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View Full Version : Have you been stolen from in Thailand?

September 13th, 2008, 06:16
How common a problem theft is from visitors to Thailand.

Have you been stolen from in Thailand? (not ripped off in bars)

No detail needed unless you want to share - vote and/or yes or no post is fine.

This poll was done on another forum and over 50% had been stolen from which i thought was staggering.

September 13th, 2008, 06:47
I have been burgled three times, mugged once and had two motorcycles stolen. All in England.

September 13th, 2008, 06:49
Yes once. A camera from the wardrobe in my room. Didn't notice until the next day as he had left the case in its place.
Met him a couple of days later and he had the cheek to tell me he had pawned it because he needed money, and if I gave him Bt100 he would redeem it for me. Kept my cool, took it as a learning experience and became more careful. Didn't stop him meeting me in Dick's for a few nights following asking to come back with me. No talk, no drink and no money and he eventually got the message.

By the way, he was freelance and I picked him up at Dick's.
Never had a bar boy steal from me except when I offed 3 from Screwboys, and then it was only a bottle of poppers so I don't count that as I don't use the stuff but had it for the boys to spice things up a bit.

September 13th, 2008, 07:40
" ... This poll was done on another forum and over 50% had been stolen from which i thought was staggering ... "
Good grief, why so coy? You can name other message boards here without upsetting the denizens. I don't get such prissiness .... on Ting Tong many of the dudesses there say very childish things like "that other Board", or "a Board which shall remain nameless", or "that other place". Truly a case of WTF?

Anyway, forget that.
Regarding the 50% ratio reported by Oogleman on 'some other Board' :blackeye: I simply don't believe the poll results.
For some ungodly reason folks are (I assume) giving bullshit answers ... unless there only 2 relies with one reporting a theft and the other none.

Cheers ...

September 13th, 2008, 08:48
I have been victim of pick-pockets but it was in New York, lost a theatre ticket that time and also on Rue St. Denis in Paris, but aside from that no problems with bad guys. I do tend to spread cash in different places, so if I do get picked on again, they won't get a lot. Thank goodness I was using that same maner of spreading cash in different pockets in Paris. I was not happy at that time. Makes one feel very violated. A feeling I don't much care for, as I'm sure no one likes to be taken advantage of.

September 13th, 2008, 11:41
" ... This poll was done on another forum and over 50% had been stolen from which i thought was staggering ... "
Good grief, why so coy? You can name other message boards here without upsetting the denizens. I don't get such prissiness .... on Ting Tong many of the dudesses there say very childish things like "that other Board", or "a Board which shall remain nameless", or "that other place". Truly a case of WTF?

Anyway, forget that.
Regarding the 50% ratio reported by Oogleman on 'some other Board' :blackeye: I simply don't believe the poll results.
For some ungodly reason folks are (I assume) giving bullshit answers ... unless there only 2 relies with one reporting a theft and the other none.

Cheers ...

Lol. Its just i remember TJ & others being slaughtered here when they cross referenced forums - so i avoid doing that,

The numbers so far aren`t too far apart - 41% here to date.

September 13th, 2008, 12:34
A lot depends on how you define "stolen from" Does the taxi driver who claims he does not have change for a 100B note for a 35B fare count? Getting short changed on a check bin or farang double pricing, is that Theft? How about buying an item for 7000B and then seeing the same item at another place for 500B?

I have been pick-pocked twice successfully, and twice I was able to detect it and prevent the theft. Funny, it all occurred in the first few months of my move to Thailand and after than not a single incident. One at the post office on Silom, very small and crowded room, I was pushed and shoved from side to side and when I left the change from a 1000B note that I put in my pocket was gone. The second time was at Chatuchak. Pretty much the same routine, I get change, put it in a pocket, and then all the close contact, shoving and moving around in a very confined space.

Two times I was able to detect and prevent the theft. I was at a market when I small child begging sat at my feet and held on to my ankles. Two others to my right and left began tugging at my pants and the third behind me was going in my rear pocket with his hands. I turned around fast and they all scattered in 4 different directions. There was also an adult who bumped me just before the rear child did his dip into my pocket, I guess he was the ring leader.

Another time, I again I just received change and had my hand in my pocket walking along in a market and felt another hand in my pocket. I grabbed it hard and someone yelled. The guy ran away so fast I never saw him.

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 13th, 2008, 13:33
No !..never !!

but mainly because I've got nothing to steal !(unless you count the cutlery I've purloined from a number of swanky hotels)

The only time I've had something pinched was when I had $1000 in cash in Manilla and the boy stole $100.

I was so furious ( forgetting he could have taken the lot) and tracked him down to the all night restaurant he hung out in.

there were tears and all sorts of terrible stories..sick mum-sick buffalo ( yes they have them there too)..daddy's operation.

I ended up giving him another $100 :geek:

September 13th, 2008, 14:23
I've been cheated by a taxi driver in Kyoto (for a serious amount, refunded when I flagged down a passing police car), stolen from by a Taiwanese in Kuala Lumpur and had a jewelry sneak theft in Hong Kong, but I've never had anything taken in Thailand. That's probably because I'm extra careful in Thailand; keep things locked away and split the evening's budget in several different piece of clothing.

September 13th, 2008, 14:23
One at the post office on Silom, very small and crowded room, I was pushed and shoved from side to side and when I left the change from a 1000B note that I put in my pocket was gone. The second time was at Chatuchak. Pretty much the same routine, I get change, put it in a pocket, and then all the close contact, shoving and moving around in a very confined space.Like our own dear Queen, I never handle money. Brenda has one of the Ladies in Waiting worry about that sort of thing; I take the Duty Mem'sahib with me when shopping

September 13th, 2008, 17:38
No !..never !!

but mainly because I've got nothing to steal !(unless you count the cutlery I've purloined from a number of swanky hotels)

The only time I've had something pinched was when I had $1000 in cash in Manilla and the boy stole $100.

I was so furious ( forgetting he could have taken the lot) and tracked him down to the all night restaurant he hung out in.

there were tears and all sorts of terrible stories..sick mum-sick buffalo ( yes they have them there too)..daddy's operation.

I ended up giving him another $100 :geek:

ROFL... that is a sorry tale :drunken:

September 13th, 2008, 17:43
Miraculously... have never had anything stolen while traveling, but I'm meticulous with locks and keys.

September 13th, 2008, 19:41
Never had anything stolen, but I'm so forgetful that a potential thief would only have to follow me and wait. I'm sure to leave something behind.

As a tribute to Thai honesty, I often get the things I leave behind back. The finders are suitably rewarded, of course.

Now, where did I leave that nice young man ...

September 13th, 2008, 20:02
I have never had anything stolen in Thailand. I always leave money in the safe and I'm careful not to leave temptation in the eyes of any take aways. I do remember once putting my mobile phone down on a market stall whilst looking at something at the night market in Silom. I walked away without it only to be chased by a Thai guy shouting Mr. Mr. with the phone in his hand about 100 meters further up the street returning it to me.

Anyway I dont know any queen who hasn't at some time had stuff stollen by a trick, Its usually his own fault for not taking care. Somebody once said when feasting with panthers expect to be eaten one day.

September 13th, 2008, 21:06
You are correct, Taxi drivers can be numbered among those who seek out whom they may devour. Wow, Rome with the Lira with all the zeros. I once was in a disagreement as to whether the cost was $10.00 or $100.00. Did someone mention change? It does not seem to be in the vocabulary of many drivers.

September 13th, 2008, 22:15
once in a staright bar in Bishkek a guy pushed me into the urinal while relieviing myself, while trying to get out he took my wallet, I had a Gucci wallet he liked, he dumped everthign else in the Taxie stole my walllet and the taxie driver came back with all my cards divers licencse and money. Gave it all back for a small reward of about 20 dollars.

I certainly hope I can find another wallet like that at patpong in Bishkek, it cost me about 5 Bucks, but becase I was an American he asumed it was real. the laugh was on him , with the exception of what I looked like trying to get out of the urinal.


September 13th, 2008, 23:33
Regarding the 50% ratio reported by Oogleman on 'some other Board' :blackeye: I simply don't believe the poll results.
For some ungodly reason folks are (I assume) giving bullshit answers ... unless there only 2 relies with one reporting a theft and the other none.

Cheers ...

I found it hard to believe also - now looking at the 57% here i guess its about right. Thinking about macho men (yes there are some lol)& holier than thou people refusing to admit it the numbers may even be higher?

Obviously the butterfly type is more prone to theft than those in LTR`s.

Does this tell us that Thai guys are more likely to steal than others or do hookers everywhere do this?

Maybe somebody with lots of international rent boy experience can chip in.

September 14th, 2008, 00:59
YES...?!&%!@...gogo boys who don't deliver the goods....talk about feeling shortchanged....

September 14th, 2008, 01:03
Never have had anything taken from me. Do not carry a lot of cash. The only time have a lot is whan I leave the bank and go back to the hotel. Than I do not shop or look around but go back to the hotel. Lock everthing in the safe although that is only as safe as the hotel management. Was at a hotel that on guest had a lot of money taken from the hotel safe. To my knowledge the hotel made good. What I carry with me is not enought to worry about when bar hopping. So I loose my daily spending funds. I am carful and try to notice what is around me. I have traveled the world and to my estimation Thailand has been one of the safest places I have ever been. New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco Toyoko Paris London never have been a problem. Just be aware.

September 14th, 2008, 01:17
I can honestly say by far the safest place to viist is Thailand, at least that is the way I feel. Others and what they say make me worry about other countries. I am sure they could put up a fight if they like, but I warn them I might sit on them. Actually I have gained a few pounds here in the states. I supose that will go away soon enough once I am back to work again and on my daily walk. I would never walk after dark in Bishkek and often when I went out took an armed guard with me.


Brad the Impala
September 14th, 2008, 01:57
once in a staright bar in Bishkek a guy pushed me into the urinal while relieviing myself, while trying to get out he took my wallet, I had a Gucci wallet he liked, he dumped everthign else in the Taxie stole my walllet and the taxie driver came back with all my cards divers licencse and money. Gave it all back for a small reward of about 20 dollars.

I certainly hope I can find another wallet like that at patpong in Bishkek, it cost me about 5 Bucks, but becase I was an American he asumed it was real. the laugh was on him , with the exception of what I looked like trying to get out of the urinal.

Do they have very deep urinals in Bishkek? Hard to imagine you trying to get out of the urinal, unless perhaps you are very small, or perhaps it was a hole in the ground?

September 14th, 2008, 02:20
I was in Bangkok for Songkran earlier this year. The friends I was with told me to leave everything at the hotel except for a bit of money. Less than 20 minutes into the fun, I felt the guy, we bumped right up face to face, thought it was an accident, but when I felt a tug on my short and reached down, everything was gone. It was over in seconds.

The second time was at Crystal Boys in Pattaya. I gave the staff a 1000 baht note to pay for my drinks, the staff walked off with the bill and never came back. Eventually after a poor attempt at acting like it was a mistake sprinkled with some down home drama, they came back with my change.

Will I ever go back to Thailand...hell Yes and not soon enough!

September 14th, 2008, 02:38
Never had a problem, but like others I take sensible precautions, only having enough cash on me for that evening's excursion. I've never felt unsafe in any way in Pattaya, and that includes getting totally lost (and not sober). I feel safer there than many areas of Dublin where I wouldn't go after dark.

September 14th, 2008, 06:07
yes once in babylon sauna .i forget my locker open and stolen 2000 bath with my golden necklace

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 14th, 2008, 07:25
You are correct, Taxi drivers can be numbered among those who seek out whom they may devour. Wow, Rome with the Lira with all the zeros. I once was in a disagreement as to whether the cost was $10.00 or $100.00. Did someone mention change? It does not seem to be in the vocabulary of many drivers.

same same Manila again..I once had a taxi driver take me on a 2 minute trip and the meter said about $2..he asked for $50 !. I said "don't be rediculous !"..he pulled a knife and held it to my throat. I gave him $60 and asked if he'd like me to clean the windscreen as well.

September 14th, 2008, 07:41
You are correct, Taxi drivers can be numbered among those who seek out whom they may devour. Wow, Rome with the Lira with all the zeros. I once was in a disagreement as to whether the cost was $10.00 or $100.00. Did someone mention change? It does not seem to be in the vocabulary of many drivers.

same same Manila again..I once had a taxi driver take me on a 2 minute trip and the meter said about $2..he asked for $50 !. I said "don't be rediculous !"..he pulled a knife and held it to my throat. I gave him $60 and asked if he'd like me to clean the windscreen as well.

In less developed countries, I always ask, "do you have change for... " before handing over any money, which requires change. Once the money is in their hands it can be awkward asking for it back.

Of course... this tip won't help against the knife-wielding species of taxi driver.

September 14th, 2008, 08:27
Only once...

...and the culprit was none other than my maniac BF.

After a late night of disco and a string of karaokes we returned to the condo, both mau mak mak. I hit the bed like a sack of rocks, and he stayed up to watch one of those cheaply produced, cast of five, ghost movies of his. I remember falling asleep to the sound of ghastly screems combined with the sounds of him munching on potatoe chips like some kind of starving little jungle mammal.

When I woke the next morning,...err, afternoon, I found 3,000 baht missing from the wallet which I left on the kitchen table. Note that we had been living together for two holidays (4 months) already and I had no reason not to trust him. When I asked him about this, he just gazed at me with this sheepish look on his face and said something like..."I no take...what, you think I take...I never do like that...you think I do like that...huh, you think I do like that." I knew without a doubt that he took the money because I checked my wallet before going to bed when he was in the bathroom plucking his eyebrows.

I didn't respond to him - I just walked out of the room to give myself a little time to think. When I returned to the living room where he was seated, I had removed 3,000 baht from my room safe which I then handed him. He looked at me in shock and asked me what the money was for. I told him he could add that 3,000 baht to the 3,000 baht he lifted from my wallet the night before which would give him enough money to rent a room for a month. He was stunned and said nothing. I walked out the door to catch some breakfast and told him I thought it was best that he not be there when I returned.

When I returned to the condo an hour later, I found six 1,000 baht notes on the kitchen table with a letter from him telling me how sorry he was.

We've been together for two more years since that incident, and he's never taken anything from me since.

September 14th, 2008, 11:05
nice story dodger,

September 14th, 2008, 13:47
How common a problem theft is from visitors to Thailand.

Have you been stolen from in Thailand? (not ripped off in bars)

No detail needed unless you want to share - vote and/or yes or no post is fine.

This poll was done on another forum and over 50% had been stolen from which i thought was staggering.

Yes I have had boys leave during the night, taking cash or handphone with them. In France, Italy and England, but never in Asia. Have been coming to Thailand for 30 years now, lived in The Phillipines and now happily reside in Bali But then I do not generally leave things lying about, and as ageing is supposed to improve experiences learnt and mistakes not repeated I also think you judge the boy better, unless of ocurse you are just plain stupid.

Probably only those who wanted to complain about their losses bothered to answer your questions on that OTHER forum. They probably walk into a club/bar with an effctive sign around their neck 'I am Stupid - help yourselves'. You see them everywhere in Thailand with boys crawling all over them, buying drinks for many giving the impresion that they are loaded. Much better to watch and observe first, invite one for drink and quiet talk. If you cannot tell the character of the boy then you have a problem.

September 14th, 2008, 14:15
Probably only those who wanted to complain about their losses bothered to answer your questions on that OTHER forum. They probably walk into a club/bar with an effctive sign around their neck 'I am Stupid - help yourselves'. You see them everywhere in Thailand with boys crawling all over them, buying drinks for many giving the impresion that they are loaded. Much better to watch and observe first, invite one for drink and quiet talk. If you cannot tell the character of the boy then you have a problem.

50% on that forum - 58% on this. why would the people who haven`t been stolen from not vote on either?

September 14th, 2008, 14:20
50% on that forum - 58% on this. why would the people who haven`t been stolen from not vote on either?Boredom? The number of people who vote in polls is miniscule compared to those who post

September 14th, 2008, 14:21
50% on that forum - 58% on this. why would the people who haven`t been stolen from not vote on either?Boredom? The number of people who vote in polls is miniscule compared to those who post

Smiles hasn`t taught you the 85/15 rule?

September 14th, 2008, 14:24
Smiles hasn`t taught you the 85/15 rule?I'm only aware of the 80/20 rule, also popularly known as the Pareto principle - perhaps 85/15 is a Canadian variation - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle

Personally I'm more interested in Pareto efficiency and I firmly believe that offing a bar boy or two is a good example of it - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_efficiency

September 14th, 2008, 14:26
Smiles hasn`t taught you the 85/15 rule?I'm only aware of the 80/20 rule, also popularly known as the Pareto principle - perhaps 85/25 is a Canadian variation - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle

The fact that hedges such as the 90/10, 70/30, and 95/5 "rules" exist is sufficient evidence of the non-exactness of the Pareto principle.

same link as yours.

September 14th, 2008, 14:30
The fact that hedges such as the 90/10, 70/30, and 95/5 "rules" exist is sufficient evidence of the non-exactness of the Pareto principle.Possibly - but then the lower end of the Fibonacci sequence also has its attractions when, say, organising an orgy. For the innumerate, the sequence runs 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and so on, and the next number is derived by adding together the last two numbers in the sequence. Oh, OK, WhiteDesire, I know that's a bit difficult. The next number would be 13 - 5+8 - geddit? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci# ... i_sequence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci#Fibonacci_sequence)

September 14th, 2008, 17:27
First time in Pattaya had my mp3 player stolen.
Saw it later in the hands of another boy but didn't make an issue; just learned a lesson about who these boys are and their need.

September 14th, 2008, 19:37
First time in Pattaya had my mp3 player stolen.
Saw it later in the hands of another boy but didn't make an issue.

Looks like the thief picked the right milquetoast to steal from, doesn't it?

September 15th, 2008, 09:46
[quote="Diao maa":1a54wfhm]First time in Pattaya had my mp3 player stolen.
Saw it later in the hands of another boy but didn't make an issue.Looks like the thief picked the right milquetoast to steal from, doesn't it?[/quote:1a54wfhm]Is that a Latin phrase Chao Na?

September 19th, 2008, 16:54
Never had a thing stolen in my apartment in Thailand (all valuables are in the safe) and never have been pickpocketted

September 24th, 2008, 22:23
Just returned from a 3 week trip around Thailand ,having never been robbed before,Me and boyfriend went to the Boat Bar in Phucket ,it was a very busy night ,managers birthday bash,my boy friend always carries my wallet in his from pockets of his jeans ,and someone tried to lift it out has we were walking up the stairs in the bar ,it was busy so a good time for pick pockets to grab wallets ,so just be on guard in these busy bars ,these boys are very clever and quick,lucky my boy friend felt the hand go in his pocket and the person attempting to steel it did not manage to get hold of it so just a warning to you all .

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 25th, 2008, 00:18
Just returned from a 3 week trip around Thailand ,having never been robbed before,Me and boyfriend went to the Boat Bar in Phucket ,it was a very busy night ,managers birthday bash,my boy friend always carries my wallet in his from pockets of his jeans ,and someone tried to lift it out has we were walking up the stairs in the bar ,it was busy so a good time for pick pockets to grab wallets ,so just be on guard in these busy bars ,these boys are very clever and quick,lucky my boy friend felt the hand go in his pocket and the person attempting to steel it did not manage to get hold of it so just a warning to you all .

well this is sad to hear as I've been to so many countries and been robbed ... but never, in Thailand !

In fact the country where I've had the most grief is Britain.

I did have something stolen in Italy-Rome to be precise-but it was my heart at 3am in the Villa Borghese..a bush to be accurate , and by a boy named Tito.

September 25th, 2008, 03:23
Ah the happy memories of the Villa Borghese. Rome can be so nice this time of year. A bit cooler and school kids are back at studies. I yearn for the Via Venito

September 25th, 2008, 09:36
I have been burgled three times, mugged once and had two motorcycles stolen. All in England.

The only place I feel safe wearing my rolex watch is in Thailand as presuming it to be fake no one would bother mugging me for it.

September 25th, 2008, 22:17
Over twenty years I have been in some "high risk areas" such as on the empty streets at midnight in Nairobi; alone on the east side of Chicago; in some sleezey bar after 2am in Manilla; or doing an adventure trip in Yeman back 10 years ago with no problem of theft or threats...and where do I have my FIRST THEFT? -- In Pattaya on a songteaw pick-pocketed by some 7 year old girl that was able to take my walled out of my front pocket of my cargo shorts while I was being distracted by two Thai "working moms" that were reaching into my sack of purchases in order to distract me. Then another time I had justj purchased some jeans...stopped at a Seven Eleven in BKK and while paying the cashier (keeping my Paragon bagbetween my legs and counter) a Thai fellow "dropped" his credit/membership cards on the floor behind me...and while I stooped down to help him pick them up, his partner (standing next to me at the counter) reached in and took my new pair of designer jeans.

I don't think there is more theft in Thailand than at any other developing country, but you have to be aware of the special "scams" that are done in this particular country. In East Chicago, they would just shoot you. :blackeye: :blackeye:

September 26th, 2008, 01:04
... I met a Dutch guy in BKK and we had a few drinks together and invited a local back to the hotel, both the Dutch guy and I had had a few drinks - we both fell asleep as "I think" did the local - I woke up early next morning to find a large proportion of my belongings, the local and the Dutch guy had gone. Anyway, within 5 minutes of waking up, the Dutch guy come knocking on my door, with the majority of my belongings, apart from the money that had been stolen. He said that his belongings had been taken too and he thought that the local would probably not be from the BKK area and on his way back home in the country on a train somewhere. So the Dutch guy went to the train station and low and behold he saw the local getting on the train, the Dutch guy ran after him, whereby the local dropped all our belongings (when I say belongings, I mean clothes, a radio, loads of things), and the Dutch guy picked them up, literally, and brought them back to my hotel room. I did wonder if the Dutch guy set it up, but my experience and "intuition" told me he didn't, we kept in touch for a short while afterwards anyway.

The moral of the story: Don't get drunk and let strangers into your hotel room.

September 26th, 2008, 03:55
That is good advice. Or if you do invite make sure the good stuff is in a safe. One of the joys of having a BF is that you can sleep soundly knowing all is well.

September 26th, 2008, 04:19
Ask Kevin Quill, he had one of the things we all class as most precious, his freedom was stolen and it wasn't by Thai's!

September 26th, 2008, 13:05
Ask Kevin Quill, he had one of the things we all class as most precious, his freedom was stolen and it wasn't by Thai's!

How very true sanook, apart from his freedom, the other things stolen from him was his unshakable belief that the truth, along with justice, would always prevail, even here in Thailand. Please Buddha, perhaps one day, although too late for justice, the truth where his case is concerned; will still prevail.

Thanks sanook for giving evidence to me by your post, that although we do not have the pleasures enjoyed so many time in the past, of Kevin's physical presence and his company at this time; where some of us are concerned, he will never be very far from us in our thoughts.

Cheers for your post sanook and what was for me personally, a very timely reminder.


September 26th, 2008, 13:23
Please Buddha, perhaps one day, although too late for justice, the truth where his case is concerned; will still prevail. Why would Buddha give a shit? He's dead

October 6th, 2008, 17:02
I just noticed this thread. The answer for me is no I have never been robbed in Thailand. In fact I have never felt any danger all in Thailand. I have only been (successfully) robbed once in my travels and that was in Rio de Janeiro. I was walking along the main street Avenue Atlantica across the road from the beach at about 6:30pm (barely dark) and 3 thugs came from no where, pushed me between cars parked at right angles to the curb,one wrapped a semi circular knife around my throat while the other 2 went through my pockets. There was about 6-8 locals just standing watching ignoring my screams for help not to mention a number of passers by. I have returned 3 times to Brazil a little older and wiser.

October 8th, 2008, 01:51
I had the most expensive bottle of whiskey stolen from the minibar by a Laotian. About 550 bht I think.

All the more valuable stuff was in the safe, but theft is theft.

At the next hotel, I checked the mini bar to make sure the contents were not worth stealing.

October 8th, 2008, 02:56
I've been robbed or cheated in Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia (by a someone claiming to be Taiwanese), and in Thailand. I've never been robbed in the Philippines 'cause I don't trust the buggers. Go figure.