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View Full Version : Where to find masculine Thai Men

September 7th, 2008, 19:21
Am about to make my biennial pilgrimage to Thailand (Bkk & Phuket this time) and wondered if anyone could advise on where to find more masculine well built guys, commercial or not - the skinny young boy isn't my taste (not a comment on anyone else, just not my preference). I can relate to a string somewhere here about the preference for a bit more mature/older guy than your typical bar boy.

Yes, Tawan is usually high on the itinerary (muscle is ++ too) but are there other suitable other options ?

If anyone has recent experience or knowledge of Tawan guys that would be appreciated but maybe better for a private message. A general Tawan update would be good anyway.


September 7th, 2008, 22:48
You can go to any go-go boy club on soi Twilight and I think out of 20 of their "young men" you will find 1-2 guys that are masculine. You can also go to DJ Station, second floor, and find some "freelancers" that are buffed, they stand between the bar and the stairs to the third floor. There are also some masculine guys at the massage parlors such as HIS and Adonis you can pick up.

September 7th, 2008, 23:08
Chiang Mai is not in your plans (yet), but New My Way is packed with them.

September 7th, 2008, 23:10
gayromeo, gaydar, or recon (if you want edgy/kink guys).

September 8th, 2008, 06:39
My Way bar in Phuket seems to have them.

September 8th, 2008, 08:14
Chiang Mai is not in your plans (yet), but New My Way is packed with them.
I can second this!

September 8th, 2008, 10:09
How about Tawan down Trantawan Soi in BKK. Also Dream Boys down Soi Twilight. In July I cam accross another cute big-made guy at Fresh Beach Boys dwon Soi Twilight. Just out of the Army with a cute face and big body. Very clean and decent guy. He was the front page model in one of the gay magazines. I had the opportunity of taking him 1 day. It was a very pleasant evening. Speaks good english, currently studying Hair Stylist Program with one of the International schools, completed a degree prior to joining the army. Well groomed, clean. Take good care of him and treat him well. He is not of those seasoned bar boys. Just new and a good guy. His departing words to me was "Why are u so kind to people and you are one of the few people whom I have met treat the bar boys with dignity".

Guys don't miss out. Different experience to be with a handsome guy, with humility and good manners

September 8th, 2008, 11:09
Thai kick boxing events, can't go wrong!!

September 11th, 2008, 22:51
How about Tawan down Trantawan Soi in BKK. Also Dream Boys down Soi Twilight. In July I cam accross another cute big-made guy at Fresh Beach Boys dwon Soi Twilight. Just out of the Army with a cute face and big body. Very clean and decent guy. He was the front page model in one of the gay magazines. I had the opportunity of taking him 1 day. It was a very pleasant evening. Speaks good english, currently studying Hair Stylist Program with one of the International schools, completed a degree prior to joining the army. Well groomed, clean. Take good care of him and treat him well. He is not of those seasoned bar boys. Just new and a good guy. His departing words to me was "Why are u so kind to people and you are one of the few people whom I have met treat the bar boys with dignity".

Guys don't miss out. Different experience to be with a handsome guy, with humility and good manners

Guide the Original Poster to a place mentioned in his Original Posting. What a great idea! :-0

September 12th, 2008, 00:27
" ... His departing words to me was "Why are u so kind to people and you are one of the few people whom I have met treat the bar boys with dignity".
Guys don't miss out. Different experience to be with a handsome guy, with humility and good manners ... '
Love it when a 100% windup post consisting of sentimental hooey includes a fawning paen to the author (himself) disguised as an indication that Thai guys have humility and good manners.
Many Thai guys certainly possess those attributes, but exploiting them solely for the purpose of giving one's self a compliment is as phony as it gets. And how many Thai guys have you met who use the word "whom"?

Steve shirley ain't Kool. I can't for the life of me find the Posting Guideline which states that baleful stupidity is a banning offense. I'm certain it was there up until just recently . . . and in fact was the Guideline which ultimately got Boygeenyus kicked off the Board.

Cheers ...

September 12th, 2008, 04:36
And how many Thai guys have you met who use the word "whom"?Or for that matter "dignity". I would suggest that if such a sentiment were expressed it is more likely to have been "You have good heart, not same other farang" (or "falang").

September 12th, 2008, 06:35
In Soi Twilight BKK (curious name now), Dream Boys and The Boys would certainly have some bigger-build masculine guys.
Maybe also X-Boys and Fresh Beach Boys.
Unlikely to be found in Siam Angel Boys and Classic Boys.

Arena Massage certainly has some of these guys.