View Full Version : Mr. Sulu ties the knot

September 16th, 2008, 04:44

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 16th, 2008, 07:46
what no congratulations for one of your own?..you are a hard-herated Republican !

this really brought a tear to my eye (but then most things do)

September 16th, 2008, 08:23
No congratulations from hummingturd, I guess, seeing as he believes there should be a law banning gay marriage.

September 16th, 2008, 09:20
When Thailand lets me marry a gay Thai boy and gives me a marriage visa to live there will be the day I tie the knot myself. Until then I think it would be so boring to have the wedding ceremony one day, the divorce ceremony the next day, alternately for the rest of my life.

September 17th, 2008, 08:02
Too bad those mean old Republicans want to take the right away from us and have put an amendment on the California ballot to ban gay marriage - again.
So far the proposition is trailing in the polls - just barely. At least Schwarzenegger has come out in opposition to the measure.