View Full Version : Poor old Henry really is out of touch ...

September 12th, 2008, 14:55
... when a respectable conservative commentator says this sort of thing
We're living in an age of fast-changing economic, information and social networks, but Republicans are still impeded by Goldwater's mental guard rails http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/12/opinion/12brooks.html

Khor tose
September 12th, 2008, 23:33
He is not only a respectable conservative columnist, but he is incredibly brilliant. Even when I do not agree with his assessments, I am still impressed by how his mind works. He effectively cuts through a lot of BS and gets to the crux of an issue with an insightful intelligent analysis. He should have a talk show of his own.

September 13th, 2008, 04:05
He is not only a respectable conservative columnist, but he is incredibly brilliant. Even when I do not agree with his assessments, I am still impressed by how his mind works. He effectively cuts through a lot of BS and gets to the crux of an issue with an insightful intelligent analysis. He should have a talk show of his own.It's worth watching PBS News on Friday evenings just to see the "Shields & Brooks" segment. Here are two intelligent political commentators supporting opposing parties who never talk across each other, unfailingly courteous, and always interesting. If you miss the broadcast it's available every week as a podcast via an RSS feed from the pbs.org site

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 13th, 2008, 13:09
Is Henry a Republican ??

I didn't think they were allowed on this forum.

September 13th, 2008, 14:15
Is Henry a Republican ?? I didn't think they were allowed on this forum.Rabid, I'm afraid

September 13th, 2008, 22:11
Is Henry a Republican ??

I didn't think they were allowed on this forum.

It seems pretty obvious that Republicans would be "in harm's way" in this "venue," to trot out a couple of mindless cliches. After all, by now, those who encourage us to "think outside the box" are thinking inside the box, whatever that means.

But I have to say...I'm not a Republican. The only party I have ever joined was the Democratic Party. I voted for Jimmy Carter, the first time around. The second time around, he had freaked me out so completely that I held my nose and voted for Reagan.

People chatting about American politics should realize that the country is not actually divided into Blue and Red. There is a HUGE crowd who call themselves "Independent." And that is what I am, with a decided tilt towards the libertarian.

I make up my own mind, and vote for whomever I damned well please. Now...that IS heresy!

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 13th, 2008, 22:33
[quote="Lunchtime O'Booze":gg9dcimq]Is Henry a Republican ??

I didn't think they were allowed on this forum.

It seems pretty obvious that Republicans would be "in harm's way" in this "venue," to trot out a couple of mindless cliches. After all, by now, those who encourage us to "think outside the box" are thinking inside the box, whatever that means.

But I have to say...I'm not a Republican. The only party I have ever joined was the Democratic Party. I voted for Jimmy Carter, the first time around. The second time around, he had freaked me out so completely that I held my nose and voted for Reagan.

People chatting about American politics should realize that the country is not actually divided into Blue and Red. There is a HUGE crowd who call themselves "Independent." And that is what I am, with a decided tilt towards the libertarian.

I make up my own mind, and vote for whomever I damned well please. Now...that IS heresy![/quote:gg9dcimq]

Oh my God-he's a Libertarian..it's even worse than I thought ! :shaking:

you voted for Jimmy Carter ?..Christ, you must be older than me and I was there to greet Noah's Ark when it docked.

We had a lovely Republican on here called Buckanaway who we treated very kindly but I think it was because he had a big cock.

Mrs O'Booze has informed me , after studdying the entrails of an old chook-that Sarah Palin is the Anti Christ.

September 14th, 2008, 00:12
[quote="Henry Cate":rgqrxuc2][quote="Lunchtime O'Booze":rgqrxuc2]Is Henry a Republican ??

I didn't think they were allowed on this forum.

It seems pretty obvious that Republicans would be "in harm's way" in this "venue," to trot out a couple of mindless cliches. After all, by now, those who encourage us to "think outside the box" are thinking inside the box, whatever that means.

But I have to say...I'm not a Republican. The only party I have ever joined was the Democratic Party. I voted for Jimmy Carter, the first time around. The second time around, he had freaked me out so completely that I held my nose and voted for Reagan.

People chatting about American politics should realize that the country is not actually divided into Blue and Red. There is a HUGE crowd who call themselves "Independent." And that is what I am, with a decided tilt towards the libertarian.

I make up my own mind, and vote for whomever I damned well please. Now...that IS heresy![/quote:rgqrxuc2]

Oh my God-he's a Libertarian..it's even worse than I thought ! :shaking:

you voted for Jimmy Carter ?..Christ, you must be older than me and I was there to greet Noah's Ark when it docked.

We had a lovely Republican on here called Buckanaway who we treated very kindly but I think it was because he had a big cock.

Mrs O'Booze has informed me , after studdying the entrails of an old chook-that Sarah Palin is the Anti Christ.[/quote:rgqrxuc2]

Yes sir! And the more that you guys treat her as the "anti-Christ," the more votes you lose.

God, do I have to explain this to you? Sarah Palin is a Christian, and she believes in God. (What a MAJOR surprise!) But she is NOT some sort of religious fanatic. She's just a typical American women (sort of).

And all the MSM attacks on her are helping her. This is one piece of evidence that "President Obama" is a dolt. As if we needed more.

'A man has a faith. If he says "This is my faith", so far he maintains truth. But by that he cannot proceed to the absolute conclusion: "This alone is Truth, and everything else is false".'
Rahula immediately adds, in his own voice, "In other words, a man may believe what he likes, and he may say 'I believe this'. So far he respects truth. But because of his belief or faith, he should not say that what he believes is alone the Truth, and everything else is false.
The Buddha says: 'To be attached to one thing (to a certain view) and to look down upon other things (views) as inferior - this the wise men call a fetter'."

September 14th, 2008, 02:05
I am afriad that the more you say about Palin the more sexist you seem, the middle class is full of people just like her, the more you piss them off the more likely they are to vote for her, if she were the top if the ticket I am sure they would. It is sad when the top of the ticket Obama has to spend all his time chipping away at the second on the republican ticket. I vote my heart what ever that maay be and you would be surprised how may there are like us out here that just want Congress the judicial and executive branches to begin to work togehter for the common good us and the world.


Brad the Impala
September 14th, 2008, 02:29
She's just a typical American women (sort of).

Isn't that the problem rather than a recommendation?

September 14th, 2008, 04:41
Oh my God-he's a Libertarian..it's even worse than I thought !You hadn't realised that already? That was one of the last self-confessions I read before I put him, as I had with his predecessor justanarab, on {Ignore}

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 14th, 2008, 06:30
"the middle class is full of people just like her,"

now I'm really scared !:crazy:

September 14th, 2008, 06:41
Henry is not a libertarian, he is quite simply a racist right wing wacko.

September 14th, 2008, 21:50
Henry is not a libertarian, he is quite simply a racist right wing wacko.

Gee, don't let your labelling-frenzy carry you away! ;-)

As for the other posts putting down Sarah Palin, I will say it again (but you aren't listening): the REASON that Obama is losing this election is that everyone can see that he and his cheerleaders in the Democratic elite (and the media elite) don't like America and particularly don't like "average working Americans." Unless it's election-time of course.

As for Sarah Palin being "terrifying," well you must scare pretty easily. I would add that you aren't really scared of HER, you're scared of losing the election because of this "cruise missile from Middle America."

But getting back to that "right-wing wacko" nonsense. I grew up as a Democrat, and even voted for Jimmy Carter. But then I have to borrow a very perceptive line from Reagan: "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. They left me!"

When I was faced with the horrifying, abysmal choice between Kerry and Bush, I pulled the lever for Bush while holding my nose. This year, faced with the utterly weird choice between Obama and McCain, I am going to go with age and experience (plus lack of long association with known terrorists and America-haters.)

Curious, though: I am called a racist, and Jeremiah Wright gets a free pass.

Prediction: McCain landslide. Mr. Smarty-Pants Obama just blew the biggest "gimme" in the history of American politics. All he had to do was YAWN when Palin was announced. But he didn't do that.

Um, I guess it's OK if you vent on me. It's always somebody else's fault in Liberal-Land. Losing elections (constantly) could not POSSIBLY be related to the Democratic habit of nominating totally unacceptable candidates.

September 14th, 2008, 22:54
She's just a typical American women

Heaven forfend!

September 14th, 2008, 23:17
I have posted your comments from the Face sitting post, I will let others judge your racist tendencies from your response to that post.

From Henry Cate:

What an appalling title for a post..
Well, I guess this forum is partially moderated. But I think..

"Face-sitting is good for them, especially niggers"

"Face-sitting is good for them, especially Vietnamese"

"Face-sitting is good for them, especially Mexicans"

WHEW! And you still let this asshole post on this board???!!!!!

And you still let this asshole post on this board???!!!!!

In your own words it is the time for the administrator to get the asshole(you) banned from the board.

September 14th, 2008, 23:19
She's just a typical American women

Heaven forfend!

I don't think she is absolutely typical, but your horrified reaction spells one thing: YOU LOSE.

As in: Once again, all you "elite" people who despise the "burbs" and only come out cruising for votes at election time, well, excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but if you lose Middle America you lose the election.

This happened many times, but some clueless elites still think they they should be able to win the popular vote while despising the voters.

This is not Mao's China, duh.

Right-wing wacko,

Lunchtime O'Booze
September 15th, 2008, 10:10
Henry is not a libertarian, he is quite simply a racist right wing wacko.

Gee, don't let your labelling-frenzy carry you away! ;-)

As for the other posts putting down Sarah Palin, I will say it again (but you aren't listening): the REASON that Obama is losing this election is that everyone can see that he and his cheerleaders in the Democratic elite (and the media elite) don't like America and particularly don't like "average working Americans." Unless it's election-time of course.

As for Sarah Palin being "terrifying," well you must scare pretty easily. I would add that you aren't really scared of HER, you're scared of losing the election because of this "cruise missile from Middle America."

But getting back to that "right-wing wacko" nonsense. I grew up as a Democrat, and even voted for Jimmy Carter. But then I have to borrow a very perceptive line from Reagan: "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. They left me!"

When I was faced with the horrifying, abysmal choice between Kerry and Bush, I pulled the lever for Bush while holding my nose. This year, faced with the utterly weird choice between Obama and McCain, I am going to go with age and experience (plus lack of long association with known terrorists and America-haters.)

Curious, though: I am called a racist, and Jeremiah Wright gets a free pass.

Prediction: McCain landslide. Mr. Smarty-Pants Obama just blew the biggest "gimme" in the history of American politics. All he had to do was YAWN when Palin was announced. But he didn't do that.

Um, I guess it's OK if you vent on me. It's always somebody else's fault in Liberal-Land. Losing elections (constantly) could not POSSIBLY be related to the Democratic habit of nominating totally unacceptable candidates.

"the Democratic elite (and the media elite) don't like America and particularly don't like "average working Americans." Unless it's election-time of course"

well I'd dispute that but the Democratic Party has certainly lost it's support in the South were it once had a stranglehold-and the Republican Party has convinced "average working Americans." to vote against their own best interests.

But all those chooks are coming home to roost of course with the most right wing government in US history having to bail out private corportions like Fannie May etc after 30 years of scaling back government regulations. In Europe-we call this "socialism"

I don't think the Dems left Reagan-afterall he was practically a communist when he was in Hollywood-he simply crossed to the dark side for electoral purposes..anyway, as attractive as he was we know he had no control-even Nancy called more shots than Ronnie.

the media elite ?..step forward the Sun King Rupert Murdoch.

for the record : I love average working Americans
and ...I love average working American boys
and ....I lurve average working American boys from Texas :salute:

September 16th, 2008, 04:19
I once had a superb porno magazine called Young and Ready, full of them handsome Texas boys. Believe it or not, some asshole from Hong Kong stole it from me in Teheran, and I have never found a replacement copy.

The financial crisis in the U.S. was caused by the government. Have a look at the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, which I believe is still law. The CRA was passed by Congress in 1977, when Guess Who was President. It was strengthened by Clinton.

Nobody's talking about it because it was all totally bi-partisan. To oversimplify, the CRA forced banks to make the loans we regret today. And NOBODY wants to say OH THAT WAS MY IDEA. They are all hiding and lying. And I believe that the CRA is still on the books today.


Just your average rabid right-wing wacko,


Lunchtime O'Booze
September 16th, 2008, 07:49
I once had a superb porno magazine called Young and Ready, full of them handsome Texas boys. Believe it or not, some asshole from Hong Kong stole it from me in Teheran, and I have never found a replacement copy


Teheran ?..don't tell me your'e our resident CIA agent !

it fits doesn't it..Henry..Henri..