the world's great religions have as their primary purpose teaching us how to regain happiness
4 People who don't believe in God are all "miserly materialists"

Henry Cate
1 All men were not born equal; what about those niggers I fear plus that uppity rich nigger Obama - what right has he got to be running for President?
2 What about those fags in San Francisco who were unwelcoming towards me?
3 Anyone who criticises the Thais is a racist (cf. Chao Na)
4 Sarah Palin is the answer

Chao Na
1 Thailand is not a Third World Country
2 Corruption will go away if you ignore it
3 Thailand would be a booming economy if we got rid of all those sex tourists
4 Thailand is perfect

The Colonel
1 Life's a bitch
2 Even a boy sitting on my face every day is merely a temporary distraction
3 We're all in this together
4 A strong dose of scepticism will help us get through the day

Lunchtime O'Booze
1 What do you mean, it's my turn to pay?
2 Isn't this a sponsored lunch?
3 I thought you were paying
4 Where's the lavatory?

1 I'll fucking smoke if I fucking well please
2 All those fucking anti-smoking puritans are shutting down the fucking bars
3 I'm a Buddhist
4 Chok Dee